

On the Role and Functions of National Universities

【作者】 刘岚

【导师】 周川;

【作者基本信息】 苏州大学 , 高等教育学, 2008, 博士

【摘要】 国立大学是国家投资设立的大学,从广义上看,国立大学是公立大学的一部分;从狭义上来看,国立大学是由国家举办(经费来源于中央财政)、中央政府管理的大学,区别于经费来源于地方财政、由地方政府管理的公立大学。本研究以我国近代国立大学为着眼点,以我国教育部直属大学的发展为落脚点,通过对国立大学的特征、其在不同时期的地位和作用的分析,以及对世界几个主要国家国立大学的有无、创立与发展历程、地位与作用的探讨,对国立大学的角色承担作具体阐释。中国近代性质的大学,肇始于19世纪末,终止于1949年,经历了大约半个世纪,最终形成国立、省立、私立学校三点鼎足的局面。中国近代国立大学的发展经历了“萌芽和初步发展时期、整顿和持续发展时期”两个阶段。建国后,经历了“大多数高校隶属于中央各部门为主,到中央和地方政府两级管理、以地方政府管理为主的高等教育管理体制形成”等各时期的发展,具有国立大学性质的教育部直属大学在地源、文化传统、培养目标、社会影响等方面仍然具有优势特征。论文对四个具有典型意义的国家的国立大学(美国公立大学)进行了较为全面和系统的研究。研究与我国有着相似社会转型背景(我国是渐进式的社会转型,俄罗斯是剧变式的)的俄罗斯国立大学的发展历程,指出俄罗斯国立大学的改革和发展趋势;研究处于明晰的“国立、公立、私立”分类体系中的日本国立大学,具体阐述日本国立大学的地位和作用,并对日本国立大学改革的背景、内容与趋势,对日本国立大学是否还将姓“国”等问题作了分析;研究现代大学发源地——德国的国立大学,对国立大学的特点和地位进行归纳,并分析以国立大学为主的德国高校的改革与发展;探究美国没有国立大学的原因,对美国公私立大学不同的角色分担作出描述和分析。在对大学分类发展必要性分析的基础上,论文的结论部分提出确立我国国立、省立、市立、私立体系的设想,强调国立大学只有在自由与控制的平衡中发展,才能真正实现对国家负责,并从四个方面对国立大学的角色作具体阐释:高等教育领域的“国家队”、国家高层次人才培养的重要基地、国家创新体系的重要组成部分、面向全国的高等教育提供者。国立大学在人才培养、发展科学、服务社会等方面都要体现国家水平,为国家整体利益服务。同时,作为面向全国的国家大学,国立大学在维护和保持高等教育公平方面也应有所作为,必须防止地方化。

【Abstract】 National universities are those that are invested and established by the nation. In its broad sense, national university is a part of public universities; in the narrow sense, national universities are run by the nation (the running funds are from the central finance) and managed by the central government, different from those public universities whose funning funds are from the local finance and managed by the local governments. Starting with the modern national universities in China, this dissertation makes a detailed interpretation of the role national universities play through analyzing their features, positions and influences in different historical periods; it also probes into the establishment and development of national universities in the world. With all the discussion the dissertation attempts to analyze the development of national universities affiliated to the Ministry of Education of China.Chinese universities of the modern nature appeared in the end of the 19th century and came to an end in 1949, and finally developed into a pattern with the coexistence of national universities, public universities and private universities. The modern Chinese national universities underwent 2 stages in the process of the development: the embryo stage and development stage. After the founding of People’s Republic of China,“most universities were subordinated to different ministries of the central government; then a higher education management system was established, according to which universities were under the control of both central and local governments and were mainly managed by local governments”. It analyzes the advantages of universities affiliated to the Ministry of Education in location, cultural tradition, cultivation objective and social influence.The dissertation makes a comprehensive and systematic study of national universities (American public universities) in 4 representative countries. First, it investigates into the development of Russian national universities against the background of social transformation (China has undergone similar social transformation, but it was gradual, not like the dramatic one of Russia), and points out the tendency of reform and development of Russian national universities. Second, it details the position and influence of Japanese national universities that are in clear categorization of national, public and private universities; it analyses the background, content and tendency of reform in Japanese national universities before discussing whether the ownership of Japanese national universities will remain unchanged. Third, it summarizes the features and position of German national universities by probing into German universities from which the modern national universities originate; it analyzes the reform and development of German universities which mainly consist of national universities. Finally, it discusses why there are no national universities in America and describes and analyzes the different roles assumed by public and private universities in the U.S.On the basis of analyzing the necessity of developing universities according to the categories they belong to, the dissertation concludes that 4 kinds of universities are to be established: national, provincial, municipal and private universities. It stresses that national universities can really shoulder their due responsibilities when they operate under the control of government and at the same time enjoy certain freedom. Besides, it interprets the role of national universities in 4 aspects:“national team”in higher education, national cultivation bases for high-level talents, important contributors to the national innovative system and nation-wide higher education providers. National universities shall serve the general interests of the nation and reflect the national education level in cultivating talents, developing science and serving the society. Meanwhile, national universities should do something to safeguard and maintain the equality of higher education and prevent localization.

【关键词】 国立大学国家角色
【Key words】 national universitiesnationrole
  • 【网络出版投稿人】 苏州大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2010年 04期

