

The Lawyers’ Association under the Scope of Administrative Law

【作者】 朱伟

【导师】 杨海坤;

【作者基本信息】 苏州大学 , 宪法学与行政法学, 2007, 博士

【摘要】 《行政法视野中的律师协会》一文以辩证唯物主义和历史唯物主义为指导,综合运用规范分析、实证分析、历史分析和比较分析等多种研究方法,从行政法角度研究律师协会的法律地位、职责权限、权力和法律规制、律师协会会员的权利和有效法律救济以及它与国家机关和会员之间关系等。本论文在结构上分为5章。此外,还有导论、结论和参考文献。“导论”包括选题背景及意义、研究现状与资料综述、内容结构与创新之处三个部分。本论文选择律师协会这个新型的公共行政主体作为研究对象,试图从行政法的角度,阐明其法律地位、职责权限,以及律师协会与国家机关和组织成员之间的关系。不仅选题新颖、视角独特,而且在律师协会的法律地位、权力性质及来源、律师协会与国家机关的关系等方面提出了独到的见解。该项研究的理论价值和实践意义主要表现在以下几个方面:一是有助于进一步丰富和完善行政主体理论;二是有助于正确认识行政法律关系的变化;三是有助于解决公共行政改革带来的法律问题;四是有助于推动律师协会和其他行业组织的规范化。第一章是“律师协会在行政法律关系中的地位”。主要论述律师协会的起源和发展、律师协会的性质和特征,以及律师协会的地位和作用。笔者认为,律师协会是独立的社会团体法人、非营利性的民间组织和自律性的行业管理组织,具有组织性、民间性(非政府性)、非营利性、中介性、自治性、非自愿性、互益性、合法性等特点。律师协会在行政法律关系中具有双重身份和地位:它既是公共行政主体,又是行政相对人。它在沟通协调、利益表达、行业自治、维护权益、促进和谐等方面发挥着重要的作用。第二章是“律师协会与国家机关间关系的基本模式”。主要论述公共行政的发展与行政法律关系的变化、律师协会与国家机关间关系的基本模式、中国律师协会与国家机关间的关系的发展过程,以及律师协会与国家机关间相互关系的发展趋势。笔者认为,律师协会与国家机关间的关系,是国家与社会关系的一个缩影,反映出公共行政的发展与行政法律关系的变化。公共行政的发展以及随之而来的行政权力社会化、行政主体多元化和行政方式多样化等特点,使律师协会与国家间的关系发生了相应的变化。就目前世界各国律师协会与国家机关间的关系而言,大体上可分为四种模式:一是以德国为代表的“行政监督模式”,即律师协会接受司法行政机关的监督,并配合司法行政机关行使某些行业管理职责;二是以美国为代表的“司法监管模式”,即律师协会与司法机关分工合作、相互制约;三是以日本为代表的“行业自治模式”,即律师协会实行行业自治,基本不受司法行政机关或法院的制约;四是现阶段在中国实行的“两结合管理模式”。在中国,律师协会与国家机关间的关系经历了四个不同的发展阶段,未来的发展趋势应当是协作关系、指导关系和监督关系。第三章是“律师协会与其会员间的关系”。主要论述律师协会的组织机构和运行机制、律师协会与律师和律师执业机构的关系,以及律师协会之间的关系。笔者认为,律师协会与律师和律师执业机构之间主要是代表关系、服务关系、管理关系和双向监督关系;而地方律师协会与全国律师协会间的关系则有三种类型,即平等关系、监督关系和指导关系。第四章是“律师协会的权力及其法律规制”。主要论述律师协会的权力内容、性质与来源以及律师协会权力的法律规制。笔者认为,律师协会的权力包括行规制定权、监督管理权、纪律惩戒权、纠纷调处权和行业代表权。就其性质而言,律师协会作为一种社团法人,它所行使的权力应当属于社团自治权。就其来源来讲,律师协会的自治权力并非来源于国家,而是同国家权力一样,直接来源于特定的社会成员因维护共同的群体利益需要而达成的合意。由于律师协会的权力存在着被误用或者被滥用的可能,因此,它在行使过程中,必须接受国家行政机关、司法机关以及律师行业组织内部的多种监督和制约。第五章是“律师协会会员的权利及其有效救济”。主要论述律师行业管理中的行政相对人、律师协会会员的实体性权利和程序性权利,以及律师协会会员权利的有效救济途径。笔者认为,就律师行业的自治管理来说,对律师行业进行监督管理的律师协会是“行政主体”,其权益受到直接或间接影响的律师和律师执业机构就是“行政相对人”。无论是个人会员,还是团体会员,都享有律师协会章程赋予的权利,如知情权、参与权、受益权、监督权、陈述权、抗辩权、申诉权,等等。会员的权利一旦遭到侵犯,就需要通过不同的救济途径,寻求律师协会、行政机关或司法机关的救济。

