

Research on the Key Theory of the Spatial Relations in the Spatial Database

【作者】 李松

【导师】 郝忠孝;

【作者基本信息】 哈尔滨理工大学 , 计算机应用技术, 2009, 博士

【摘要】 空间关系是指地理实体之间存在的一些具有空间特性的关系,如拓扑关系、方向关系和距离关系等,是空间数据组织、查询、分析和推理的基础。由于空间数据的不确定性、认知的不确定性和空间关系具体分析处理的不确定性,使得空间关系的不确定性具有多样性和复杂性,不确定的空间关系的描述和表示及关系模型的建立具有相当大的难度。已有的研究方法无法处理对象点具有不确定隶属(含有未知隶属信息)信息的含糊区域间的空间关系,为了表示和处理复杂的含糊区域及区域间的多样的空间关系,本课题基于Vague集和交集模型矩阵等描述和研究了边界和内部区域对象点具有特殊不确定性质的含糊区域间的空间关系。已有的针对空间对象的空间关系的研究成果主要集中在空间点对象、线对象和区域对象的空间关系的表示和推理等方面;对空间网络的研究主要集中在空间网络中移动对象关系、网络结构与性质及空间网络上移动点查询等方面。没有进一步对复杂的空间网络间的空间关系进行系统的研究,研究成果无法处理空间网络间的空间关系的表示、分析和推理等问题。为了弥补已有方法的不足和空白,本论文详细研究了空间网络间的空间关系表示和空间关系推理等内容。针对不确定的复杂的含糊区域关系和空间网络间的空间关系,本课题的创新工作主要集中在以下几点:1.基于能表示和处理大量不确定信息的Vague集定义了Vague区域、Vague区域带、无核Vague区域和含核Vague区域等基本概念;分别详细研究了同一平面和不同平面中的静态与动态的无核和含核Vague区域关系;给出了无核和含核Vague区域间的动态转变关系,提出了子区域间的蕴含定理和蕴含算法。2.为了描述内部含有洞的复杂Vague区域及处理复杂的含洞不规则Vague区域间的空间关系,将含洞不规则Vague区域分成原子域,研究了原子域间的空间关系,提出了基于Vague集的区域关系表和子区域关系间的蕴涵定理和算法;联合原子域关系,给出了含洞不规则Vague区域关系的表示方法。3.基于Vague集对Vague方位关系及方位关系和空间区域关系的复合关联推理进行了详细研究。基于Vague集对Vague方向点和Vague方向空间进行了表示和分析,提出了Vague方向关系的交集矩阵表示方法;讨论了Vague方向关系的动态邻接性,引入了同一推理簇的概念,提出了Vague区域关系和Vague方向关系的复合关联推理方法。4.提出了空间网络间的空间关系的谓词关系表示和交集模型表示方法,详细研究了空间网络间的空间关系模型的特征条件式和蕴涵条件式。5.提出了空间网络间的空间关系转换图;对空间网络间的空间关系推理进行了详细研究,提出了空间网络间的空间关系的推理相斥规则和推理蕴涵规则,基于推理相斥规则和推理蕴涵规则得出了空间网络间的空间关系推理组合表。本课题的研究成果为复杂的Vague区域关系和空间网络间的空间关系在空间数据库中的应用和研究奠定了基础。

【Abstract】 The spatial relations are the relations between the spatial objects with some spatial characteristics, such as the topological relation, the direction relation and the distance relation etc. They are the basis of the spatial data organization, query, analysis and the spatial reasoning. The uncertainty of the spatial relations are diversity and complexity because of the uncertainty of the spatial data, the uncertainty of cognitive and the uncertainty of the spatial analysis. The representation of the indeterminate spatial relations and the construction of the spatial model are great difficult. To deal with the spatial relations between the ambiguous regions with the uncertain membership values of the point in the regions and to analyze the complex ambiguous regions and the ambiguous region relations, this paper described and analyzed the complex region relations between the ambiguous regions with the uncertain information based on the Vague set and the intersection model matrix. The existing research on the spatial relations of the spatial objects were mainly about the representation of the spatial relations and the spatial reasoning of the spatial point objects, line objects and region objects and the research on the spatial network were mainly about the relations of the moving objects in the spatial network, the structure and the properties of the network and the query of the moving objects in the network. The research achievement of the previous work can not deal with the representation, analysis and spatial reasoning of the complex spatial networks. To remedy the defects of the existing research, this paper discussed systemically the representation and the reasoning for the spatial network relations.To the uncertain complex ambiguous region relations and the spatial network relations, the innovation work were mainly as follows:Firstly, The conceptions of the Vague regions, Vague region partitions, Vague hole regions, Vague direction points and dynamic implicative relations were defined based on the Vague sets. This paper discussed the Vague region representation and the Vague region relations about the Vague regions with kernel and without kernel in the same plane and in the different plane based on the Vague sets. The dynamic transformation relations for the Vague regions with kernel and without kernel were studied, the algorithm and the theorem of the relation reasoning for the Vague subregions were also given.Secondly, The region relations of the irregular Vague regions with holes were discussed detailedly based on Vague sets. The irregular Vague region with holes was divided into some atomic-regions and the spatial relations of the atomic-regions were studied systemically, the algorithm and the theorem of the relation reasoning for the Vague subregions were also given. Based on the spatial relations of the atomic-regions, the irregular Vague region relations with holes could be presented.Thirdly, The Vague region relations and the direction relations were systematically analyzed based on the Vague sets which can deal with a great deal of uncertainty information. Based on the Vague sets, the intersection matrices and the representation model of the Vague regions were given. To handle the uncertainty of the direction relations which is caused by the ambiguity of the Vague regions, the Vague direction points and the Vague direction space were defined based on the Vague sets and the the intersection matrices of the direction relations were studied. The dynamic adjacency table of the Vague direction space were given and the related reasoning of the Vague region relations and the Vague direction relations were studied also.Fourthly, Representation and reasoning of the spatial network relations are focus of research on the spatial database. The representation of the predication and the intersection model for the spatial network relations were discussed systemically. The characteristic-condition-formulas and the implication-condition-formulas were also presented, furthermore, the theorem and the corollary to distinguish the spatial network relations were given.Fifthly, To forecast the spatial relations, the transform diagrams of the spatial network relations were also presented. The methods of the reasoning for the spatial network relations were studied systemically. The reasoning excluded rules and the implication rules were discussed detailedly. Based on the rules, the reasoning composite tables were also presented.The production in this paper lay the foundation for the applications and research of the Vague region relations and the spatial network relations in the spatial database.


