

Research on Change and Innovation of the Rural Financial Institutions in China Based on Perspective of Institutional Equilibrium

【作者】 邓岩

【导师】 王家传;

【作者基本信息】 山东农业大学 , 农业经济管理, 2009, 博士

【摘要】 解决“三农”问题,离不开农村金融的大力支持。农村金融是现代农村经济的核心,农村金融发展和农村经济增长的关系是否协调,决定着农村经济社会发展水平。随着我国社会主义新农村建设的快速推进,农村领域对于经济资源的需求不断扩大,但是农村金融制度供给却出现了严重不足的状况。一方面,整个农村金融体系存在着正规金融机构单一化和垄断化的态势,非正规金融抑制严重;另一方面,农村金融服务需求呈现多层次性和多样性的特点。本文遵循了理论基础→实践问题→实证研究→应用研究的基本研究思路。将制度因素作为解释农村金融发展的内生与决定性变量,从农村金融制度供求角度对于转型期我国农村金融制度变迁问题进行了系统分析。首先提出了我国现行的农村金融制度不适应现代农业和农村经济发展需求的命题,接着对农村金融制度非均衡的现状进行分析,并且运用制度经济学的基本原理对农村金融制度非均衡的问题进行经济学解析;随后,运用比较分析和数据包络分析等多种分析方法,以山东省农信社为例,系统分析了农村金融制度变迁的绩效状况;在通过对美国、法国、德国、日本、印度等国家农村金融制度变迁的路径分析,寻找借鉴之处和对我国制度变迁的重要启示后,针对我国农村金融制度非均衡对农村金融发展的制约因素,提出了我国农村金融制度改革与创新的政策性建议。论文共设计了八章内容:第一章是导论,第二章是农村金融制度变迁的理论基础,第三章对中国农村金融制度变迁历程进行了简要总结与归纳,第四、五和六章是论文重点调研的内容,首先对我国农村金融制度供求与非均衡的现状及其存在的问题进行了全面分析,接着对农村金融制度供求非均衡问题运用制度经济学进行了原因探究,进而以山东省农信社为例,系统分析了农村金融制度变迁的绩效状况;第七章阐述了国外农村金融制度变迁的经验借鉴与启示,第八章,根据以上调研结论,有针对性的提出了基于制度均衡视角的中国农村金融制度改革与创新的政策性建议。主要研究结论:(1)通过理论基础分析,把制度作为经济发展的“内生”变量引入经济分析,建立了本文的理论分析框架:制度供给→制度需求→制度非均衡→制度创新→制度均衡;变迁的收益﹥成本是变迁的动因,产生制度变迁绩效;如果制度变迁会降低统治者可获得的效用或威胁到统治者的生存,那么国家将仍然会维持某种无效率的不均衡,即“诺斯悖论”。从而为农村金融制度非均衡变迁以及制度绩效的研究奠定了理论基础。(2)在我国经济转型期,“三农”问题凸显,农村经济社会发展扩大了对农村金融的需求;与此相适应,农村金融制度在农村经济的发展中也进行了不断地调整,然而这种调整却表现出了明显的非均衡性,即农村金融制度的供求出现了严重的不均衡。主要表现在适应性差、效率性低、完备性不足。通过研究认为制度供求非均衡的主要原因是:从宏观上看,强制性制度变迁方式中政府作用的过度发挥和其所存在路径依赖特性;从微观的角度分析,国有金融机构存在租金偏好和效率偏好的矛盾,合作金融机构卖方垄断、产权缺陷、制度选择集合狭小,形成制度约束和制度冲突;民间金融制度由于政府特殊的制度偏好、意识形态刚性等原因阻碍其发展使得目前的金融制度体现出有效性制度供给不足和无效性制度供给过剩并存的严重不均衡状态。(3)通过比较分析、数据包络分析,本文以山东省农信社为例,实证分析了农村金融制度变迁的绩效状况,结论是:新一轮农村信用社改革取得了很大的成效,但是制度因素对农信社效率的促进作用并不显著,农信社变迁的绩效主要来自政策性因素,由此说明了我国农村金融制度存在一定的问题。这一结论与前述的理论分析相一致。(4)通过对美国、法国、日本、德国、印度等国家的农村金融制度变迁路径的比较分析,寻找其制度共性与启示作用。即:金融制度的多样性是农业经济发展的基础;政府的支持而不是干预是农村金融机构发展的有力支撑;完备的法律体系是金融支持“三农”发展的主要保障。(5)通过理论分析与实证研究,我们认识到:要实现我国农村金融的可持续、健康发展,就要积极地推行农村金融制度创新。首先应坚持内生性和多样性的原则,构建起多层次、竞争性、富于活力和效率的农村金融组织体系;其次要合理定位政府在我国农村金融改革中的职能,转变农村金融制度的供给方式;最后要建立健全农村信贷保险和担保体系,进一步完善政策扶持机制。

