

Pre-peak Form Theory and Evaluation as Well as Application of Pre-peak Form about Excellent Athlete of Measurability Group in China

【作者】 顾季青

【导师】 田麦久;

【作者基本信息】 苏州大学 , 体育教育训练学, 2007, 博士

【摘要】 运动员在比赛期中表现出理想的竞技状态是运动训练科学不倦的追求,也是教练员训练艺术的完美展现。大赛在即,教练员和运动员考虑最多的问题就是如何能够将运动员在训练中已经获得的竞技能力在比赛中充分地发挥和表现出来。准确把握与调控运动员理想的“峰前状态”,不仅能够对教练员和运动员成功地参赛备战、实现峰前状态向高峰状态的良性转移与提高运动训练效益产生重要的影响,而且对于丰富运动训练学参赛理论、完善运动训练学参赛理论体系具有重要的意义。本课题采用文献资料法、问卷调查法、专家访谈法、逻辑分析法、数理统计法和个案研究法等方法,得出以下结论:1、最佳竞技状态指能充分表现运动员竞技能力发展水平的理想的参赛状态;在一个竞技状态变化周期中,处于变化曲线中高水平区段时运动员的竞技状态即为高峰状态。高峰状态(包括最佳竞技状态)出现前1-2周内的竞技状态,称为峰前状态。2、峰前状态与高峰状态的范畴均归属于竞技状态。峰前状态是高峰状态的前奏,高峰状态则是峰前状态的后续,是峰前状态的发展和升华。运动员在比赛周前处于理想的峰前状态,意味着1-2周后有较高的概率发展成为高峰状态,在重要比赛中表现出最佳竞技状态,获得佳绩。3、峰前状态的训练任务主要包括:继续完善运动员的专项竞技能力、集中“多种竞技能力”与进一步促进“综合竞技能力”的转化与形成,实现峰前状态向高峰状态的良性转移。4、峰前时段中的训练内容选择更加贴近专项,更加具有针对性,更加注重安全性。峰前时段负荷量度掌控的特点是特别注重训练负荷节奏的安排。峰前时段中训练负荷量逐渐下降,负荷强度保持、上升或略有下降,呈“多态变化”的特点,但在峰前时段最后阶段,负荷强度均表现出相对持平或逐渐下降的态势。峰前时段负荷强度节奏的变换有单段式、两段式与多段式多种不同结构的组合。不同项目峰前时段训练负荷量度的组合形式各有特点:竞环性项目多为单段式,竞重性项目多为两段式,竞速性项目多为两段式或多段式,竞距性项目多为多段式。峰前时段体能训练的主要方法是重复、间歇和比赛训练法。技能训练的主要方法是完整法与分解法、减难法和加难法。战能训练的主要方法是实战法、模拟训练法。心理能力的主要训练方法是暗示法,转移法。5、高峰状态的保持时间一般与不同主导项群中运动员赛中的能耗强度有关。峰前状态的保持时间与竞技能力的调节情况有关。峰前状态与高峰状态的相似程度一般与影响运动员竞技能力的消退情况、竞技状态的影响因素和竞技能力的调节情况有关。6、对可测量类项群(部分项目)峰前状态竞技成绩与以往本人最佳成绩进行的相关分析表明,竞速性、竞距性、竞重性、竞环性各项群此相关系数均为高度正相关。可测量类项群(部分项目)峰前状态竞技成绩与以往本人最佳成绩的“水平比”:竞距性约为93%~102%,竞重性约为85~110%,短距离竞速性约为95~101%,中长距离竞速性约为93~99%,竞环性约为97~99%。7、本课题构建的中国优秀女子可测量类项群运动员竞技能力峰前状态评价体系(竞速性项目:女子500米短道速滑、竞距性项目:女子链球与竞重性项目:女子举重)能够有效、准确、客观地评定可测量类项目运动员峰前状态。所有的评价体系还包括竞技能力综合发展水平、均衡程度与适应程度的评价标准。8、峰前状态理论可在以下方面应用于运动训练实践:为成功地组织与安排峰前时段运动训练提供科学的理论依据;指导运动员峰前状态向高峰状态的良性转化以及高峰状态的有效培养与适时表现;峰前状态评价体系,有助于对不同项群运动员的峰前状态进行科学评价。9、本课题对我国女子短道速滑500m、女子链球和女子举重运动员峰前状态评价体系应用的示例详解以及我国优秀男子气步枪运动员峰前状态模糊综合评价示例详解可为其他项目运动员峰前状态评价行为提供有益的参考。

