

Study on the Language of the Novel of Tang Dynasity and the Five Dynasity

【作者】 王虎

【导师】 王继如;

【作者基本信息】 苏州大学 , 汉语言文字学, 2008, 博士

【摘要】 李時人编著的《全唐五代小說》(下簡稱《小說》)是唐代小說資料的綜合性匯編。李時人大膽地提出了要用“近世的小說觀念去界定中國古代小說”,在新觀念的指導下,《小說》所收,除了人們公認為小說的傳奇作品外,還自別集、總集、類書、筆記、地志、佛道二藏、敦煌遗書中編輯入大量小說作品。為了避免因考慮不周,或見仁見智,而漏收,編者在“對小說與非小說別擇時採取了‘寧寬勿嚴’的態度,另設‘外篇’,收錄了那些“還沒有達到小說標準,但在某些方面具備了一些小說的因素,或者說接近小說規制的敘事作品。”這樣,就使唐五代小說的面貌得以真實、具體而全面地再現,為唐五代小說研究提供了豐富的史料。本文從語言文字學的角度切入,繼承前賢的研究成果,在比勘原文,確保錄文準確的基礎上,對《小說》的語詞作了系統地研究,較為全面地找出《小說》中的新詞新義。所謂新詞新義,原則上均為《漢語大字典》(下簡稱《大字典》)《漢語大詞典》(下簡稱《大詞典》)和《唐五代語言詞典》(下簡稱《唐詞典》)所未言及或釋義不全、不確者。本文共考釋了的132條詞語。所釋詞條,主要反映唐五代時期的詞匯面貌,必要時,則上溯先秦兩漢,下延後世,以明其源流演變。

【Abstract】 The five-volume Quantang Wudai Xiaoshuo(abbreviated of Xiaoshuo) by Li Shi-ren is the collection of comprehensive documents of Tang dynasty.Li Shi Ren has suggested that "to define Chinese ancient novel with modern conception of novel" guided by new concept," Xiaoshuo" collected many works from Personal Collection, Collection,Leishu,Biji,Dizhi,Buddhist scriptures,Dao scriptures,Dunhuang scriptures. In order to avoid miss collected dueto thinking narrowly or different opinions,editors distinguish novel or not novel by a not strict rules."Waipian" also collects some novels which do not reach the standard of novel,but contain some factors of novel.Thus the true aspect of novel in Tang dynasty and Five Dynasty can be reappear.Which will be convenient to those who study novel of Tang dynasty and Five Dynasty.This paper,following Linguistic approach,inherits research results of the older generations and study systematically of characters in.Xiaoshuo.with comparing original texture to ensure more accurate.We pick out the neologisms and new meaning in.Xiaoshuo.What so called neologisms and new meaning is that has not mentioned or inaccurate in Hanyudacidian(abbreviated of Dacidiano),Hanyudazidian(abbreviated of Dazidian) and Tangwudaiyuyancidian(abbreviated of Tangcidian).The paper has explained 132 words,which reflect vocabulary state in Tang dynasty.Sometimes we do our best to make clear the original meaning of the word and illustrate it development.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 苏州大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2010年 04期
  • 【分类号】I207.41;H131
  • 【被引频次】3
  • 【下载频次】295
  • 攻读期成果

