

Research on Property Rights System Reform and Operational Result of Rural Credit Cooperatives

【作者】 宋磊

【导师】 王家传;

【作者基本信息】 山东农业大学 , 农业经济管理, 2009, 博士

【摘要】 农村金融是现代农村经济的核心。现代农业及新农村建设,需要大量资金,除依靠国家财政进一步加大投入外,很大部分应来自于农村金融机构(主要是农村信用社)和社会资金的支持。农村信用社(以下简称“农信社”)作为我国金融体系的重要组成部分,系农村经济社会发展中重要的资本要素配置机构,在支持农村经济体制改革、促进农村经济与社会发展中发挥着举足轻重的作用。建国以来,历经半个世纪的制度变迁,特别是自国发【2003】15号文件《国务院关于深化农村信用社改革试点方案的通知》的颁布实施,揭开了新一轮农信社试点改革的序幕,产权制度改革是此轮改革的重点与难点。迄今,农信社产权制度改革历时5年有余,各项工作有序推进,取得了重要的阶段性成果;但实践运行中也存在诸多不容忽视的问题。基于此,深入研究此轮农信社产权制度的改革进程,全面反映和客观评价其试点改革的运行成效,旨在巩固改革成果,纠正实践运行中的偏差与不足,在此基础上,进一步提出改革与深化农信社产权制度,完善法人治理结构,全面提升综合竞争实力的政策性建议。这对于促进我国农信社改革成为产权明晰、经营有特色的现代农村金融企业,全力支持现代农业及新农村建设具有重要的理论价值和实践指导意义。本研究以合作经济理论、产权经济学、新制度经济学、农业经济学、金融学、博弈论等相关学科理论为基础,综合运用实证调研(发放调查问卷与实地走访座谈相结合)、数量经济研究、定性规范分析(系统分析、对比分析、图析分析、因果分析和归纳演绎)等方法,以农信社产权制度改革与运行成效为研究主线,阐述了我国农信社产权制度变迁的规律性及其特征;总结、归纳了自2003年以来新一轮农信社产权制度试点改革的运行状况,依据国发15号文件的政策目标,自行设计了一套针对“农信社产权制度改革与运行成效”评价的共计8个层面30余项指标体系,以山东、江苏、上海等地农信社的改革与运行状况作为实证分析依据,对此轮农信社试点改革中不同产权制度及其组织形式的实践状况与运行成效作出了较为全面客观的反映和系统评价。肯定改革取得阶段性成果的同时,对其间存在的诸多问题进行了深入剖析和原因探讨;在借鉴国外农村合作金融产权制度、发展模式及运行机制建设等方面的先进经验的基础上,系统提出了以深化农信社股权改革,明晰产权关系,完善法人治理结构,创新内控制度,全面提升运行成效为重点的基本理论框架与对策体系。本研究的主体框架与内容:第一、选题背景、目的与意义。阐明本研究的方法、技术路线、结构安排与主体框架等内容;并对研究对象的范围予以界定和说明。第二、对合作金融、产权制度等相关概念和理论基础的阐述。第三、按照历史演进的逻辑,回顾了我国农信社产权制度的变迁。第四、对农信社产权制度与组织形式改革的现状及其特征进行了比较分析。重点阐释了股份合作制这一中国特色的产权制度在我国的制度适应性和必要性问题。第五、以山东、江苏、上海等地农信社产权制度改革的实地调研资料为依据,着重对2003年新一轮试点改革以来,农信社产权制度改革现状与运行成效作出了实证分析。第六、基于前述研究的相关结论,对农信社产权制度改革趋势与组织体系架构等问题提出了具有前瞻性的新见解。第七、在归纳借鉴国外农村合作金融产权制度建设经验的基础上,提出了改革与建设我国农信社产权制度的相关政策性建议。第八、对本研究的主要结论予以梳理,并指出了尚待进一步深入探讨的问题。主要研究结论与观点:1、农村经济决定农村金融,农村金融反作用于农村经济。我国不同地区经济、社会发展水平的差异,决定了农信社应当且只能采取不同类型的产权制度及其组织形式,这是符合农村客观经济规律及现实国情的必然选择。需要指出的是:在当前我国由传统计划经济向市场经济转型的过程中,股份合作制产权制度有其特殊的制度必要性和适应性,是适于我国国情的中国特色的产权制度,因而得以在大多数农信社中推广适用;并经实践证明,对于促进我国农信社的改革和发展,推动现代农业与新农村建设发挥了积极而重要的作用。2、农信社产权制度改革应坚持“因地、因社”制宜的原则,多种产权制度及其组织形式并存。本研究通过对合作制、股份合作制、股份制三种产权制度及其组织形式(县一级法人体制、县乡二级法人体制<极少>、农村合作银行、农村商业银行)的制度现状、特征、运行成效等方面的理论分析、比较和实证研究;得出了如下结论:合作制适宜于我国目前农村经济、社会发展相对落后地区的农信社;股份合作制适宜于我国中、东部大部分地区的农信社;股份制适宜于沿海经济发达地区的农信社。其中,尤以股份合作制这一中国特色的产权制度在农信社实施的制度背景和运行成效作为本研究的重点和难点之一。3、农信社产权制度改革的成效显著,但问题仍存。本研究通过对全国首轮试点改革省份:山东、江苏、上海等地农信社产权制度改革状况的实地调研、资料搜集、统计汇总、计量检验和实证研究,得出:一方面,总体上讲,此轮农信社产权制度改革,取得了毋庸置疑的成绩。另一方面,改革中亦存在诸多问题与矛盾:股权设置仍存“禁锢”,法人治理结构及其功能发挥的“形式重于实质”;经营效益提升的政策依赖度偏高;贷款质量改善的成本过大;行业管理体制不顺;内控与激励-约束机制的落实程度尚待进一步提升等。于此基础上,对新一轮农信社产权制度改革状况和运行成效作出了客观反映与系统评价。构成了本研究的重点和创新点。4、结合实证研究的结论,对农信社产权制度改革趋势与组织体系架构进行了探讨:(1)近阶段,农信社应稳定现存的产权制度及其组织形式,苦练“内功”,利用有利时机,扩充资本实力,提升综合竞争力。长远而论,个别地区,可以实施规范的合作制金融组织形式;农信社股份合作制及其组织形式是我国体制转型时期的产权过渡,最终将向组织形式多样、经营特色明显的股份制农村商业性金融机构发展。(2)提出了“三级”农信社整体组织体系架构的设想。并对各级农信社系统构成及其职能定位进行了论证和阐释,力图妥善解决目前农信社行业管理体制中的制度安排困境,健全与完善法人治理结构及其功能发挥,实现可持续发展。(3)农信社产权制度建设的监管体制创新。从内部监管和外部监管二个层面对农信社产权制度改革与建设中的若干问题提出了几点设想。构成了本研究的创新点。5、农信社产权制度改革与建设的政策性建议。首先归纳和借鉴了国外农村合作金融产权制度的先进经验与启示,结合前述章节对农信社产权制度改革的实证研究和相关结论,提出了建设与完善农信社产权制度的政策性建议:(1)从规范股权设置、发挥“三会一层”功能实质,健全农信社“职工大会民主管理制”等方面,进一步完善农信社产权制度及其法人治理结构。(2)健全与完善农信社产权制度改革的政策机制。根据农信社信贷业务的不同性质,分别在财政贴补息、利率优惠、货币政策与银行业监管等多方面给予农信社不同的扶持和保障。(3)建立健全农村信用社制度运行法规。

【Abstract】 Rural finance is the core of agricultural economy. Construction of Modern agriculture and the new rural areas requires a large amount of capital input , in addition to relying on the state’s financial resources , the majority should come from the rural financial agencies (mainly is rural credit cooperatives in Chinese) and social capital support. As an important element of the allocation of capital in rural economic development, rural credit cooperative (RCC)is the essential elements of capital allocation agencies in rural economic and