

A Study on Several Syntactic Phenomena about Word Order

【作者】 周丽颖

【导师】 朱景松;

【作者基本信息】 苏州大学 , 汉语言文字学, 2007, 博士

【摘要】 本文以“跟语序有关的几种句法现象研究”为题,围绕“语序”重点选取了三类句法现象:体现语序灵活的句法成分序的变换问题,包括与主谓谓语句有关的语序问题、主宾可互易句、主谓述宾可变换结构三种与主宾语变换有关的句法现象,以及与状语和定语变换有关的状定可换位句;体现语序固定的句法成分排列次序问题,包括多项定语和多项状语的次序;与虚词有关的语序问题,探讨了虚词“自然”位置的灵活性。全文分为八个部分,主要运用生成语法及认知语言学的理论,同时借鉴了句式语法、功能语法的研究方法。在描写归纳、对比分析的基础上解释句法现象,探求语法规律。一绪论。首先,在分析各家看法的基础上,论述了语序的性质,对“语序”和“词序”术语问题及语序的概念进行了新的界定。然后,简要介绍了现代汉语语序的研究状态、研究成果及存在问题。进而提出了我们的研究内容。二与主谓谓语句有关的语序问题。根据转换生成语法的理念,主谓谓语句相对于原型结构来说,表现为句法成分的移位。我们对主谓谓语句中的移位现象进行了分析,归纳出了移位限制条件。并且探讨了主谓谓语句中大小主语前后位置关系的制约条件。三主宾可互易问题。在对这一句法现象的类型进行重新界定的基础上,通过对主语、宾语和动词的句法、语义分析探讨了其特殊性。并从人们对客观信息的主观重建及句法结构对句式意义的制约上论述了其存在理据。四主谓动宾可变换结构。主要研究了动词因与所联系的受事成分位置关系不同而表现出来的意义上的差异。第一节探讨了动词对其所联系句法成分的制约作用。第二节从名词性成分及其位置影响动词语义的角度,讨论了句法结构对动词的制约作用。第三节通过主谓结构和动宾结构的对比分析,归纳出了动词在不同结构中语义特征上的差异。第四节探讨了主谓动宾可变换结构对动词的要求。五状定可换位句研究。主要是对这种句法现象进行充分描写,并探讨其背后的规律性。第一节根据状语的语义指向,对状定可换位句进行分类。第二节通过对状语、谓语动词、主语和宾语的分析探讨了状定可换位句的特殊性。第三节主要从句式语法的角度论述了状语句和定语句的区别。第四节分析了状定换位的语用动机。六多项定语的次序。主要根据定语和中心语的关系类型对多项定语的连用次序进行阐释。首先探讨了境遇性、描写性、说明性、分类性四种不同类型定语的次序,进而对分类定语及描写定语内部小类的连用次序进行了论述,并运用语言哲学的理论重点讨论了多项单音性质形容词的连用顺序。七多项状语的次序。首先根据语义辖域及语义指向对状语进行分类,在此基础上进一步考察了多项状语的次序问题,探讨其顺序稳固与灵活的范围,进而分析了多项状语的连用规则。八与虚词有关的语序问题。考察了虚词“自然”位置的灵活性问题。第一节从虚词“自然”与语气副词的关系、与关联副词的关系及其语义辖域三个方面分析了“自然”位置灵活的原因。第二节对不同位置上的“自然”进行了对比分析,不同位置上的“自然”在语气、焦点、复句中的句法关系、传信和传情及虚化程度上各自表现出不同的特点。

【Abstract】 Focus word order we choose three kind of syntactic phenomena in particular: The order counterchanges of syntactic constituent that reflect the alterability of word order, including the order problem of Chinese S-S-V Sentences, the Sentences that subject and object can interchange, the problem that S-V and V-O can counterchange, this three problems all relate to the counterchange of subject and object, Also including the problem that adverbial modifier and attribute can counterchange; The order of syntactic constituent that reflect the steadiness of word order, including the order of multinomial adverbial modifier and the order of multinomial attribute; The order problem that relate to empty word, we study the positional activity of empty word“自然”. The thesis contains eight parts , apply the theory of Generative Grammar and Cognitive Grammar mostly, use the research means of Construction Grammar and Functional Grammar for reference. Explain syntactic phenomena, hunting syntactic rule.The first part, exordium. for one thing, on the basis of various expert’s attitude ,we discuss the character of word order ,divide“语序”and“词序”, give the word order new explication . In the next place, we introduce the research state and harvest of modern Chinese word order, there are also many matters need us to study, then put forward the content that we are going to study.The second part, word order problem relate to Chinese S-S-V Sentences. According to TG grammar, for prototype structure there is a syntactic constituent shift in Chinese S-S-V Sentences. So we analyze the phenomena of syntactic constituent shift, sum up the limitative qualification for shift. Besides, discuss the conditions that restrict the ubiety of the two subjects.The third part, the interchange between subject and object. We classify this syntactic phenomena newly, according to the syntactic and semantic analysis of subject、object and verb, we discuss its particularity. Also, dissertate its motivation from two aspects: the subjective reconstruct of objective information, the conditions that syntactic structure restrict constructional meaning.The forth, the counterchange problem between S-V and V-O. Study the semantic difference of verb in two structures mainly. Discuss the restriction that verbs apply to the accusative constituent witch it contact; Discuss the restriction that syntactic structure apply to the verbs from the angle that nominal constituent and its station can influence verb; According to the contrast analysis between S-V and V-O, sum up the semantic difference of verb in different structure; Discuss the verbs that can emerge in the sentences that S-V and V-O can counterchange.The fifth, the counterchange problem between adverbial modifier and attribute. Present this phenomena adequately, probe into the rule that behind it. Classify the sentences that adverbial modifier and attribute can counterchange, according to the semantic orientation of adverbial modifier; Discuss the particularity of this syntactic phenomena, according to the analysis toward adverbial modifier、predicate、subject and object; Discuss the difference between adverbial modifier sentences and attribute sentences, from the angle of syntactic structure; Analyze the pragmatic motivation of the counterchange between adverbial modifier and attribute.The sixth, the order of multinomial attribute. Mainly expatiate on the order of multinomial attribute, according to the relation type between attribute and head phrase. Discuss the order of four kind of attribute: situational、descriptive、explanatory and classified attribute; Dissertate the order of the descriptive attribute and the order of the explanatory attribute in particularity; Discuss the order of multinomial qualitative adjectives which are monosyllabic with the theory of linguistic philosophy.The seventh, the order of multinomial adverbial modifier. Classified the adverbial modifier by its semantic scope and semantic orientation, then discuss the order problem of multinomial adverbial modifier, probe into the scope of the changeability and solidity about this order. Further more, analyze the rule of the order of multinomial adverbial modifier.The eighth, the word order problem that relate to empty word. we study the activity of empty word“自然”. Analyze the reason why“自然”has a agility in locality, according to the relation between“自然”and mood adverb, the relation between“自然”and conjunct adverb, and the semantic scope of“自然”. Contrast the“自然”that in different locality, found that there are some difference for“自然”in different locality, mainly include five aspect: mood, focus, syntatic relationship in Complex Sentences, evidentiality and modality, the degree of grarnmaticalzation.

【关键词】 语序主宾语状语定语自然
【Key words】 word ordersubject and objectattributeadverbial modifier“自然”
  • 【网络出版投稿人】 苏州大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2010年 04期

