

The Re-classification between the Zhongyuan and Jiang-Huai Mandarin Dialects in the North of Jiangsu Province

【作者】 王海燕

【导师】 汪平;

【作者基本信息】 苏州大学 , 语言学及应用语言学, 2007, 博士

【摘要】 汉语方言的分区一直是方言研究的重要课题之一。好的分区可以使人们更为直观地认识方言,同时也有助于更深入地研究方言。从二十世纪上半期开始,方言的分区从疏到密,从感性认识到科学分析,不断地向前发展。随着研究的深入,方言的分区工作已经具备了一定的系统性。但是从整体上来看,还存在着一些分歧和不足。本文的主要目的是确定江苏省北部中原官话和江淮官话的分界。通过对方言事实的调查,观察方言的演变轨迹,探求方言演变的规律,并以此为例深入探讨方言分区的方法理论。江苏省北部是中原官话洛徐片和江淮官话洪巢片(依据《中国语言地图集》中的说法)的交界处,所涉及的县(市)有:连云港、东海、新沂、沭阳、宿迁和泗洪等。我们以乡镇为单位选取了二十三个方言点,从语音、词汇和语法三个方面展开调查。根据对调查结果的梳理,我们对这个地带方言的具体划分提出了自己的浅见,并试图为汉语方言的分区理论提出一些参考意见。本文共分六部分。引言中简略地介绍了论文选题的初衷及意义。第一章是方言分区综述。前贤和时人对方言分区已经做了大量的研究工作,硕果累累,这为后来的研究打下了良好的基础。对这些著作有个系统地认识是十分必要的。第二章是关于中原官话和江淮官话已有的划分意见。在这一章里我们对江苏省北部方言已有的划分意见进行综合,并着重分析了各种处理意见的利与弊。第三章是方言分区的理论构想。在研读前人和时贤已有成果的基础之上,我们初步提出对分区的看法和设想。第四章是对江苏省北部中原官话和江淮官话分界的再划分。我们从语音、词汇和语法三个方面寻求划分的标准。在划分过程中强调以主要特征为确定方言归属的依据。另外对交界地带方言的归属,我们认为还可以参照语言的外部标准来划分。最后一部分是结语。本文力求对江苏省北部的方言进行细致地划分,明确地划出分界线,并对分界线的产生过程进行细致地阐述,综合分析各条标准的具体表现。方言的现象很复杂,尤其是在方言交界的地带,归属问题是个难题。对这样的方言点,我们认为除了依据语言标准以外,语言的外部标准也有着重要的参考价值。通过对具体方言区的划分,我们对汉语方言分区的方法理论也提出了一些浅显的看法。在分区标准的选取上,我们赞同从语音、词汇和语法三个方面着手。在划分过程中,着重考虑方言的主要特征,并以此为据确定方言的归属。另外根据所调查方言点的具体表现,我们对入声的“首要地位”问题提出了不同的诠释。不同的方言之间存在着差异,但是是否所有的差异都可以作为分区的标准呢?我们认为这需要一个认真遴选的过程,仔细分辨方言的特征与差异。分区标准与方言差异不能混为一谈。汉语方言具有层次性。在不同的层次上,同一方言特征的区分作用不同,所以要具体情况具体对待。我们更倾向于在方言下一层次的划分中使用多重标准。方言的分区标准是否应该具有封闭性也是大家比较关注的一个问题。我们就此也展开了一些讨论。

【Abstract】 Classification of Chinese dialects is one of most important research work into dialects. A good classification makes people know dialects directly, and can help research into dialects deeply. From the first part of the 20th century, classification of dialects has been developing gradually from roughness to accuracy, and from perceptual knowledge to scientific analysis. With the deep research, classification has some theories. But, as a whole, there are some different ideas and defects.The main idea of this paper is to draw a dividing line between Zhongyuan and Jiang-Huai mandarin in the north of Jiangsu Province. We can watch evolution orbits of dialects and explore rules of dialects evolution, through investigation about the dialects facts. According to these, our aim is to explore theories and ways of classification. The north of Jiangsu Province is the joint part between Luo-xu sub-grouping of Zhongyuan mandarin and Hong-chao sub-grouping of Jiang-huai mandarin(according to names in <The Atlases of Chinese Languages>), including Lian yun gang city, Donghai county, Xinyi county, Shuyang county, Suqian city, and Sihong county. We selected twenty-three sites, and investigated phonetics, vocabulary, and grammar. According to arrangement of these investigated things, we give our suggestion to the classification of the regions, and we hope the suggestion can be useful to the development of theories of classification.The paper consists of six parts. The first part is forward, which introduces briefly the intention and significance of this paper. The first chapter is about all-round introduction to classifications in dialects . Predecessors have researched into classifications of many dialects, which have achieved great success. This has set up good base for later researches. And, it is necessary to grasp basically these works. The second chapter is about ideas of classifications between Zhongyuan and Jiang-huai mandarin dialects. We synthesize the relevant classifications views of dialects in the north of Jiangsu Province, and , analyze advantages and disadvantages of every view. The third chapter is about our conception of dialects classifications. We put forward our views and imagines initially, which is based on researches into predecessors’ works. The fourth chapter is about re-classification of Zhongyuan and Jiang-huai mandarin dialects. We try to found out classification standards from sound, vocabulary and grammars. In the process of classification, we think, it is important to grant main characters of every dialect site as its judging basis. Furthermore, we produce non-language standards can be used to classify dialects. The last part is conclusion.The paper is to class precisely the dialects in the north of Jiangsu Province, draw clearly a class line, and expound the process of classification, then synthesize concrete shows of every standard. Phenomenon of dialects are complex, especially in the common borders among different dialects, it is difficult to judge a dialect site. We think that these dialect sites can be classified by language standards, besides, we can refer to non-language standards to judge them.We also put forward our views to theories and ideas of Chinese dialects classifications, through the concrete dialects classifications.As to classification standards, we agree we should choose them including sound, vocabularies and grammar. It is the most important to deal with main characters in the process of classification, and consider this as judge standards. Furthermore, we give a different treatment about "the initial position" of "ru sheng", according to concrete shows of dialect sites we have researched.Different dialects have differences, but if all of the differences may be considered as standards of classification? We think this needs a choose process, and to distinguish dialects characters and differences. The classification standards couldn’t be lumped together with dialects differences.Chinese dialects have gradations. The dialect characters have different affects in different gradation, so we must treat them through concrete shows. We tend to choose several standards in next gradation classification.Researchers also pay close attention if classification standards should be confined. We discuss the question in the paper, and put forward our views.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 苏州大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2010年 04期

