

Research on Banking Executives of Financial Holdings Companies in Taiwan Area with Relation to Their Stress at Work, Job Fatigue, and Response Strategies

【作者】 张明寮

【导师】 赵增耀;

【作者基本信息】 苏州大学 , 金融学, 2007, 博士

【摘要】 本文以台湾地区金融市场发展、金控公司组成与银行业的变迁发展趋势为问题形成的原因,由外部因素、组织因素、内部因素与个体因素,形成银行主管的压力,表征于外的是压力反应与工作适应,融合成因应策略,以此为基本架构。研究架构则以「人格特质」、「工作压力」为自变项,「工作适应」、「因应策略」为中介变项,「压力反应」为依变项。在研究方法上,以文献分析、问卷调查与深度访谈等方式探讨相关症结的问题。从工作适应、工作压力、主管领导风格与职业倦怠等观点探讨压力反应与因应策略。本文研究结论:(一)台湾地区银行业未来趋向于利基的开发,核心价值的创造与异业结盟;客户导向与人性化的绩效管理;大树原则与个人化产品的研发。(二)台湾地区银行业的特征在于优势不再,新的业务类型与多元管道的营销,竞争核心由产品的特质转向服务质量与创新的差异,以及发展与客户整体价值生命共同体的营运方针。(三)银行主管压力的形成来自个人个性及人格特质的个人因素;业务特质与管理制度的组织因素;工作场所物理条件及景气良否等的环境因素。(四)工作压力造成主管在焦虑挫折等心理的反应;各种疾病缠身的生理反应;敏感、粗暴易怒的行为情绪的反应。(五)因应压力,银行主管应采取健康的人生观,面对压力的个人抉择;以压力为激励因子的动机营造正面组织气候的组织意识形态;和谐无碍的工作环境之压力逆向思考的操作;从认知与运动中建立正确休憩观念。(六)台湾地区金融控股公司肇建初期,所研析压力纾解之策,可为业者与工作者借镜。(七)对金融控股公司银行业,在业绩挂帅的同时,能为主管调适压力的努力上尽一份心力,由制度、办法与实际作法着手。对主管人员,亦应了解纾解压力是靠自发的,落实时间管理与建立正确价值观,善用人格特质优势与领导才能,争千秋而非计较一时之绩效;对部属同理心与以身作则,凡事需诚实以对,面对它解决它。对相关单位机关,应建立完整周延的进场与退场机制,在管控严谨的措施下也能对整并与购并的同时,关切从业人员的工作权。本文发现性别不会造成压力反应、工作压力、因应策略、工作适应、人格特质的差异。婚姻影响主管人员的工作适应,配偶有无工作也会造成工作适应的差异。夜间的出勤与专业证照会造成因应策略的差异以及工作适应的良否。年龄与服务年资,在因应策略、工作压力会造成差异而学历并未在工作压力、因应策略、工作适应及压力反应造成差异。银行催收部门在因应策略上容易产生逃避,另外银行主管的职位高低会造成工作压力、因应策略等的差异。薪资高低会造成工作压力、因应策略、工作适应上的差异。人格特质内控者适合担任主管,但易产生压力与挫折感。银行主管的压力反应与工作压力会造成工作适应的差异。管理制度也会造成主管压力反应的差异,另外管理制度是银行主管的生理反应的主因,其次为角色压力,工作压力确实带给主管人员心理与生理的影响。角色压力与延宕逃避正相关。而人际关系及管理制度与领导风格所形成的工作压力、因应策略、工作适应正相关。因应之道在于面对压力,反向的压力思考,健康的休憩观念,配合策略性的思维,问题解决、寻求支持、理性分析、延宕逃避以及认知的调整与管理、放松式的运动与社会支持网络的建立。金融控股公司银行业者、主管人员与相关单位机关等三方面应本着生命共同体的理念,共创多赢局面下,追求三者平衡的着力点。对工作压力舒缓的因应之道,除策略上的整合择取最适者外,亦应由生活与环境层面着手努力,以为追求美好工作环境,使组织气候成为个体的进步动力,而非身心疾病的负担。

