

Research on Construction of the Rural Financial System Based on the Functional Perspective

【作者】 李学春

【导师】 王家传;

【作者基本信息】 山东农业大学 , 农业经济管理, 2009, 博士

【摘要】 农村金融是现代农村经济的核心。我国农村金融体系几经改革,已取得了显著成效,但是,仍存较多不适应农村经济社会发展的需求问题。尤其是以机构范式为指导的农村金融改革,往往是以牺牲效率或违背市场发展方向为代价,忽略了对农村金融体系功能的关注。为此,如何构建功能完善、分工合理、产权明晰、监管有力、适应社会主义新农村建设需要的农村金融体系,充分发挥农村金融对农村经济的促进作用,是当前急需解决的一个重要课题。基于功能观点的金融体系改革在某种意义上超越了通常的机构范式。事实上,金融功能比金融机构更稳定,随着时间推移和区域的变化,金融功能的变化要小于金融机构的变化。此外,从金融功能观点来看,金融机构形态履行何种功能不应由政府当局人为地划定,并确定其从事的金融业务,限制来自其它机构或市场的竞争;而应由市场和这一机构的核心优势来决定。金融机构可能执行一项或多项功能,某项金融功能也并不一定要由同类金融机构来承担。如何将金融机构与金融功能之间进行有效的匹配以提高金融效率是任何金融机构确定未来的发展战略时必须解决的问题。本文基于金融功能研究范式,依据系统理论、金融功能理论、农业经济与农村金融理论,运用归纳与演绎分析、定性与定量分析以及比较分析等方法,首先,简要总结归纳了我国农村金融体系的历史沿革及金融功能的演进轨迹;接着,对现阶段新农村建设引致的农村金融需求进行了全面分析;随后,对二元经济体制下农村金融体系供给功能的现状进行分析,并探讨了与社会主义新农村建设相适应的农村金融体系构建和改革问题,以现实需求和发展方向为依据,明确了新农村金融体系的功能定位;在此基础上,系统阐述了我国农村建设中的金融体系构建的路径选择,确定了农村金融体系的机构构成和各自的职能分工,以期为我国深化农村金融体制改革提供了新的思路和有效的路径。全文共由九章构成。第一章为绪论,第二章阐述了系统、功能与结构理论,是新农村金融体系构建的理论基础,并对功能视角下的农村金融进行了理论界定;第三、四与五章是本文的重点内容,首先对新农村建设引致的农村金融需求特点进行了全面分析,接着实证剖析了在二元经济体制下我国农村的正规金融体系和非正规金融体系的构成、演变及其供给功能现状,随后系统探讨了农村正规金融资源配置功能的异化,农村非正规金融的畸形发展以及功能缺失的制度根源;第六章对国际上较为成功的农村金融体系的典型模式进行了总结,并指出值得我国借鉴之处;基于上述研究,第七章阐述了我国农村金融体系重构的总体思路及发展方向;第八章系统指出了基于功能视角的中国农村金融体系重构路径选择及其政策建议;第九章为研究结论。本文的主要研究结论是:(1)基于功能视角研究认识到:现代农村经济对金融资源的需求千差万别,而机构改革的举措虽不少,固有的问题却总得不到有效解决。一方面,由于没有相应的功能实现途径,农业发展对某些金融功能的需求得不到满足;另一方面,由于过度集中于某一途径来实现融资,某些金融功能又发挥过度。其结果必然是金融资源配置的效率受到损害。所以,如果忽略农村金融体系应该承担何种功能等基本问题必然会忽略改革的终极目标。基于功能观点的金融体系的改革重点是建立提供金融功能的机制。(2)计量分析表明:我国农村金融发展与经济增长之间存在显著的、很强的正相关关系,农村贷款投放的增加能够促进农村经济的增长。因此,为全面促进现代农业发展与新农村建设,不断提高农民收入,应进一步增加信贷资金的投入。(3)通过研究认为:现阶段我国农村金融系统中诸多弊端的主要原因不在于中介机构是否占居主导地位,而是由于政府的越位和缺位造成的。为了农村金融系统功能的充分发挥,需要调整和优化我国农村金融结构。应选择银行主导型的金融结构,大力发展农村地方中小金融机构,协调发展农村金融市场,同时做好农村金融服务系统的结构协调工作。(4)通过综合研究,提出了改革与重构我国农村金融体系功能的主体框架,即要构建农村政策性金融为主导、商业金融为主体、合作金融为基础、非银行金融机构与民间金融为有益补充的,功能齐全、竞争有序、服务“三农”的现代农村金融体系。为了实现上述目标,按照“一次规划、两步实施”原则,提出了构建功能完善的农村金融体系应由近期目标和中长期目标分步实现的构想。同时,还要进一步加强功能导向下政府调控职能的创新,以及完善农村金融市场竞争机制,为农村金融体系的功能发挥创造良好的体制、机制和市场环境。

