

The History of Debating upon Tang and Song Poem during Qian-Jia Period in Qing Dynasty

【作者】 张丽华

【导师】 王英志;

【作者基本信息】 苏州大学 , 中国古代文学, 2008, 博士

【摘要】 本文以清代乾嘉时期的唐宋诗之争为研究对象,通过分析乾嘉时期唐宋诗之争中不同阵营的人员构成、力量对比,以及重要诗人与理论家在时代思想文化与诗学背景、诗学渊源、诗友交游与个人气质个性等内、外部因素交相作用下形成的唐宋诗宗尚观念与基于唐宋诗宗尚观念不同而展开的诗学论争与辩难等,具体细微地展现乾嘉时期唐宋诗之争的发展流变,揭示唐诗、宋诗诗学因素在乾嘉诗人中的接受情况,进而透视在唐宋诗之争影响下乾嘉时期诗歌创作与诗学思想的发展趋势。论文在文化诗学的视野中展开,主要运用传统的诗学批评与诗歌研究方法,在考辨文献的基础上作深入的理论分析,同时借鉴西方接受美学理论,力图在较为宽广的文化背景下展示清代乾嘉时期唐宋诗之争的流变趋势及其影响。乾嘉时期的唐宋诗之争,经历了由宗唐与法宋的鲜明对垒,到调和唐宋与宗唐、宗宋之三足鼎立,再到唐宋兼师与宗宋派之南北对峙的流变过程。宗唐派势力的日益衰微、融通唐宋思想的普及、宋诗地位的上升与宋诗被接受程度的不断提高为乾嘉时期唐宋诗之争发展的主导趋势。雍乾之际,以沈德潜为代表的宗唐派立足于体制正、气格高等褒扬唐诗,并以师法乎上为原则倡导宗唐;厉鹗为首的一批法宋者传承宋诗的“清”风与自立求新的创作精神,并在理论与创作实践上进一步发扬宋代“以学为诗”的创作方法,两派如双峰对峙,互不相服。一小批有识之士在两派聚讼纷纭的论争中见两家之弊而反对分唐界宋,主张熔铸唐宋,他们的力量虽远不及宗唐、主宋两派,却为乾隆中叶融通唐宋大潮的到来导夫先路。乾隆中期,性灵派崛起于诗坛,从反对偏师之弊与模拟之风的角度出发,力主无分唐宋,激烈批驳沈德潜的宗唐主张,同时对厉鹗及浙派末流以僻典为诗等提出批评。在性灵派领军袁枚的口诛笔伐之下,诗坛宗唐派与主宋派对峙的局面逐渐瓦解,取而代之的是宗唐、主宋、融通唐宋派的三足鼎立。乾隆中叶以后,融通唐宋思潮不断高涨,成为乾嘉诗坛唐宋诗之争中的主导潮流。袁枚风靡诗坛之时,翁方纲也因主肌理、倡宋诗声名鹊起。乾隆后期直至嘉庆朝,宗宋派的力量不断壮大,唐宋诗之争主要表现为以袁枚为首的调和唐宋论者与翁方纲为代表的宗宋者的南北对峙。宗黄之风的广为流播与学人诗理论、创作的繁荣是此时宗宋派的主要特征。乾嘉之交,宗宋派呈现出欲压倒调和派而上之的势头,最终促成近代诗坛的宋诗运动。

【Abstract】 The subject of this paper is debating upon Tang and Song Poem during Qian-Jia period in Qing dynasty.By analyzing the composition of different camp staff,the contrast of power,as well as poetics stand in the debate of important poets and theoreticians which build upon the era of ideological and cultural and Poetics background,the origins of poetry,the poetry friends,the personality and personal temperament,and other internal and external factors,demonstrating the dynamic development of debating upon Tang and Song Poem during Qian-Jiap period in Qing dynasty detailedly,and revealing the acceptance of the poet factors of the Tang and Song Poem in Qian-Jia period,and opening out the development trend of poem in Qian-Jia period under the influence of the debate.Paper starts in the field of Cultural Poetics vision,traditional poetry criticism and poetry research are the main methods,in the study of the literature on the basis of an in-depth theoretical analysis,drawing on the West to accept aesthetic theory,in a bid to the more broad cultural context,display poetry trends of Qian Jia Qing Dynasty in the evolution dispute and its impact.Debating upon Tang and Song Poem during Qian-Jia period experiences the distinct against of the Tang and Song,then reconcile with the Tang and Song Poem and the tripartite confrontation,to the North-South confrontation of Tang and Song sect.Tang to send forces in the increasingly weak,factoring thinking of the Tang and Song Dynasties popularity,the status of Song Poetry and Song Poetry increased acceptance of the continuous improvement for the period of the Tang and Song Qian Jia dispute the dominant trend of development.Tang sect which representative is Shen De-qian praises Tang Poem basing on legitimacy of types of literature and high pattern,by studying Tang poem’s legitimacy as principle.Song sect which representative is Li E inherits the chilly style and the innovation spirit of Song Poem and develops the method of writing poem using knowledge in theory and practice.Two sects oppose as two mountains.A small group of people of insight are against debating Tang and Song Poem in two sects.Their power is not stronger than the two sects,but they are prepare for the tide of Tang and Song Poem’s reconciliation.In Qianlong medium-term,Xingling genre which argues against differentiating Tang and Song Poem grow up in the Parnassus.They criticize Tang and Song sect which lead to disintegrate of opposing between Tang and Song sect,tripartite confrontation form.After the middle of Qianlong,the rising trend of thought intermediation Tang and Song Poem,reconciliation of Tang and Song Poem becomes the dominant trend in the dispute.When Yuan Mei’s is popular in Parnassus,Weng Fang-gang’s repute raises because of his proposing fabric,advocating Song Poetry.From the late Qianlong to Jiaqing,the power of Song sect grows continuously.North-South confrontation between Weng Fang-gang and Yuan Mei is the main representation of the disputation.Huang Ting-jian’s poem is broadcasted widely and the flow of the method of writing poem using knowledge in theory and practice at this time of prosperity is the main features of Song.At the turn of Qian Jia,Song faction emerged to overwhelm the reconciliation and ultimately contributed to modern Song poetry movement.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 苏州大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2010年 04期