【Abstract】 An ideal demonstration of the athlete in the competitive state in the interim is the final pursuit of the movement science as well as the perfect display of the coach in the training program. How to fully show what has been learnt in the competition is usually the most considered question for the coach and the athlete before the match actually takes place. To adjust and control ideally accurately an athlete’s "the competitive state before the peak" can not only ensure success for the coach and the athlete in participating the contest but also realize "the state before the peak "to the benign transformation of the peak state and improve the movement to train so as to exert an important influence upon the race-entry theory and the training science as well.This subject adopts such methods as documents and materials, investigation of the questionnaire, expert’s interview, logic analytic approach, mathematics and physics statistic and case study and so on . The dissertation draws the following conclusion:1. The best competitive state refers to the ideal state of participating in the contest that can fully display athlete’s sports ability development level; Change among the cycle in one competitive state, competitive state of athlete at the culmination is namely a peak state in changing curve. Peak state, including the best competitive state, which appears 1 -2 weeks before the actual competition, is called the state before the peak.2. The categories of the state and peak state belong to the competitive state before the peak. The pre-peak state is the prelude of the state while the state is the following up of the pre-peak state as well as the development and improvement of state in before the peak. The athlete’s being the ideal pre-peak state before indicates that there is higher probability that the athlete will develops into the peak state 1-2 weeks later and demonstrate the best competitive state in the important match, which will contribute to excellent achievement.3. The training task of the state mainly includes: a continuous effort to perfect the athlete’s project sports ability; a transformation and formation of the "various competitive ability "and "synthetic race ability centralized", which will lead to a possible transformation from pre-peak state to top state.4. The training period before the pre-state is chosen to be more specific, more directed and more safe in training. The training load before the peak period is more rhythmic in arrangement. Trainload is kept in balance to drop gradually in period before the peak, rise or slightly drop, or to present a feature of "multiple attitudes change" , but in the training’s last 1-3 days of period before the peak, it is generally workable to reduce the intensity of load. Peak period load intensity rhythm vary from single section type, double types and multiple sections of type and many kinds of different associations of structure. The different project period training association which form the load measure before the peak has its own characteristics. Competitive ring projects are mostly single section of type, competitive serious project are mostly double types, competitive speed project are mostly double type or many sections of type, and distance projects are mostly multiple sections of types. The main method of period training for the physical stamina is repeating, intermittence and the competition coaching method before the peak. It is law of actual combat, simulation coaching method to fight the main method that can be trained. The main training methods related to psychology are the method of hint and shift.5. The time to keep up with the state of being peak is usually related to exhaustion of the athlete’s energy in different leading group. At the same time the maintenance of the time in pre-peak state is subjected to adjustment of the competitive ability. The resemblance between pre-peak state and peak state is affected by the athlete’ decreasing ability in competition and other negative factors in adjustment.6. An analysis of the measurable type of peak state sports achievement it that best achievement (Some projects) and the past achievement of the athlete indicate that competing speed, competing distance, and competing serious ringing show coefficient correlation this high positive correlation (r=0.7211~0.9869). Through "a pair of side inspection" we can measure that (some projects) peak state race achievement does exists and the athlete can best score in the past "horizontal than": the distance is about 93%-102 to compete; it is about 85-110% to compete in weightily, the speed is about that the short distance competes 95-101%, The speed is about 93-99% that China competes at a long distance, the ring is about 97-99% to compete.7. The evaluation system constructed by China in measuring type items of groups of women athlete sports ability peak (including the short-track speeding skating of the Women’s 500 Meters, distance of competing project: Woman’s hammer and project of competing heavily: Women’s weight lifting) can evaluate the state before the measuring type project athlete’s peak. All appraisal systems still include the comprehensive development level of sports ability, balanced degree and evaluation criterion .8. Whether peak state theory can be applied to sport train practice in the following: a successful guidance to sport training; a effective direction to coach with the athlete paying close attention to the training in period in front of the peak; beneficial to the evaluation system as well as a scientific assessment of the different items of groups of peak of athlete.9. This dissertation aims at providing a feasible and helpful guidance to the woman short-track speeding skating 500m , hammer of woman and lifter of woman in our country , and offering references to the men air rifle in both theory and practice. At the same time this dissertation can also demonstrate possible beneficial reference to other sport projects.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 苏州大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2010年 04期