【Abstract】 The rural finance should be envolved into the solvency of the problems related to farmers, agriculture and rural areas should. Rural finance is the most important part of rural economic these days, so the relationship between rural finance and economic growth determine the economic development level in rural areas. The demand for economic resources increases as the development of economic, but the supply decreases at the same time. That’s to say, formal financial institutions monoply the rural financial market and informal financial institutions are repressed, meanwhile the demand for rural financial service diversifies.The overall framework of this paper is as follows: 1) theoretical fundamental, 2) practical basis, 3) empirical research and 4) application research. The institution factors in this paper are used as the endogenous variable and determinants of rural finacial development. This paper analyzes the institutional change in transition period from an institutional supply and demand perspective. First, we propose that current rural financial system dismatches the development of rural areas and rural economy. Then we focus on the insititutional disequilibrium under the institutional economic framework. Second, the comparative analysis and the data-embracing analysis are used to analyze the institutional change performance of rural credit cooperatives in Shandong Province. This Paper learns from the institutional change in U.S., France, Germany and India, and gave several suggestions on the reform and innovation of rural financial system to break through the bottleneck of rural financial development.The structure of this paper is as follows. Section 1 is an introdunction to the whole paper. Section 2 provides a theoretical fundamental to the institutioal change of rural financial system. Section 3 summarizes the the institutial change of rural finance. Section 4, section 5 and section 6 are important parts of this paper. These three parts first analyse the insititutional disequilibrium and current problems in the rural finance system under the institutional economic framework, then we further into the institutional change performance of rural credit cooperatives in Shandong. Section 7 is experiences of developed countries in institutional change. Section 8 makes some suggestions on the reform and innovation of rural financial system. Conclusion:1. The theoretical analysis introduces institution factors as an endogenous variable of rural economic development in this paper. The framework of our theoretical analysis is: institutional supply, institutional demand, institutional disequilibrium and institutional innovation. Institutional change occurs only when the income is greater than the cost, and the institutional change performance emerges as a result. North paradox tells us that the government will sustain institutional disequilibrium despite of low efficiency in this status if their interests and positions are to be threatened. These are essential in the theoretical analysis of institutional change and institutional performance of rural financial system.2. The problems of farmers, agriculture and rural areas become increasingly important in transition period.The demand for rural financial service enhances as the rapid development of agriculture. There is also constant structural adjustment in the rural financial system during this period, and the adjustment turns out to be disequlibrium, that’s to say, the institutional supply and demand mismatches. The supply and demand gap, low efficiency and lack of completeness are all symbols of the unbalanced supply-demand relationship. The institutional economic theories tell us that from a macro perspective, government over interfere in compulsory institutional change and the unique path dependence influence the supply-demand relationship. Meanwhile, from a micro perspective, the preference between rent and efficiency of state-owned rural financial institutions, the institutional restraint and institutional conflict caused by monopoly, property right deficiency and the limited institutional options in rural credit cooperatives, and the slow progress of private financial system because of the preference for institutions and the rigidity of ideology of the government are all close related to the disequilibrium of the current financial institutions, so insufficient institutional supply and excess institutional demand coexist in our rural financial market.3. The comparative analysis and the data-embracing analysis are used to analyze the institutional change performance of rural credit cooperatives in Shandong. We found that the institutional change do not obviously promote the development of the rural credit cooperatives which means that there are problems in the organization itself. The conclusion is conincident with our theoretical analysis. 4. We can learn from the rural institutional institutions in US, France, Japan, Germany, India that the diversification of rural financial institutions is fundamental to the advancement of agriculture, that government assistence rather than government interfere are essential to the development of these institutions and that a perfect legal system guarantees the role of financial institutions in agriculture.5. We can see from the theoretical fundamental and empirical research of rural institutional change that institutional innovation is necessary for the constant and healthy development of rural financial market.First, we should construct a multiple, competitive and efficient rurual financial system under the principles of diversity and endogenous.Then, we should be clear about the responsibilities of the government, change the supply mode of rural financial system.Furthermore, we should construct and complete the credit insurance system and the credit guarantee system in rural areas, enlarge fiscal expenditure on farm households.


