

A Critical Biography of Chen Sanli

【作者】 董俊珏

【导师】 马卫中;

【作者基本信息】 苏州大学 , 中国古代文学, 2008, 博士

【摘要】 刘纳先生说,陈三立是中国最后一位古典诗人,但陈三立留在中国近现代历史上的,并不仅仅是他的诗篇。在许多他的同时代人以及后世研究者的眼里,陈三立还是一位深具实践理性的改革者,一个大变局时代的弄潮儿,一个被誉为“握世运之枢纽,含时代之消息,而为中国文化与学术德教所托命者”的家庭的主要成员。无疑,陈三立应该是我们了解那个特殊时代,与那个时代的思想、文学的最好标本。我们试图从具体的时代背景入手来研究陈三立,同时,更希望将对陈三立的研究,作为研究那个前所未有的大变局时代的一个绝佳范本。具体说来,本文是以陈三立为基本的研究对象,以他一生的生命历程为线索,考察他在不同时期的思想演变,探究他的人生态度、政治学术思想与他的文学创作之间的内在联系,藉以说明在“数千年未有之变局”的时代氛围之中,文学创作如何展现作家的人生选择和时世体察。本文以传统的作家研究的方式来安排文章的架构,但并不拘泥于一般的评传的写法,不追求传记的文学色彩与面面俱到,而强调对有典型意义和根本影响的事件与现象的深入发掘与严密考证,并始终以陈三立和时代背景的契合点为主线,通过他的具体的人生选择与文学创作,揭櫫整个末代封建士大夫阶层的历史命运。绪论部分阐述论题的时代意义,并具体分析大变局时代的形成与其纷繁复杂的特性对于士人生态和文学创作的影响,探讨士大夫们应对世变的不同方式和态度,揭示其典型意义。第一章概述陈三立的家世渊源,介绍义宁陈氏的家族传统、陈三立祖辈创业的艰辛历程,尤其是陈宝箴的事迹与思想,用以说明陈三立性格与思想中家风的积淀与父祖的濡染,并为日后陈氏桥梓在新政过程中的亲密合作,阐明其家庭影响。第二章考述陈三立早年的学行与志向,介绍其从少年到青年时期特殊的生活环境以及师友交游,并阐释在这些得天独厚的外部环境的滋养和推动之下所形成的陈三立早年的个性气质和学术思想。第三章的内容,是陈三立正式涉足社会政治的开始,他在政治理念和文学思想都日益成熟,最终成长为陈宝箴推行湖南新政的得力助手。他在湖南新政的过程中,亦始终表现出一个深具实践理性的改革者的思想与政治的成熟。他们父子的新政实验,在中国近代的社会与思想史上,都有极其重要的价值与意义。第四章叙述在戊戌政变以后,陈三立作为一个布衣诗人的生活与思想状态,重点说明他并未就此成为时代的逃兵与弃儿,而是在以适应时代发展的方式,继续关注着国家与民族的命运,并为之不懈奋斗。第五章和第六章,是关于陈三立的文学成就的介绍,但并非泛泛而谈,而是以文学创作与文学思想的“人格化”为核心,来发掘历史与文化转型时期,作家、作品与时代风云的内在关系。在对大变局时代笼罩中的陈三立的人格与诗格之关系有了比较清晰的理解之后,结语部分重新回到对文学在沟通时代风会与士人心灵方面所产生的影响的探讨和总结,并思考其对文学演进本身的意义,将对陈三立的研究,升华为解读时代及其艺术形式的典型。

【Abstract】 Mrs. Liu Na said that Chen Sanli is the Chinese last classical poet, but Chen Sanli keeps in the Chinese near modern history, not only and is his poem. In many his same time people as well as in later generation researcher’s understanding, Chen Sanli is a depth practice rational reformer, a big change in situation time’s person who plays in the surf, is honored as "grasps key position of the historical destiny, news of including the time, but holds the life for the Chinese culture and academic your instructions" family leading member. Without doubt, Chen Sanli should be we understands that special time, with that time thought. Literature best specimen. We attempt from the specific time background to obtain to study Chen Sanli, simultaneously, hoped that to Chen Sanli’s research, the achievement will study that unprecedented big change in situation time an excellent model for painting. mentions specifically, this article is take Chen Sanli as the basic object of study, take his life the life course as the clue, inspects him in the different time thought evolution, inquires into his attitude towards life, the political academic thought with between his literary production inner link, so as to explained that in "three millenniums have not had the change in situation" in the time atmosphere, how does the literary production unfold writer’s life choice and the era carefully examines.The introduction part elaboration thesis’s time significance, and the concrete study big change in situation time’s formation with its complex complex characteristic regarding the gentleman person ecology and literary production’s influence, the discussion literary intelligentsia deals with the changes and accidents of life the different way and the manner, promulgates its typical significance.The first chapter outlines Chen Sanli’s family background origin, introduced righteousness rather Chen family tradition, the Chen Sanli ancestry starts an undertaking the difficult course, Chen Bao admonishes particularly the fact and the thought that with showed in the Chen Sanli disposition and the thought family tradition accumulation with father ancestor’s being infected, and to the Chen father and son in the new deal process’s intimate cooperation, expound its family influence in the future.The second chapter tests states the Chen Sanli earlier learning capability and the ambition, introduced that it makes friends from the youth to the youthful days special living conditions as well as the teachers and friends, and explains in these advantageous external environment nourishing Chen Sanli who forms with the impetus under the earlier individuality makings and the academic thought. The third chapter the content, is Chen Sanli steps in the social politics officially the start, he in political idea and literature thought day by day mature, grows finally the primary assistant who carries out Hunan new deal for Chen Baozhen. He in Hunan new deal’s process, also always displays a depth practice rational reformer’s thought and the political maturity. Their fathers’ and sons’ new deal experiment, in the Chinese modern times’ society and the thinking history, has the extremely important value and the significance.The fourth chapter narration after fifth heavenly stem eleventh of the twelve Earthly Branches coup d’etat, Chen Sanli takes a cotton garment poet’s life and the thought condition, explained with emphasis he has not become the time in light of this military deserter and abandoned baby, but in adapts the time development way, continues to pay attention to national and nationality’s destiny, and for it unremitting struggle.Fifth chapter and the sixth chapter, is about Chen Sanli’s literature achievement introduction, but speaks in generalities by no means that but take the literary production and the literature thought "the personification" as the core, excavates historical and the cultural reforming time, the writer, the work and the time wind and cloud intrinsic relations.In covers after the big change in situation time Chen Sanli’s personality and the rules of poetry relations of had the quite clear understanding, the conclusion part returns to the literature in the communication time wind can the influence discussion which and the summary produces with the gentleman person mind aspect, and pondered that it to the literature evolution’s significance, to Chen Sanli’s research, will sublimate into the explanation time and the artistic form model.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 苏州大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2010年 04期
  • 【分类号】K825.6;I207.25
  • 【被引频次】4
  • 【下载频次】455
  • 攻读期成果

