

Law of Winning Basketball Games

【作者】 刘卫东

【导师】 孙民治;

【作者基本信息】 苏州大学 , 体育教育训练学, 2008, 博士

【摘要】 在竞技篮球运动中,篮球比赛的最终目的是为了赢得比赛,竞技篮球运动是围绕着取胜这一目的展开的。制胜是整个篮球运动的出发点,也是它的落脚点。在比赛中战胜对手就成为队员和教练员直接的追求目标和努力的方向。为了在竞技篮球比赛中战胜对手,首先就要求队员、教练员和其他的管理人员以及相关为之服务的人员遵循比赛取胜的制胜规律。中国国家体育总局以及篮球运动管理中心为了备战奥运会,甚至在之前的许多次工作会议中,上至局领导下至中心主任都提到了发展中国篮球运动,特别竞技篮球运动必须去发现其制胜规律。此外,竞技篮球运动中的训练、管理、选材等工作也都离不开以制胜为核心的一个整体体系,所以研究竞技篮球运动的制胜规律也就显示出它的重大意义。掌握和遵循竞技篮球的制胜规律首先要从把握和理解竞技篮球的基本运动规律,在篮球规则的限定下,根据篮球运动的基本规律分析篮球制胜因素,寻找各个因素彼此之间有何本质的、必然的和稳定的联系,从而最终找出竞技篮球运动制胜的规律。按照上述思路,本文利用文献资料法、问卷调查法、访谈法、逻辑分析法已经观察法先对影响竞技篮球运动制胜的因素分析入手,构建了影响竞技篮球运动制胜因素的体系。笔者将其分成训练、比赛、管理、选材、科研五个方面,其中以训练和比赛为整个制胜因素中的核心,其他几个方面都是为其服务,受其支配或导向。在以训练、比赛为核心的制胜子因素中又可分为主观和客观两个方面的要素。竞技篮球运动中影响训练和比赛的主要主观因素包括教练员和运动员两个方面的因素,教练员因素中主要是关于教练员执教能力,包括教练员的篮球理念、训练的方法与安排、与队员和裁判的关系、对规则的理解以及在比赛当中的临场指挥能力等;运动员因素中主要包括运动员的竞技能力、和其他队友之间的关系以及由此产生的团队合作精神、与教练员和裁判的关系、球星和替补队员的作用等。竞技篮球运动中影响训练和比赛的主要客观制胜因素是指那些球队和球员本身无法控制或自身对其影响较为弱小的因素,它主要包括:对手运动员和教练员的竞技状况、裁判因素、主客场的差异以及对规则的理解和一些偶发因素等。寻找出影响竞技篮球运动制胜的因素后,对其分析并去发现这些因素之间本质的、必然的、稳定的联系也就是对竞技篮球运动制胜规律的探索,其中包含了主观因素之间的联系对竞技篮球运动制胜的作用,如教练员和运动员之间的关系、教练员之间的关系、运动员之间的关系等,也有客观因素之间的关系对竞技篮球运动制胜的作用,如裁判和对手的关系,环境和对手的关系等。除了主观和客观本身内部的联系外,他们之间也有着彼此的联系,如教练员和裁判的联系、运动员和裁判的联系。最后还有与宏观方面的联系,如管理和科研对竞技篮球运动制胜的联系等。这些联系就是一个个关于竞技篮球运动制胜的规律,但面对这个庞大的体系,要想把握它的全部联系和规律还需要做进一步的研究和探索。

【Abstract】 In basketball games, winning the match is the ultimate purpose, which is the nuclear of basketball. Beating the opponent, from the start to the end, runs through the basketball match. So how to win the basketball match is the undisguised aim for the coaches and the players.In order to beat the opponent in the games, it is the law of winning basketball that the players, the coaches, the managements and the servicemen concerned are supposed to adhere to. The National Sports Administration Bureau of China and the Management Center of Basketball not only for preparing the Olympic Games in 2008, but among the past conferences, the leaders of the bureau and the deans all mention the deep development of basketball, even enormously emphasize how to explore the law of the basketball. Additionally, the nuclear of law in basketball is systematically concerned with the basketball training, the basketball management, and the selected works of basketball etc, therefore, the research on the law of winning basketball significantly indicates its meanings.Mastering and abiding by the law of winning basketball first need grasping and understanding the basic sports law, beneath the limits of basketball law and the basic law of basketball, then analyzing the factors of winning basketball, exploring the natural, inevitable and stable connections among the factors, thereby to discover the law of winning basketball.According to the views mentioned, this paper, with the methods of literature reviewing, questionaire, interviewing basketball experts and coaches, logical analysis, mathematical statistics and observation, puts the analysis of the law’factors as the first and constructs a factor system that affects the winnin on basketball games. The author divides it into training, matching, managing, selecting materials, science researching etc; among them, training and matching are the nuclear of the winning factors, and the others are dominated and guided by them, even only serving for them. The winning factors with the nuclear of training and matching cover the subjective and objective sides.The main subjective factors influencing on the training and matching of basketball contain the ones of the coaches and the players. The former is concerned with their teaching capabilities with their basketball views, the method of training and arrangement, the relationship between the coaches and the players, understanding the rules of basketball and conducting the ability on the spot. The latter includes their sports abilities, their relationship among themselves and their cultivation of teamwork, their relationship between the coaches and the referees, the function of the basketball fans and the substitutes. On the other hand, the objective factors are the uncontrolled and weak ones for the basketball team and players, including the sports situation of the opposite players and coaches, the factors of referee, the differences of host and guest places and some accidental factors.Exploring the influence on the winning law of basketball, analyzing and obtaining the natural, inevitable and stable connections among the factors, are the discoveries of the winning law on basketball. There are the links of subjective factors functional on the winning of basketball, such as the relationship between the coaches and the players, the one among the coaches, and the one among the players; as for the links of objective factors functional on the winning of basketball show the relation of the referees and the opposite, the surroundings and the opposite. Not only does the law indicate the inner relations of each subjective and objective factor, but they still have mutual links, such as the relationship between the coaches and the referees, and the one between the players and the referees; the last is connected with the macro-relationship, such as the management and tech-research influential in the winning basketball. Each connection mentioned is the law of winning basketball, however, facing the enormous sports system, the law of winning basketball is deserved to deep researches and broad explorations.

【关键词】 竞技篮球制胜规律
【Key words】 basketballlaw of winning
  • 【网络出版投稿人】 苏州大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2010年 04期

