

Research on the Development of Agri-product Retailing in Supermarket

【作者】 王晓红

【导师】 胡继连;

【作者基本信息】 山东农业大学 , 农业经济管理, 2009, 博士

【摘要】 经过三十年的农村经济改革,我国农业生产从总量短缺过渡到生产剩余,人民生活水平有了很大提高,食品消费结构和消费方式也发生了较大变化,更加注重食品质量安全,提倡健康营养消费。作为连接生产和消费的农产品零售流通终端也在变革,由传统的农贸市场零售形式转向现代化超市零售模式,这种新的零售模式适应了人们新的消费需求,农产品超市零售对农业生产有着极大地影响,但其发展过程曲折缓慢,在这种背景下,运用消费理论、新制度经济学以及产业组织理论等,结合实际案例,解析研究农产品超市零售的发展具有重要的理论意义和现实意义。本论文共分五部分,第一部分,第1章导言。农产品超市零售发展问题的提出和研究背景分析,在综述国内外研究现状的基础上,提出研究的基本思路、结构框架和方法。第二部分,第2章从消费者需求角度,实证分析农产品超市零售满足消费者农产品以及农产品购买场所的需求情况。第3章首先对我国农产品零售流通制度历史变迁过程和农产品超市零售的萌发进行新制度经济学解释。然后运用组织变革理论,分析农产品超市零售演进发展的动力机制和影响因素,从而阐述农产品超市零售发展的客观必然性。第三部分,第4章运用产业组织理论SCP范式,对比分析农贸市场与超市农产品零售组织的市场结构、行为和市场绩效;以及农产品超市零售发展的国际比较与借鉴。第四部分,第5章结合案例分析阐述农产品超市零售发展在传统农业向现代农业转变过程中牵动和提升的实际效应。第五部分,第6章综合分析农产品超市零售发展的制约因素和推进对策。从提高超市农产品零售经营能力、政府政策支持以及农产品生产者在农产品超市零售发展中的调适作用三个方面,提出推进农产品超市零售发展的对策。最后是结论。消费是生产发展的动力,消费为生产创造出新的动力,一个新的消费热点的出现,往往带动一个新的产业的形成和发展。在市场经济、买方市场条件下,供给日益过剩,消费者已经成为主宰市场的绝对力量,只有那些胜任消费需求的零售业态才有生命力。在发达国家和地区,超市已经成为农产品零售市场主导业态,而在我国超市能否取代农贸市场在城市农产品流通格局中的传统主渠道地位,其发展关键在于能否适应城市消费者的农产品需求特征。因此本文首先从消费者需求角度,实证分析消费者农产品需求和选择行为对农产品超市零售的影响,结果表明:超市出售的农产品在总体质量、安全卫生、购物环境、信誉、品种和包装、储备保障等方面占有绝对优势,超市农产品零售满足了消费者追求食品多样性、个性化、舒适方便的高质量的生活需求;受收入水平的约束,农产品的价格是影响消费者到超市购买农产品的主要因素之一。消费者不论是选择购买场所还是选择农产品,把农产品质量安全性放在第一位。农产品超市零售的发展还取决于能否与生产者进行有效对接,本文接着从农产品生产和流通制度安排角度,阐述农产品超市零售的萌发过程和运行情况。我国农产品零售制度经历了从强制性制度变迁到诱致性制度变迁的过程,农产品超市零售是社会经济发展到一定时期的的客观必然结果,消费需求和市场竞争发展的诱致是主要的,政府的流通政策起到一定的推动作用。目前从经营者和消费者方面看,由于其收益并不大于成本,农产品超市零售的组织制度很难在短期内通过诱致性变迁实现。农产品超市零售在我国的发展起伏波动,从进入我国的外资超市销售小部分生鲜农产品开始,到沿海一些大城市进行的“农改超”运动,在政府的推动下经历了短暂的轰轰烈烈;而后大型综合超市的农产品零售从速度和规模上都有了很大发展。本文运用自组织耗散结构理论对农产品零售从组织发展角度对其演进机理进行描述,农产品零售组织在发展演进过程中,要充分利用各种有利条件,减少和克服组织内外各种因素的阻碍,不断寻找向超市零售理想模式过渡的途径。在农贸市场和超市两种模式并存的环境下,这两类不同的市场主体,其运行机制和市场行为、绩效都存在着差异。运用产业组织理论SCP范式,将超市与农贸市场的市场结构、行为和市场绩效做了对比。农贸市场主体多元化,基本属于完全竞争的“原子型”市场结构,经营者为社会提供的是尽可能低的价格和最高的可能产量,消费者只需支付最低的价格。它是市场发育程度较低阶段的产物,产业利润率较低,没有统一规范的组织管理制度,不能增加社会福利。但人们的收入水平和农业生产水平影响,农贸市场仍有其存在的客观条件。农产品超市的市场结构特点:市场集中度高、存在高进入壁垒和退出成本、实行产品的差别化。超市经营农产品是出于竞争的需要和赢利的动力,把生鲜农产品作为其“集客力”,带动关联销售,能够向消费者提供安全优质、种类丰富的产品及舒适的购物环境,市场占有率不断提高。超市农产品经营规模有待扩大,但采购渠道不够完善,成本较高。农产品超市零售通过现代经营理念和经营技术,带来农业生产过程和组织制度的变革。由于我国目前农业生产制度安排的制约、流通主体发育迟缓、流通制度的政府保障与推动机制不健全,长期以来生产和市场不能有效对接,造成大量优质、品牌农产品无法实现优质优价和农民增收,农产品质量标准不能很好地实施等问题。超市在采购过程中,通过与生产者有效的联接方式,准确及时传递农产品需求信息,降低市场风险,解决信息不对称而带来的优质农产品“逆向选择”问题,实现农产品的优质优价。超市对生产者提出了比传统零售方式更高、更严格的标准,首先要求分散的农产品生产者加入到专业经济合作组织中,而且还主动参与到生产环节中,引导着农业生产的发展过程和方向,改变传统的农产品生产方式,优化农产品产业结构,促使生产者实施标准化生产,不断采用先进的生产技术,提高农产品质量,实现农产品品牌化,加快向现代农业的转变。农产品超市零售的发展需要超市、农产品生产者、政府以及消费者的合力去推进。针对农产品超市零售发展的制约因素,提出推进发展的对策。超市要通过经营机制的创新,扬长避短满足消费者需求;扩大经营规模,积极寻找与生产者之间有效的对接途径,降低成本、降低农产品价格,为消费者提供优质安全、物美价廉的农产品,提高竞争能力,才能生存和发展。政府应充分运用市场手段,积极组织协调超市与生产者之间的对接关系,并提供相应的政策保障;为农产品超市零售的发展实施监督功能、提供公共政策服务。农产品生产者应提高自身素质,加强生产中的质量管理意识,尽快融入到超市零售的采购体系中。

