

A Study on Grammatical Features Related to Predication and Reference in Modern Chinese

【作者】 姜红

【导师】 朱景松;

【作者基本信息】 苏州大学 , 汉语言文字学, 2007, 博士

【摘要】 本文以“与陈述、指称相关的现代汉语语法现象研究”为题,阐述了陈述、指称的概念,对国内已有的相关研究做了综述,选择了与陈述、指称相关的部分现代汉语语法现象开展研究,旨在探求谓词性成分、体词性成分与陈述、指称之间的关系。本文在语义学基本理论的基础上对与陈述、指称相关的现代汉语语法现象做了相对开放性的研究。本文坚持对语言事实进行描述并在对语言事实的描述的基础上对语法现象进行理论分析。对陈述、指称的概念及相关语法现象本文提出了以下新的认识:第一,陈述和指称指的是语言符号和外部世界相联系的不同方式。语言符号直接联系外部世界中的事物的方式叫做指称,语言符号不直接联系事物,而是联系外部世界中的某种动作、行为或关系的方式叫做陈述。陈述、指称的概念建立在哲学中的涵义和指称、逻辑学中的内涵和外延的概念的基础之上。第二,“N的V”结构是现代汉语中的一种极为特殊的结构,其实质是一种谓词性结构,是由作为主谓结构的“N V”和作为述宾结构的“V N”等陈述形式转变而来的特殊的指称形式。“N的V”结构中的“V”仍然是谓词性成分,一般来说是动作性较弱、及物性较低的谓词。第三,现代汉语中动词性主、宾语的陈述、指称和语句、谓语动词的叙实性紧密相关。现代汉语中动词性主语的陈述、指称具有这样的特点:有条件叙实性容器语句和非叙实性容器语句中的主语一般来说是指称性的,纯叙实性容器语句中的主语一般是陈述性的。现代汉语中动词性宾语的陈述、指称问题较为复杂,但也有一定的规律性:有条件叙实性谓词和非叙实性谓词所连接的宾语一般来说是指称性的;纯叙实性谓词连接的光杆动词和动词性词组一般是指称性的,连接的小句宾语都是陈述性的。第四,名词性词语在某种条件下,可以显现内涵,用于陈述。名词性成分做谓语时,主要显现理性意义,用于陈述。名词性成分在“程度副词+名词”结构中主要显现联想意义,用于陈述。名词性成分做定语直接修饰其他名词或动词时,有时显现理性意义,有时显现联想意义,也是用于陈述。第五,名词性成分联系实体的方式具有较大的差别,形成了不同的指称特征。按照是联系实体还是联系属性首先可以把名词性成分的指称划分为有指和无指。有指的名词性成分按照是指向整个一类实体还是指向特定的实体可以划分为类指和非类指。非类指按照是指向现实世界的实体还是指向想象世界的实体又可以划分为实指和虚指,实指按照所指称的实体能否被听话人所识别可以划分为定指和不定指。名词性成分的指称特征受词汇形式和句法条件的制约。第六,陈述和指称在一定条件下可以互相转化。陈述和指称的转化包括词汇层面的转化和句法层面的转化。陈述向指称词汇层面的转化包括添加后缀“子”、“儿”、“头”等和直接转化的无标记形式。陈述向指称句法层面的转化包括复指、加名词化标记“一个”、加助词“的”、加定语、做主语和宾语等方式。指称向陈述词汇层面的转化主要是添加后缀“化”等,句法层面的转化包括添加语气助词“了”或语气词“呢”、做“是”的宾语、做“当成”、“看做”、“担任”等的宾语、用于比况和充当定语、充当谓语、受副词修饰等。

【Abstract】 The title of this thesis is "A Study on Grammatical Features Related to Predication and Reference in Modern Chinese". This thesis elaborates on the concepts of predication and reference, and gives a summary of related studies. The body of the text focuses on some of the unique grammatical features related to predication and reference. The author intends to demonstrate the relation between predicative components, substantive components and predication, and reference.In light of basic semantic theory, this paper contains an opening study on some of the unique grammatical features that are related to predication and reference. This theis explores linguistic description and all of the following conclusions are based on language phenomena from texts. Below are the main conclusions that have been made in this thesis:1. Predication and reference are two different ways of connecting linguistic signs and the outer world. Reference is the way that linguistic signs connect outer material directly. Predication is the way that linguistic signs connect action in relation to the outer world. The concepts of predication and reference are based on the concepts of sense and reference in philosophy and intension and extension in logic.2. The "N de V" is a very unique structure in modern Chinese. It’s a predicative structure by nature, it’s a special reference form transferred from predication form of the subject-predicate structure "NV" and the predicate-object structure "VN". "V" is still a predicative component in the "N de V" structure, in general the "V" in this structure is always low in transitivity scale.3. Predication, reference of predicative subject and object in modern Chinese are closely connected to the factuality of the predicate. A predicative subject in conditional factive container sentences and nonfactive container sentences is always referential, while a predicative subject in pure factive container sentences is predicative. A predicative object connected with a conditional factive predicate and a nonfactive predicate is referential, and a predicative object such as bare-verb or verbal structure connected with a pure factive predicate is referential. A clausal object with a pure factive predicate is predicative.4. Under some circumstances, substantive components can point to intension as predication. Substantive components in substantive predicated sentences always point to conceptual meaning as predication. Substantive components in "adverb + noun" structures point to associative meaning as predication. In "noun + noun" and "noun + verb" structures the first noun sometimes points to conceptual meaning, other times it points to associative meaning. All of these nouns fall under predication.5. Reference can be divided into different groups according to different standards: Reference can be divided into referential and non-referential; referential can be divided into generic and non-generic; non-generic can be divided into specific and non-specific; specific can be divided.into definite non-definite. The referential features are decided by glossarial and syntactic features.6. Predication and reference can convert to each other. Predication can be converted to reference when followed with "zi", "er", "tou", or can just convert in glossarial ways with no marks. In syntactic ways predication can be converted to reference when followed with "yi ge", "de", with an attributive, to be subject or object of a sentences etc. Reference can be converted to predication when followed with "hua" in glossarial ways. In syntactic ways reference can be converted to predication when followed with "le", "ne", to be the object of "shi", "dang cheng " ,"kan zuo " ,"dan ren ", or to serve as an attributive, predicate etc.

【关键词】 陈述指称内涵外延语义分析
【Key words】 predicationreferenceintensionextensionsemantic analysis
  • 【网络出版投稿人】 苏州大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2010年 04期

