

Freud’s Thoery and It’s Use to Literary Criticism

【作者】 杜瑞华

【导师】 刘锋杰;

【作者基本信息】 苏州大学 , 文艺学, 2008, 博士

【摘要】 弗洛伊德的精神分析思维兼有“科学性”与“艺术性”的特质,即使不考虑他的文学批评实绩,也可以从中发现精神分析学与文学批评的必然联系。《导论》重点阐明了这个道理;并交待了和这篇论文的研究有关的几个问题。第一章,精神分析的关键词研究。包括梦、潜意识、力比多、儿童、压抑、升华六个关键词。梦的形成机制理论及释梦方法给文学批评很多启示。潜意识中潜藏的不仅仅是性欲,它构成了人的思维活动的深广台基。对“力比多”的阐释集中体现了弗洛伊德的“二元论”与“冲突”理念,彰明了创造的原动力。与此相关的,人类文化创造与儿童期有重要关联,儿童性欲说是精神分析学的一大基石。“压抑”与生俱来,它的存在提供了力比多转向升华的契机。“升华”是力比多的失性欲化实现,升华的表现有很多,但弗洛伊德强调了其中的科学与艺术创造。系统理解精神分析学的关键词,是理解精神分析学的理论基础,也是理解精神分析与文学批评关系的理论前提。第二章,对作家的精神分析。包括“作家:常人与非常人之间”、“作家与性敏感”、“作家的幻想与自我分析”等三个部分的内容。是依据精神分析学而对创作家的精神特质与创作的心理机制作出的探讨;阐析作家人格与思想情感的复杂性,揭示作家的心理特质与创作的心理学意义。第三章,对文学内容的精神分析。有选择地阐述了“人物形象的心理分析法”、“俄狄浦斯情结”、“爱情题材上的精神分析”三个方面。其中涉及弗洛伊德关于三种人物性格及塑造技巧的精到分析,并含俄狄浦斯情结的形成、表现及其变种,爱情与尊严、题材与情感体现等内容。第四章,精神分析的批评方法与策略研究。有“在‘细枝末节’中发现问题”和“找到‘冲突’与‘情结’所在”、“叙事中的分析法”、“意象与象征中的蕴藏”、“以语词为单位的分析”五部分。是根据弗洛伊德的病例分析、理论阐述、文学批评及暗示做出的总结与运用,并探讨精神分析学运用于文学批评的可行性及在诸多方面的操作特征与要领。第五章,讨论中国对弗洛伊德学说的接受与“第二次弗洛伊德热”。简要回顾了弗洛伊德进入中国的历程,重点考察“第二次弗洛伊德热”,并主要分析了文学研究界弗洛伊德热的特征;粗略论及其后弗洛伊德学说运用与研究的“转型”现象;在考虑传统影响、现实因素和科学思维形成规律的基础上,分析了弗洛伊德与马克思在中国的第二次相遇,阐述此现象的理论启示意义。总之,全文将弗洛伊德的精神分析学与文学结合起来思考,系统地探讨弗洛伊德思想对于文学批评的有效性及运用要领。

【Abstract】 The intrduction part analysized the thinking features, and showed the cooperated features of scientific and artistic, from which we can get the possitive connetion of Psychoanalysis and literary criticism. Besides, this part includes reasons of how this thesis start, thoughts and contents of this paper.In the first part, I chose six key words which are dream, subconsciousness, Libido, children, repression and sublimation from the Revelation of Depth Psychology of Freud. The theory of dream formation mechanism and the way of dream interpretation inspires literary criticism a lot. It is not only sexual desire but also thinking activities existing in subconsciousness. The explaination of Libido reversed the conbination of Dualism and conflicts, which showed the motivity of writing. Besides, the creation of human culture has closed relationship with children period. Children sexual desire is a base of Psychoanalysis. Repression is inherent and offers chances of sublimation of Libido.Sublimation is the realization of dis-sexual desire. And sublimation has a lot of manifestations, while Freud emphasize the creation of science and art.The second part is about the Psychoanalysis of the writers, which includes the following three parts, writers: between common and uncommon people, writers and sensitivity, and writers’fantasy and self-analysis. Understanding the key words of Psychoanalysis systematically is a base of understanding the theory of Psychoanalysis, and a precondition of understanding the relationship of psychoanalysis and literary critism.Basing on psychoanalysis, this part discussed the writers spritual features and Psychological Mechanism while writing, payed attention to the writer’s psychological meaning and psychological trait, and revealed the complexity of the writer’s characteristics and feelings.The third part is the spiritual analysis of literature contents, which includes mental analysis of characters, the Oedipus Complex and mental analysis on love. In this part, I mentioned Freud’s analysis about the features and molding skills of the three kinds characters, the formation, manifestation and variation of Oedipus complex, love & dignity, and theme and feelings etc.The forth part is about critisim methods of literary criticism, which includes finding trobles in detailed things, finding the connection of confilct and complex, analysis in narrition, inside imago and symbolism and analysis in word unit. This part showed the authors’summary and Application according to Freud’s case analysis, Theoretical Explanation, literary criticism and suggestion, and discussed the feasibility and many operating features while using psychoanalysis in literary criticism.The last part is about the acception of China and“The Second Study Surge on Freud’s”, which illustrated the history of the theory of Freud coming into China, and the characteristics of“The Second Study Surge on Freud’s”, and pointed out features and the convercing phenomenon of the Freud study. Basing on consideration of tradition, realism, scientific thoughts, this part mainly analysized the second meet of Freud and Max in China, and illustrated the concerning theoretical significance.In summary, while combining psychoanalysis of Freud and literature together, this thesis discussed the effectiveness and using skills of Frued’s theory to literatary critism.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 苏州大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2010年 04期