【Abstract】 After three decades of rural economic reforms, China’s agricultural production has transformed from the total shortage to productive surplus. People’s living standards have greatly improved.The food consumption structure and consumption patterns have also greatly changed, so people pay more attention to food quality and safety and promote healthy and nutritional consumption. The retail circulation of terminals, which connect production and consumption of agricultural products are also changing, which transfer from the tradition of the retail forms of farmers market to the modernization of the retail model of supermarket .This new retail model adapts to the new consumer demand. The retail model of supermarket of agricultural products has greatly impacted on agricultural production, but its development process is slow twists and turns. In this context, using consumer theory, new institutional economics and industrial organization theory and so on, combined with practical cases analyzes and studys the development of the retail stores of agricultural products, which has an important theoretical and practical significance.This study is divided into five parts. Part I is Chapter 1 Introduction. The retail development problems of the agricultural supermarket are proposed and research background is analyzed. On the basis of the review of research status at home and abroad, basic ideas, structural framework and methodology are proposed in the study.The second part of Chapter 2, from the view of consumer demand, empirical analysis is done about the demand situation that the supermarket retail of agricultural products meets consumer to purchase agricultural products as well as chooses the sites to purchase agricultural products.Chapter 3, firstly, explains retail circulation system in new system economics ,which is about agricultural history and evolution and the germination of the supermarket retail of agricultural products in our country .Then, using organizational reform theory analyzes the dynamic mechanisms of the evolution development and the impact factors of agricultural products in the retail supermarket, so it expounds the objective necessity of the development of the supermarket retail of agricultural products. Part III, Chapter 4, using SCP paradigm of industrial organization theroy, does a comparative analysis about market structure, conduct and market performance between the farmers markets and the supermarket retail organizations of agricultural products, as well as the supermarket retail development of agricultural products from the internation.Part IV, Chapter 5, combining cases analysis, studies the actual driven effect of the supermarket retail development of agricultural production to the process of agricultural product in guiding the changing process from traditional agriculture to modern agriculture. Part V, Chapter 6,does a comprehensive analysis of constraint factors and promoting countermeasures of the agricultural supermarket retail development. It poses the countermeasures to promote the agricultural supermarket retail development from three aspects , such as raising the capacity of supermarket agro-retail business, the supporting of the Government to public policy, as well as the regulation function of agricultural producers in the development of the agricultural supermarket retail.At last,it is a conclusion.Consumption is the driving force behind the production and consumption creates a new impetus for the production . The occuring of a new consumption hot spot often leads to a new industry formation and development. In the conditions of market economy and buyer’s market, the supply is increasingly surplus, and consumers have become the absolute forces to master the market, so only those retail formats which can qualify the consumer demand have the vitality. In developed countries and regions, the supermarket has become the dominant format to the retail market of agricultural products, while in our country, whether the supermarket can replace the traditional status of the main channel of farmers market in the circulation pattern of the city’s agricultural products lies in whether the key of their development can adapt to the demand characteristics of agricultural products of urban consumers. So this article, first of all, from the perspective of consumer demand, does the empirical analysis of the agricultural demand of consumers and the influence of behavior chosen to the supermarket retail of agricultural products. The results show that the sales of agricultural products in supermarkets have absolute advantages in overall quality, safety and health, shopping environment, the credibility ,varieties and packaging, reserves protected and so on, and that the supermarket retail of agricultural products meet consumers to pursuit of retail food diversity, personalization, the comfort ,convenient and high quality life demand. Whether consumers choose sites to buy or choose to buy agricultural products, the first regarding is the quality and safety of agricultural products. Being restrained by income level, prices of agricultural products are the major factor that influences consumers to purchase of agricultural products from the supermarket. Whether consumers choose the place to buy or choose agricultural products, the quality and safety of agricultural products is always in the first place.The development of supermarket retail of agricultural products also depends on where it has an effective link with the producers.Then, this article expounds the germination process and the operation situation to the supermarkets retail of agricultural products from the perspective of the production of agricultural products and circulation of institutional arrangements.China’s retail system of agricultural products experienced a process from the change of the mandatory system to the change of induced institution. Supermarket retail of agricultural products is the objective and inevitable result to a certain period of socio-economic development. In this process, consumer demand and the development of the market competition are