social development. RCC played a decisive role in supporting rural economic restructuring and promoting rural economy and society’s development.Since the founding of the PRC and half a century’s institutional change, especially the 15th States document [2003], promulgation and implementation of <The State Council’s inform on deepening the reform of rural credit cooperatives’pilot programme > , has opened a new round of the pilot reform of the Rural Credit Cooperatives, reform the property rights system has been difficulty and focus of this round of reform. So far as more than five years, reform RCC’s property rights system had been achieved many results, but at the same time there are also many problems not to be neglected. Based on this, deeply research this round of RCC’s property rights system’s reform, roundly reflect and objectively evaluate the new sequence of rural credit cooperatives’property rights system reform and operational result , in order to solidify the achievements that have been made, correct deviation and lacking in practice, ulteriorly propose some constructive suggestions about reforming and intensifying RCC’s property rights system’s reform, improve corporate governance, roundly upgrade overall competitive strength .which has high theoretical value and directive significance in reforming RCC to be modern rural financial institutions which has distinct property right and idiomatical operation , and sparing no effort to support modern agriculture and new rural communities construction.This research guided by the basic theory and discipline of cooperative economy, property rights economics, neo-institutional economics, agronomics ,finance, and game theory.Multiply utilized investigated communities (handed out "subject investigation questionnaire" and investigation ) ,quantitative &technical economics, qualitative and Normative analysis (systems analysis, relative analysis,graphic viscosity, causal analysis and inductive deductive reasoning ), mainly lined on the property rights’reform of RCC and its operational effectiveness, explored changing law and development trends of property rights’reform of RCC, summarized and concluded the results of rural credit cooperatives’property rights system since 2003,based on policy goal of the 15th States document [2003], self-designed a set of index system of“rural credit cooperatives’property rights system reform”which included eight aspects and thirty items.Made positive analysis based on reform of rural credit cooperatives’property rights system including Shan dong ,Jiang su , Shang hai . made an objective analysis and evaluation on the status and operation of of rural credit cooperatives’property rights reform. To be sure of interim achievements in reform, made deeply analysis and investigation of its constraints, learned experience of developmental pattern, operation mechanism and the institutional environment’s establishment of foreign rural credit cooperatives’property rights system construction selectively, systematically proposed basic framework and operational system of clarifying property right, improve corporate governance ,innovate inside control system,promote of rural credit cooperatives’management result roundly .This study’s framework and main contents are as follows:Firstly, Background, purpose and significance of the research subject. Clarified methods and techniques , stuctured arrangement and main frame structure of the research, defined and explained the scope of the research