

The Acceptance History of Liu Zong Yuan’s Literature in Tang and Song

【作者】 杨再喜

【导师】 高凯征;

【作者基本信息】 苏州大学 , 中国古代文学, 2007, 博士

【摘要】 在当前形势下,古代文学研究正走向一个多元化的时期。传统的方法是我们治学的根本,依然必须坚守,而面对新的研究方法,也需要勇于探索。其中,文学接受史就是许多研究者正在为之努力的一个新领域,而经典作家的接受史研究又是其中的一个重要方面。在此背景下,我们走进了柳宗元接受史研究。在本文的序言里,笔者分析了进行文学接受史研究的理论依据和现实意义,指出了当今研究领域中所存在的不足和要努力的方向。正文共有五章,在文后还有一个附录,以补充说明柳宗元对前人的接受情况。整个文章描绘了柳宗元作为一个伟大文学家在唐宋时期的接受轨迹,特别注意了在宋代与唐五代接受时的承接关系和在接受过程中的转折点,分析了引发这种变化的原因。在第一章,概括了柳宗元在唐五代时的接受特征,由于柳宗元在“永贞革新”中的政治作为,对待儒、释、道的态度和他的诗文主张对其文学接受构成了非常深的影响,而这些因素又是一脉相承的,所以在第一章的第三节里进行了特别交代。在第二章里,以柳宗元几个比较重要的接受者作为突破口。在此阶段,柳宗元虽然是寂寞的,但韩愈和刘禹锡等对他的接受,为其以后的传播奠定了基础。晚唐时的杜牧和司空图分别对柳宗元散文和诗歌的接受都有开创性的贡献。两宋时期,柳的古文和诗歌呈现出不同的接受轨迹,有着不同的接受特点。其古文适应时代的需要首先被发现和接受,在毁誉之中不断前进。在欧阳修、王安石时代,终于把中唐时代出现的古文运动实现了完美的对接,使唐宋古文运动成为一个有机的整体。在南宋理学家的那里,初步确定了柳宗元在唐宋古文体系中的历史地位。柳宗元诗歌的接受虽然时间比较晚,但发展得比较快。柳诗不仅与柳文有着不同的接受轨迹,也有着不同的接受特点。接受者注重的是其诗歌艺术特色和情感意蕴。在理学地位正式确立后,理学家们对于诗歌多了一份宽容和理解,柳诗的接受环境也大为改善。苏轼把柳诗作为平淡诗美的代表作家之一,进而把他与陶渊明和韦应物同流,确立了柳诗的历史地位。南宋诗学家们对柳诗进行了客观理性的分析,把他作为“本色诗人”和“元和诗坛”的代表作家。在此观点影响下,柳宗元诗歌纷纷成为后世读者所接受的典范作品,柳诗与柳文交相辉映于文坛。在本文的附录里,主要是针对人们只注意柳宗元对屈原、司马迁、陶渊明等前人的接受,而忽略了与杜甫、李白等盛唐诗人的关系。但无论怎样,作为一个如此博学多才的文学家而言,他不可能不视自己眼前的艺术高峰而仅仅去追寻遥远的过去。笔者有意补充这方面的缺陷,故为之。

【Abstract】 At present, ancient literature is becoming to diversify. The traditional way of research is the foundation, we should stick to it. But, new academic circles also must carry out the sorption criticizing with the broad-mindedness. The accepted studying of literature history is an important aspect . in this condition,we begain with the research of Liu Zong yuan.In the preface of this text,I want to analysis the theory and significance of the studying accepted history of literature,and find there are flaws and the direction of striving. The main text contains five parts. Moreover it supplements a appendix, to replenish explanation Liu Zongyuan with the recipient condition to the prehominid. The entire article has been described a great recipient man of letters trajectory in Tang Song period , it has paid attention to Song Dynasty and Tang Five Dynasties , namely , (the Later Liang Dynasty , the Later Tang Dynasty , the Later Jin Dynasty , the Later Han Dynasty , and the Later Zhou Dynasty ),specially have analysed the cause initiatied changes in the turning point .In the first chapters ,analysis’his poetic prose treating Confucian , Buddhism , road advocates that there are recipient to it’s literature, and have composed very far-reaching effect , these factors are to be a true disciple of , carry out special explanation therefore within third section of the first chapters but since Liu Zongyuan accomplishes in "forever faithful politics in being improved " . Liu Zongyuan has been lonely during the period of Tang Five Dynasties. the friend acceptances to him such as Han Yu and Liu Yu Xi .they has establish a basis to help him,and has also produced far-reaching influence. willow’s Chinese script before the Qin Dynasty and poetry and song display the recipient different trajectory , have the recipient different characteristic. His Chinese script before the Qin Dynasty adapts to the times need first, be found that and be accepted, in marching on without cease in praise or blame, ancient literature movement appear finally with middle Tang times in Ou’yang Xiu , Wang An’shi times and realized consummate butt-joint, This makes Tang Song ancient literature movement become a organic overall, there , the first step havs ascertained the Liu Zongyuan historical role in Tang Song Chinese script before the Qin Dynasty system in Southern Song Dynasty Lixue , an idealist philosophy in the Song and Ming Dynasties. The comparison that the Liu Zongyuan poetry and song develops although recipient time is comparatively late, is quick. Not only, the poerty of Liu has the recipient different trajectory , and can’t have the recipient characteristic same with Liu Wen .That the recipient attaching importance to is whose poetry art characteristic and emotion intention accumulate. Position establishes in Lixue , an idealist philosophy in the Song and Ming Dynasties , also Liu recipient environment improves. Su Shi has looked on Liu’poerty as one of the beauty of poem representative writer , Tao Yuanming and Wei Yingwu have established Liu’s historical role with the stream. Southern Song Dynasty poetics family has carried out objective reason to analysis on Liushi , they has drawn with him as distinctive character" composing poetic circles’s in reply yuan to represent a writer. Here, the viewpoint affects recipient reader example work down , Liu Zongyuan poetry becomes numerously and confusedly, the poerty and texts of Liu shine by reflected glory in the literary circles.Within the main body of a book appendix, have been recipient mainly specifically for people who only pay attention to Liu Zongyuan to prehominids’ such as Qu Yuan , Sima Qian , Tao Yuanming , and have ignored the relation with popular Tang poetry people such as Du Fu , Li Bai in the peak of tang perid . only because he could not look at self before self’s eyes art impossibly ,as a so learned and capable man .I willing to this with the aspect , the reason are that

【关键词】 文学接受史柳宗元唐宋
【Key words】 literatureacceptance historyLiu Zong yuanTang and Song
  • 【网络出版投稿人】 苏州大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2010年 04期