【Abstract】 This Essay focus on the legal position, responsibility of the Lawyers’ Association (hereinafter refereed to as "LA"), rights and regulations, members’ rights and its remedies and the relationship between the State authority and its members from the view of administrative law by the means of regulating analysis, case study, historic research and comparative mechanism with the guidance of dialectic materialism and historical materialism.This Essay divided into five (5) Chapters with the addition of Guidance, Conclusion and References."The Guidance" consist of three (3) parts, including background, significance to select this topic, current position and material comprehension, contents structure as well as creation of this essay. This Essay try to do the research on the legal position, responsibility of the LA and the relation among the State authorities and its members from the angle of administrative law, choosing the LA as new public person to the administration to be the research object. This Essay shows the novelty, unique on the subject and creativeness of the research on the legal statues, characteristic and source and the relation between LA and State authorities. The significances of this Essay both of historic and realistic sides include but not limited to: a) enhance the development of subject theory of the administrative law; b) view the great change of the administrative legal relationship; c) solute the legal problems sourcing from public administrative renovation; d) push forward the regularization of the LA and other organization.Chapter 1 "The Statue of the LA among the Administrative Relation." This Chapter discussed the source and development, characteristics and specialty and its statue and function of the LA. From the author’s view of point, the LA shall be the organization of independent legal entity, non-profitable civil and self-disciplinary organization with organic, civil (non-governmental), non-profitable, intermediate, self-disciplinary, non-voluntary, mutual and legal specialties. The two-tie statues of the LA within the administrative legal relations shall become the person to the administration as well as the opposite person to the administration with the functions of communication and coordination, profit expression, self-governance, right of protection and harmonization, etc.Chapter 2 "the Basic Models of the Relationship between LA and State Authorities". This Chapter discussed the evolution of the public administration and the relationship between state and society, basic models about foreign LA and State authorities, the relationship between Chinese LA and State authorities as well as the developmental tendency on the relationship between LA and State authorities. In the view of author, the relationship between LA and State authorities is only the reflection of the relationship between State and sociality and the development of the public administration and administrative legal relation. It cause the relative changes on the relationship between LA and State authority as the socialization of the public administrative power and multiplication of the person to the administration.There are three (3) models of the relation between the LA all over the world and the State organs: a) "Administrative Control" represented by Germany, where the LA exercise the management duties for the lawyers together with the judicial department and accepting the control by the judicial department; b) "Judicial Control" represented by American, where the LA mutually cooperated and checked together with judicial department; c) "Self-governance" represented by Japan, where the LA self-control beyond the judicial department and the court. d) "Two-tie Control"represented by China, where the judicial department and LA jointly exercises the rights on the control lawyers and its institutes.The relationship between the LA and the State authority had passed four (4) stages in China, and shall be the co-ordination, guidance and check as for its relationship in the future.Chapter 3 "Relationship between LA and its Members". This Chapter discussed the structure of LA and operating mechanism, relationship among the LA, lawyers and lawyers’ institute. From the view of the author, it bas become the source of the great change that the research on the socialization of the administrative power, multiplicity of the administrative subject and administrative operation. The relationship between LA, lawyer and lawyer’s institute shall have three (3) catalogues, which is representation, service, management and double-side check. There are three (3) types for their relationship of parallel, check and guidance between the local LA and the All China Lawyers Association.Chapter 4 "the Right of LA and its Rules". This Chapter focus on the rights of contents, nature, sourcing and rules of LA. The rights of the LA shall include the right of regulation, check and control, disciplinary punishment, dispute settlement and representation. And it belongs to the civil and self-governing rights as the social entity in its nature. It may source from the covenant of the necessity of protecting common interests by specified member same as the State other than the delegation from the State authorities for such self-governance right. The LA shall also accept the check and control by the State administrative authorities and lawyer’s organ internally during the process of exercising the right because of the malfeasance and misuse done by the LA.Chapter 5 "the Rights of its Member and Efficiency Remedy". This Chapter discussed the substantial and procedural rights as a person to the administration and its member, as well as the remedies for such rights. As for exercise of the rights of the check and control of self-governance, the LA become a person to the administration. And the lawyer or its institute may also become the opposite person to the administration while their rights may be influenced directly or indirectly. Any of the individual member or entity member shall have their rights from the by-laws of LA, such as the rights of information, participation, profit, statement, defense, appeal, etc. Should such right may suffers any infringement, the member of LA shall have the rights to seek for various remedies through LA and judicial department.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 苏州大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2010年 04期