subject. Secondly, expounded the related concepts and theories of co-operation finance, property rights system. Thirdly, reviewed the changes of rural credit cooperatives according with the RCC’s logical historical evolution. Fourthly, made a comparative analysis of the reform status quo and characteristics of the property rights system of rural credit cooperatives. Illuminated Chinese characteristic joint stock cooperative system’s flexibility and necessity . Fifthly, made an objective analysis and evaluation on the status and operation of of rural credit cooperatives’property rights reform since 2003,based on the research of information about Shandong, Jiangsu, Shanghai and so on . Sixthly, based on foregoing related research and conclusions, put forward new ideas and forward-looking of RCC’s property rights system’s reform and organizational structure. Seventhly, summarized and referenced the experience of foreign rural credit cooperatives’property rights, and gave recommendations on reforming and constructing of RCC’s property rights. Eighthly, carded main conclusions of this study, and pointed out questions which should be further deeply explored.The main point and conclusions of this study are as follows:Firstly, Rural economy decides rural finance, rural finance plays counterproductive role on rural economy. Rural credit cooperatives should use different types of property rights system and its organizational form, according to different situations of Chinese regional economy and social development status, which is subject to economic laws in rural areas and the actual situation of our country. But we should bear in mind that : at present, the joint-stock cooperative system has its unique system necessity and adaptability from the traditional planned economy to a market economy, which is suitable for our country’s national conditions and applicated in majority of the RCC, be proved that had played an active and important role of promoting RCC’s reform and development and promote modern agriculture and new rural construction.Secondly, reform of Rural credit cooperatives’property rights system should insist on principle of" adjust measures to local conditions ,and adjust measures to society conditions ", select suitable property rights system and organizational forms according to their own conditions. Through theoretical analysis, comparison and empirical research on the theoretical analysis, comparison and empirical research on system status, characteristics and operation effectiveness about cooperation, joint-stock cooperative system, property rights system (legal system at the county level, county and township secondary legal system<little>, rural cooperative bank, rural commercial bank); drawed the following conclusions: cooperative system suitable for the RCC which existed in the present relatively backward economic and social development of areas; joint-stock cooperatives suitable for the middle eastern parts of rural credit cooperatives in our country, Stock suitable for the coastal economically developed areas of rural credit cooperatives. System implementated background and operational effectiveness of joint-stock cooperative system of property rights system with Chinese characteristics is particularly focus and difficulty of this study. Thirdly, Property rights reform of rural credit cooperatives has achieved remarkable achievement, but existed many problems also.Based on the field research, gather material, statistical summary, quantitative inspection and empirical