

In Marx Historical Materialism Sight Financial Security Problem Research

【作者】 凌云

【导师】 王金福;

【作者基本信息】 苏州大学 , 马克思主义哲学, 2008, 博士

【摘要】 本论文运用马克思的历史唯物主义的基本观点,通过对风险及风险社会概念的揭示,并对风险社会中的金融风险与危机问题的历史考察,指出金融风险是风险社会中的一种特殊风险,其形成决不是偶然的,而是资本主义制度的内部矛盾运动引起的,是资本主义历史发展的结果。关于金融风险与危机等金融安全问题的形成,西方国家以及我国某些学者均从不同的角度进行了阐述,特别是西方学者企图缓和资本主义国家内部矛盾,坚持一种非历史唯物主义的哲学观,最终它无法使西方国家克服自身内部存在的固有矛盾,因而也无法克服金融安全问题困境。马克思的历史唯物主义坚持以社会物质生活为出发点,从社会物质生活中去研究货币金融问题。他的世界历史理论给人们揭示金融风险与危机提供了新的哲学视角。在马克思看来,金融风险与危机是人们从事客观经济物质活动的产物,是在人们相互历史交往活动中形成的,是资本全球扩展的结果。现代金融风险充分体现了人对货币及其金融衍生工具的破坏力量的扩张与反扩张的对立统一关系,实际上体现了人与人主体之间的物质交往关系。马克思立足于资本主义的经济运动历史现实,透过资本主义金融危机发生的表面现象,通过它的发生现实条件的深刻分析,从而揭示了金融危机的真正根源是生产的社会性与资本主义私人占有制之间的矛盾。马克思主义认为,金融领域的腐败盛行,正日益恶化金融环境,以至酿成金融风险与危机,成为阻碍经济发展、危害社会稳定的祸根。金融自由化正伴随经济全球化的浪潮席卷全球,成为现代金融风险与危机爆发的助推剂。以美国等西方发达国家推行金融霸权,企图对经济不发达国家的金融统治。金融霸权的形成是一个伴随世界资本主义政治经济发展的历史过程。金融霸权的世界性扩张,直接强化了金融自由化的趋势。在商品市场经济社会里,金融风险问题是一个人们无法回避的客观现实问题。由于资本主义社会对资本的高度垄断性,在促进资本主义信用制度的发展同时,也带来了金融投机和欺诈等金融安全问题。只要资本主义制度的存在,资本存在的历史条件就不会改变,资本也就不会走到历史的终结点。那么,金融安全问题就始终存在。只有实现资本的自身历史变革,金融安全问题才能得以彻底消除。透视中国金融史,人们不难发现金融风险其实早在中国封建社会晚期,随着资本主义萌芽的产生就已经存在了。当今中国还处于社会主义初级发展阶段,以公有制为主体、多种所有制并存,特别是私营经济获得较快发展,因而在社会主义市场经济体制下,资本仍然发挥重要作用,金融风险与危机仍是人们关注的重点。金融是现代经济的核心,金融安全是社会主义市场经济安全发展的重要枢纽。毛泽东、邓小平、江泽民、胡锦涛等中国的马克思主义者不断地丰富和发展了马克思的金融安全理论,对中国解决金融安全问题具有重要的指导意义。马克思的历史唯物主义实践观强调哲学的任务在于改变世界,同时又指出人必然对实践的结果进行自觉的控制。人们对金融安全问题可以通过实践途径来解决的。那么,在经济全球化与金融自由化的今天,作为正进行大力发展社会主义市场经济的中国,必须坚持运用马克思主义中国化理论指导中国金融实践,走具有中国特色的维护金融安全实践之路。

【Abstract】 The present paper utilizes Marx′s historical materialism basic concept,through to the risk and the risk society concept′s revelation,and to the risk society′s financial risk and the crisis question′s historical inspection,pointed out that the financial risk is in the risk society′s one kind of abnormal risk,it forms is in no way accidental,but is capitalist system′s internal contradictions movement causes,is the capitalism historical development result.About financial security problem′s and so on financial risk and crisis formations,the Western country as well as our country certain scholars have carried on the elaboration from the different angle,specially the Western scholars attempts to alleviate the capitalist country internal contradictions, insisted that one kind of non-historical materialism the philosophy view,it is unable to cause the Western country finally to overcome own internal existence the inherent contradiction,thus is also unable to overcome the financial security dilemma.Marx′s historical materialism insisted that take the society material life as the starting point,studies the currency finance question from the society material life. His world history theory promulgated the financial risk and the crisis for the people have provided the new philosophy angle of view.Looks like in Marx,the financial risk and the crisis are the people are engaged in the objective economical material activity the product,is forms in people mutual history contact,is result which the capital whole world expands.The modern finance risk has manifested the human fully grows tool′s destructive force expansion to the currency and the finance with the counter-expansion unification of opposites relations,in fact has manifested the person and between the person main body material contact relations. Marx bases on the capitalism economic movement history reality,has the superficial phenomenon by the capitalism financial crisis,through its occurrence actual condition profound analysis,thus has promulgated financial crisis′s true root is the production sociality and capitalism personal holds between the system contradiction.The Marxism believed that the financial domain′s corruption is in vogue,is worsening the financial environment day by day,down to breeds the financial risk and the crisis,becomes the hindrance economic development,the harm social stability the cause of disaster.The financial liberalization is following the economic globalization the tide to engulf the entire world,becomes the modern finance risk and crisis′s booster medicinal preparation.By Western development country carring out finance hegemonies and so on us,attempts to the economical developed country financial rule.The financial hegemony′s formation is one follows the world capitalism politics economic development the historic process.The financial hegemony′s worldwide basis expansion,strengthened the financial liberalization tendency directly.In the commodity market economic society,the financial risk question is the objective reality question which people are unable to avoid.As a result of capitalist society to capital high monopolization,during promotion capitalism credit system′s development,also has brought financial security problems and so on monetary speculation and cheat.So long as capitalist system′s existence,the capital existence′s historic condition will not change,the capital will also not arrive at historical the terminal node.Then,the financial security problem throughout exists.Only then realizes capital own history to transform,the financial security problem can be able to eliminate thoroughly.Perspective china finance history,the people are not difficult to discover that the financial risk as early as in china feudal society later period,the production which germinated along with the capitalism already existed actually.Now china is also at the socialism primary development phase,take the public ownership system as the main body,many kinds of system of ownership coexisting.Specially the private sector obtains develops quickly,thus under the socialist market economic system,the capital still played the influential role,the financial risk and the crisis were still the key points which the people pay attention.The finance is the modern economy core,the financial security is the socialist market economy safe development important key position.China′s and so on Mao Zedong Deng Xiaoping Jiang Zemin Hu Jintao Marxist enriched and have developed Marx′s financial security theory unceasingly,had the important guiding sense to the Chinese solution finance security problem.Marx′s historical materialism practice view stressed that the philosophy the duty lies in the change world,simultaneously pointed out that the human carries on the aware control inevitably to the practice result.The people may solve to the financial security problem through the practice way.Then,in economic globalization and financial liberalization′s today,takes is carrying on develops socialist market economy china vigorously,must insist that instructs the Chinese finance practice using the Marxism Chinese theory,walks has the Chinese characteristic road of maintenance finance safe practice.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 苏州大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2010年 04期