the main inducement, besides, the flow policies of government play a role in promoting. At present, from the operator and the consumer side, because their income is not greater than the cost, so the organizational system of the supermarket retail of agricultural products is very difficult to achieve through the induced changes in the short term.Supermarket retail of agricultural products in China is fluctuation,from the sale of a small number of fresh agricultural products by foreign investment supermarkets in our country to the "super-agricultural reform" movement launched by a number of major cities,which experienced a short-term dynamic under the impetus of the government.And then,large-scale comprehensive supermarket retail sales of agricultural products have a great development on the speed and scale.Using dissipative structure theory ,this artical describes the evolution mechanism of the development of agricultural retail industry organization. Retail organizations of agricultural products in the development of evolution should make full use of favorable conditions to reduce and overcome the impediment of a variety of factors from both inside and outside of organizations, and constantly look for the way of transition to the ideal model of supermarket retail. In the co-exist environment of two models of farmers markets and supermarkets, these two different types of market player have differences in its operating mechanism and market behavior. Using SCP paradigm of industrial organization theory does a comparison in market structure, conduct and market performance between supermarkets and farmers market. The farmers market are diversify,which essentially belong to the "atomic-type" market structure of perfect competition,and the operator is to provide the community with the lowest possible prices and the highest possible yield and consumers only pay the lowest price. It is the product of the low level of market development stage, which has lower industry profit margins, no standardized system of organization and management and can not increase social welfare. However,because of the effect of people’s income level and the level of agricultural production, farmer’s market still has the objective conditions of its existence.Retail market of agricultural products exists intense competition, such as the competition between farmers market and supermarket, the competition between supermarkets. It shows the market structure features of agricultural supermarket , which are a high market concentration, high barriers to entry and exit costs, the implementation of product differentiation. Supermarket operators of agricultural products is the need for competition and the driving force of profitability. Regarding the agricultural products as its“the power of collecting consumers”is able to provide consumers with safe and high quality, wide variety of products and a comfortable shopping environment, so the market share is increasingly rising. Supermarkets have the deficiencies in the operating scale of agricultural products, cost and operating management.Supermarket retail of agricultural products brought about the reform of the process of agricultural production and organizational systems by modern operating philosophy and technology. As a result of China’s current constraints of institutional arrangements for the production, the growth retardation of the flow of the main, the unsound government protective and promotive mechanism of the circulation system, and not an effective docking between the production and marketing for a long time, all of these result in a large number of high-quality, brand can not achieve higher prices for better quality agricultural products and farmers income, and agricultural quality standards are not well implemented and so on.Supermarkets in the procurement process, through the way of effective linkages with producers, the demand information of agricultural products can be deliveried accurately and timely, market risks can be reduced, and the "adverse selection" problem of high-quality agricultural products brought about by the information asymmetry can also be solved,as a result ,we can achieve higher prices for better quality agricultural products.Supermarkets put forward much higher and more stringent standards than the traditional retail methods to the producers. First of all, they require the scattered agricultural producers join into the professional organization for Economic Co-operation, but also actively participate in the production chain. They should guide the development process and direction of the agricultural production, change the traditional agricultural production methods and optimize the industrial structure of agricultural products. All of these promote producers to implement standardized production, adopt increasingly advanced production technology, improve the quality of agricultural products, achieve the brand of agricultural products and speed up the transformation to modern agriculture.The development of the supermarket retail of agricultural products needs supermarkets, agricultural producers, government and consumers to work together to promote. Be aimed at constraints of the development of the supermarket retail of agricultural products, this study puts forward measures to promote their development. Supermarkets are able to survive and develop, only through the ways of various innovation, seeking to reduce costs and reducing the prices of agricultural products to provide consumers with the cheap and good quality agricultural products and enhance their ability of competitiveness . Government should make full use of market-based instruments, and actively organize and coordinate the docking relationship between supermarkets and producers, carry on supervision functions for the development of the supermarket retail of the agricultural products and provide public policy services. Agricultural producers should improve their own quality, and join in the supermarket retail as soon as possible.

  • 【分类号】F721.7;F323.7
  • 【被引频次】26
  • 【下载频次】2848
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