study of the first round of the first national pilot reform provinces: Shandong, Jiangsu, Shanghai , drawed the following conclusions: on one aspect ,property rights reform of rural credit cooperatives has achieved undoubted achievement since 2003 totally;on the other hand, exist many problems and contradictions:“durance”in share structure installation ,”Substance Over Form”of corporate governance structure and its function , high depends on the police, big cost of loan quality improving , deficiencies in the management system, implement of the internal-risk control and stimulation-restraint mechanism and so on. Mainly relied on empirical study results of RCC’s property rights’reform since 2003, made an objective analysis and evaluation on the status and operation of of rural credit cooperatives’property rights reform. These are emphases and innovations of this study.Fourthly, Made pre-researches on property rights reform tendency and developmental pattern of RCC ,based on the empirical study conclusion .(1) Exploration and development trends of RCC’s property rights’reform .At preaset, Rural credit cooperatives should stable existing system of property rights and forms of organization, training "Internal Strength", make use of favorable opportunities, expand capital strength and enhance overall competitiveness . On long terms , individual areas’rural credit cooperatives can implement cooperative norms; but on the overall sense, joint-stock property rights system is the transitional property rights under the special circumstances of transition, and turned to be joint-stock rural financial organizations with diversified organization and clear operating characteristics. (2) Imagine on the whole organizational system of RCC. Proposed the "three-tier" system’s organizational structure and their respective functions, trying to resolve the provincial association of provincial and grass-roots rural credit cooperatives properly, robust and perfect RCC’s corporate governance structure and its function, so as to ensure sustainable and healthy development of rural credit cooperatives.(3) Innovation of supervision system of RCC’s property rights reform. Put forward some imagination about property rights reform of rural credit cooperatives from internal and external supervision, which constituted innovation of this study. Fifthly, Policy recommendations on reform and Construction of RCC’s property rights’reform . Summed up and learned from advanced experience and enlightenment of foreign rural cooperative financial system’s property rights. Combined of empirical research and innovation of the aforementioned sections of the property rights system of rural credit cooperatives, gave recommendations on reform and Construction of RCC’s property rights’reform:(1) Further improved the rural credit cooperatives’property rights and their corporate governance structure from norming share structure installation, unleashing function of”general meeting of shareholders, board of directors, board of supervisors and managers of the companies”, stronging RCC’s”Assembly of staff and worker’s democratic management”.(2) Improve and modify policy system of RCC’s property rights’reform. Give assistance and ensurance for RCC in terms of discount government loan, linked interest rate, monetary policy and mechanism for oversight and management of the banking sector, according to Miscellaneous credit operations of RCC.(3)Establish and improve the organizational laws’system of rural credit cooperatives.


