

The Research on the Long Narrative Poems in the Modern Times

【作者】 李亚峰

【导师】 马卫中;

【作者基本信息】 苏州大学 , 中国古代文学, 2008, 博士

【摘要】 钱仲联先生等《清诗纪事·前言》指出,“叙事性是清诗的一大特色,也是所谓‘超元越明,上追唐宋’的关键所在”。“以诗歌叙说时政、反映现实成为有清一代诗坛总的风气。十朝大事往往在诗中得到表现,长篇大作动辄百韵以上。作品之多,题材之广,篇制之巨,都达到了前所未有之水平。”可见,叙事诗研究对清诗乃至中国古代诗歌研究的价值和意义。而近代诗歌又是传统向现代转变的关捩之处,汪辟疆先生认为:“有清一代诗学,至道咸始极其变,至同光仍极其盛”。因此,近代叙事诗又别具意义和价值。然而,目前学界对近代叙事诗关注不够,至今仍未见到以叙事诗视角从整体、宏观的角度对近代诗歌加以整理研究的学术著作。本文拟选取张维屏等五十几位诗人的叙事长诗为代表,对近代叙事长诗的创作概貌、艺术特征、发展轨迹、意义价值以及叙事意识等问题加以探索研究,力图概括、描绘出近代叙事长诗的总体概况及其规律特征。本文分四章,二十五万字,从内容主题、艺术表现、创作意识三个角度对近代叙事长诗进行了分析考察。就内容主题而言,近代叙事长诗不仅注重反映社会民生、关注重大历史事件,呈现出与时代风云密切相关的创作特征;而且注重描绘个体生命的命运轨迹,塑造出丰富多彩的人物,呈现出生活化、平民化的创作倾向。近代叙事长诗不仅全面反映了国内社会生活,而且开始睁眼看世界,描绘域外见闻。就艺术表现而言,各类叙事长诗具有不同的表现方式、功能和风格特征。大体而言,乐府叙事诗多采用客观化场景叙事,侧重于社会问题的关注与描写。五言叙事长诗多运用主体性、个性化较强的自叙或见证式叙事,既可以描绘社会问题,又可以展示个人生活。而七言歌行的表现方式介于两者之间,表现功能侧重于描绘各色人物、讲述传奇故事。而近代诗人在承习传统的基础上,力破余地,推陈出新,借鉴、运用“以文为诗”、白描刻画、小说戏曲、意象和用典、寓言和神话等技法和手段,对各类叙事长诗的表现特征和功能做了进一步开拓和发展。就叙事意识而言,近代叙事长诗虽仍以“诗史”、“观风”等传统观念为主流意识,但各派诗人从不同角度对其进行了不同方向、不同程度地拓展和丰富,折射、反映出他们不同的诗学观及在中西文化碰撞中的处世立身和文化选择。此外,魏源、张际亮等对传统“讽谏”精神的开拓;鲁一同、张之洞等关于诗中之“事”的思考;黄遵宪、金和等有关“以文为诗”创作技法的论述;姚燮、金和等对传奇意识的借鉴等等,都彰显出近代诗人在传统意识基础上力辟新境的努力。

【Abstract】 The preface of The Records of Qing Poems, written by Professor Qian Zhonglian, says "the narrative poem is the characteristic of Qing Poem, and also the key point of the idiom ’overstepping the Yuan poems and the Ming poems, inheriting the Tang poems and the Song poems.’" "The current of Qing Poem is introducing the policy, reflecting the reality. The main events are written by the poets, and the length of some poems is more than 100 sentences. Qing poems are the number one that has the most works, vast subject matters, and longest length. That is to say there are exist lots of benefit for the Qing Poems, even the Chinese ancient Poems to do some research on the narrative poems, especially, the Modern times Poem is the milestone of the transform of the tradition. As Professor Wang Pijiang says: "the turn point of Qing Poem is the period of Dao Guang and Xian Feng, and the peak of it is during the period of Tong Guang. Hence, the Modern Times Poems have their own characteristics and worthiness.However, at the current, the literature field pays a little attention on the Modern Times Poems. We have not seen some works on the Modern Times Poem which do the research basing on the narrative poems completely and macroscopically. This paper will take Zhang Weiping’s narrative poems and some other poets’ as the example, then do some research about the Modern Times Poems’ basic knowledge, artistic characteristic, developing process, the worthiness and the narrative sense. This paper will be divided into 4 chapters, about 20,000 words, and the research consists of the theme, the artistic performance and the creative awareness.In terms of the theme, the Modern Times Poems not only keep abreast of the times by revealing the common people’s lives, paying attention to the main events. But also have the trend of "lifization" and popularization by describing the personal life’s trace, modeling colorful figures. Besides, it also not only reflects the domestic lives, but turns to the foreign and describes the seeing of the outside.In terms of the artistic performance, each narrative poem has it own performing manners, functions and style characters. Generally speaking, the Yuefu Narrative Poem usually takes the objective way to write the poem, and mainly focus on the social problems. Meanwhile, the Five-Character Narrative Poem takes the subjective and individual Self-Narration or Witness-Narration, which can both describe the social problems and reveal the personal life. The performance of Seven-Character Narrative Poem is between the above two styles, but the performance function focuses on model all kinds of figures.In terms of the narrative awareness, although the Modern Times Poems’ Narrative awareness regards the traditional ideas such as "Poem-history", "observe the custom" as the main stream, the poets of different schools expand and enrich the poems’ narrative awareness from each school’s aspect. In addition to it, some poets’ experiments hint they try to pioneer a new way with the help of the traditional merit, for example, Weiyuan, Zhang jiliang expanded the traditional satire narration spirits, Lu Yitong, Zhang Zhidong thought of the "thing" which occurred in the poems, Huang Zunxian, Jinhe discussed the poem writing style of "take prose as poet", Yaoxie, Jinhe drew lessons from awareness of legends.

【关键词】 近代叙事叙事诗
【Key words】 ModernNarrationNarrative Poem
  • 【网络出版投稿人】 苏州大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2010年 04期