【Abstract】 Rural finance becomes the core of modern rural economy. Though our rural financial system reforms several times and makes obvious achievements, there still exist a lot of problems that can’t meet the rural economic and social development needs. While, previous practices give evidence that former reform measures conducted by institutional paradigm tended to neglect paying enough attention to the function of rural financial system, which would probably lead to deficiency and deviation from the oriental of the market. Therefore, how to build a rural financial system with full function, reasonable division of labor, property rights and effective supervision to adapt to the needs of a new socialist countryside construction is very nessecary to promote the rural economy by the rural financial.In a sense, the reform of financial system based on functional concept goes even beyond the usual institutional paradigm. In fact, financial function is more stable than financial institutes. With passing of time and variations of regions, the changes for financial function would be smaller than that of the financial institute. Besides, in the view of function concept, the functions of the financial institutes can’t depend artificially on the governments and the governments can’t determine its financial services and can’t restrict the competition among the institutes. The functions of the financial institutes should be determined by the market and their core advantages. A financial institute can carry out a function or many functions and some function can’t belong to the same financial institutes. So how to effectively match the financial institutes and the functions to improve the financial effeciency is a problem that must be solved for any financial institute’s development strategies.This paper uses financial function as the research paradigm and the System Theory, Financial Function Theory, Agricultural Economy and Rural Finance Theory, with analysis of induction and deduction, Qualitative and Quantitative Analysis and Comparative Analysis as the research approaches, firstly, briefly sums up the history of our rural financial system and tracts down the evolution of financial functions; Following that, the paper gives a thorough analysis on the rural financial demand resulted from the building of new countryside at present; then, the article analyzes the current situation of the rural financial supply function and argues about the construction and the reform of the rural financial system, and makes clear the functions of the new rural financial system; at the basis of this, the paper systematically discusses the construction path of our rural financial system, and determines the composition of the rural financial institutions and their functional devision to supply new ideas and effective paths for the deepening reform of the rural financial system.The paper is made of 9 chapters. Chapter 1 is introduction. Chapter 2 presents the System Theory, the Financial Function Theory and the Structure Theory, and theoretically defines the rural finance at the perspective of function. It is the theory base. Chapter 3, Chapter 4, and Chapter 5 are the main part of the paper. In these chapters, the article firstly analyzes completely the features of the rural financial demand caused by the New Country Construction, and introduces the composition, evolution and activities in China’s rural regular and irregular financial institutions in the dual economic structure. After that, the paper reviews function dissimilation in deploying the rural regular financial resources, the lopsided development of the rural irregular finance and the system causes of the shortage of function. Chaper 6 summarizes the typical patterns of the successful rural systems in the world and points out the worth of our lessons. Based on the researches above, Chaper 7 presents the thorough ideas and the development direction for the reconstruction of our rural financial system; Chaper 8 points out sysmetically the paths and policy suggestions for the reconstruction of our rural financial system at the perspective of function; Chaper 9 draws the research conclusions.The paper’s main research conclusions are:(1) We know at the research perspective of function that: It is seriously defferent for the modern rural economy to need the financial resources; though there are many measures in the institute reforms, the inherent problems are not always solved effectively. At one hand, the agricultural development’s demands for some financial functions can’t be satisfied because of the lack of the path to achieve functions; at the other hand, some functions work overmuch because the finance is achieved overly by some path. The result must be that the efficiency in deploying the financial resources will be cut down. So, if the functions which the financial institues should bear are neglected, the reform’s final goal must be neglected. To build a system offering financial functions is an important point in the financial system reform at the perspective of functional concept.(2) Quantitative analysis shows that: There is obviously and strongly positive correlation between our rural financial development and the economic growth, and the increase in the rural credit can advance the rural economy. So, the rural loans should be increased to promote the modern agricultural development and the construction of the New Country and to increase the farmers’income.(3) We think that through researches: Many defects in the present rural financial system don’t result from whether intermediaries are dominant, but result from the governments’offside and absence. It is necessary to adapt and optimize our rural financial structure to make the function of the rural financial system work fully. We should select bank-oriented financial structure, develop strongly small and medium-sized financial institutions in rural areas, and coordinate the development of rural financial markets, meanwhile do well in the structure coordination for the rural financial service system.(4) Through comprehensive study, the paper puts forward the main framework to reform and resconstruct the function of the rural financial system. That is to say, the full-featured, orderly competitive, serving "three rural" and modern rural financial system should be built, with the rural policy finance as its orientation, commercial finance as its body, cooperative finance as its base and non-bank financial institutions and private finance as its useful complement. To achieve the goal above, the paper puts forward an idea that the fully functional rural financial system should be set up by two-step of short-term goals and long-term goals. At the same time, it is important to further strengthen the creation of the governments’regulation and control under the direction of function and to improve the competition mechanism of the rural financial market. Thus, the functions of the rural financial system can work well in a good system and mechanism and market environment.