【Abstract】 The paper takes the development of the financial market in Taiwan area, the organization of financial holdings companies, and the changing and development trends of banking industry as the reasons behind the formation of problems. The stress of supervisors caused by the external factors, organization factors, internal factors and individual factors, when presented externally, is just the stress response of supervisors and the adjustment to their work, which are combined to be the coping strategies to serve as the basic structure of the paper. The research structure takes the "personality" and "working pressure" as the independent variables, "adaptability to work" and "coping strategies" as the mediating variables, and "stress response" as the dependent variable. This paper uses the literary analysis, questionnaire survey and in-depth interviews as the research methods to investigate the related problems. After that, from the viewpoints of the adaptability to work, working pressure, leadership style of supervisor and occupational tiredness, this paper investigates the stress response and the coping strategies.It is concluded in this paper that: (1) In future the banking industry of Taiwan area inclines to the development of niches, creation of core value and horizontal alliance, customer-oriented and humanized business performance management, big-number principles and individualized product research and development. (2) The banking industry of Taiwan is characterized by the disappearance of its superiority, emergence of new business types and diversified channel marketing change of competition core from the product characteristics to the service quality and unique innovations, and the development of the operation policy that treats the overall values and lives of customers as a part of the community. (3) The stress of the supervisors of banks comes from the personal factors like the character and personality of individuals, the organizational factors like the business nature and management system, the environmental factors like the physical conditions of working place and whether there is economic prosperity. (4) Working pressure would bring about such psychological reactions as anxiety and frustration to supervisors, such physical reaction as getting different kinds of diseases, and such behavioral and emotional reactions of being sensitive, rude and easy to be angry. (5) When feeling stressed, the supervisors of banks should adopt a healthy view of life and make the right decisions for themselves, take stress as the stimulating factor to contrive positive organization climate and organization ideology, undergo adverse operation by creating a harmonious and obstacle-free working environment, and establish a correct recreational viewpoint from cognition and movements. (6) The stress release strategies, which were formulated when the financial holdings companies of Taiwan were firstly established, can be a reference for the fellow industries and workers. (7) While the banking industry pays much concern to business performance in the financial holdings companies, it can put efforts on assisting the supervisors in alleviating their stress by starting the work from system, methods and actual practices. As to supervisors, they should understand that the stress release relies on spontaneity. Supervisors should actually implement time management and establish a correct value judgment, appropriately make use of the personality and leadership talent of individuals, let them show their abilities, instead of caring about the instant business performance. When treating their subordinates, they should consider their advantages and set examples to them. To all kinds of things, they should be honest, face them squarely, and solve them quickly. Towards the related units and authorities, sound and complete mechanisms for stepping in and out of their circles should be established. While merging and consolidating with other corporates under the strict control measures, they should also care about the working rights of employees.This paper finds that sex does not cause any difference of the stress response, working pressure, coping strategies, adaptability to work, and personality. Marriage can affect the supervisors’ adaptability to work. Whether the spouse of a supervisor has a job or not would also cause difference to his/her adaptability to work. Working in night shifts and acquisition of professional certificates would cause difference to the coping strategies and the adaptability to work. Age and seniority of work would cause difference to the coping strategies and working pressure, but education standard does not cause any difference to the working pressure, coping strategies, adaptability to work and stress response. The collection departments of banks can easily cause evasion to the coping strategies. Besides, the high or low rank of a bank supervisor would cause difference to the working pressure, coping strategies, and so on. The high or low of salary would cause difference to the working pressure, coping strategies and adaptability to work. For personality, self-control individuals are suitable for taking the post of supervisor, but can easily get stressed and a sense of frustration. The stress response and working pressure of bank supervisors would cause difference to their adaptability to work. Management system would also cause difference to the stress response of response. In addition, management system is the main reason for the physical response of supervisors, and role stress comes next. Working pressure can really bring psychological and physical effects to supervisors. Role stress is positively correlated to delayed evasion. Human relations and management system are positively correlated to the working pressure caused by leadership style, coping strategies and adaptability to work. The coping means are to face the stress squarely, make adverse thought of stress, establish a healthy concept of recreation, build up strategic thoughts, solve the existing problems, seek for assistance, make rational analysis, delay the evasion, adjust and manage the cognitions, have relaxed exercise and establish socially supported network.The three parties, including the financial holdings companies and banking industry, the supervisors and the related authorities, should regard the lives of each other as a part of the community, create multiple-win situations, and pursue a balance among the three parties. As to the coping means of the alleviation of working pressure, apart from the integration of strategies and selection of the best, more efforts should be put on the aspects of living and environment, so as to pursue a better working environment, and turn the climate of organization to be an impetus for the progress of individuals, instead of being a burden to their physical and mental health.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 苏州大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2010年 04期
  • 【分类号】F832.2;F272;F224
  • 【被引频次】4
  • 【下载频次】992
  • 攻读期成果

