

The Study on the Chinese Traditional Culture’s Influence on Chinese Modern Athletic Basketball’s Development

【作者】 李征

【导师】 孙民治;

【作者基本信息】 苏州大学 , 体育教育训练学, 2008, 博士

【摘要】 篮球运动在中国发展至今,已成为具有丰富文化内涵的社会现象,特别是在王治郅、巴特尔、姚明和易建联这些具有国际号召力和出色运动技能的运动员先后涌现后,更是受到广大中国人民的关注与支持。与此同时,中国人为篮球运动的发展付出了巨大的人力、物力、财力、精力,但是其结出的果实却似乎并未满足国人对中国篮球的期望。篮球运动有其自身的规律,中国篮球运动更有其独特的特色和内在的特点。以前我们习惯性的把不尽人意的成绩归咎于身高条件不如外国强队,后来也表面的总结为中国竞技篮球运动的发展缺乏先进的训练方法,技、战术理念和物质保障条件的制约,但在高大队员涌现后,聘请外国知名教练采用与篮球强国同样的技、战术理念与训练方法后,国家队物质保障条件不断改善并达到国际水平后,中国竞技篮球运动还是未能实现突破,一些老生常谈的症结仍制约着中国竞技篮球运动的发展。竞技运动演进到现在,已经成为一门综合多学科因素的复杂科学,要实现一个运动项目的腾飞,把握其潜在的发展规律,不能只将注意力集中在一般训练学的层面上,因为训练活动只是一个执行的过程,是一个中间环节,本文的研究就在于尝试从一般运动训练学以外的文化角度探寻影响中国当代竞技篮球运动发展的因素,从而为提高中国竞技篮球的运动水平和竞技篮球事业的发展的工作提供一个新的见解和开创一个新的思路,促进中国竞技篮球运动新的突破。本文以文献资料法、访问调查法、比较研究法、数理统计法、逻辑分析法和问卷调查法为主要研究方法;以自第26届奥运会(1996年,美国亚特兰大)后基本实现了身高结构性调整至今的、完成身体素质条件整合的中国国家男子篮球队及对中国男篮发展具有隐形影响作用的中国民族传统文化为研究对象,从“文化与篮球运动”的关系着手,到“中国当代竞技篮球发展现状”,再到“中国民族传统文化研究”形成本文的基本理论研究,而后运用文献资料与实际事例相结合的方法,从中国民族传统文化对中国当代竞技篮球发展的产生影响进行了细致阐释与分析,最终在全文论述的基础上得出如下结论:1.中国民族传统文化促进了篮球运动在我国的发展.篮球运动是一种外来事物,其在中国的生存发展需要与中国的社会文化相结合,从外来的变为民族的,获取生存与发展的原动力。虽然中国民族传统文化没有直接作用于篮球运动,但是透过中国人的意识、观念影响了篮球运动在中国的发展。从篮球运动的历程来看,史实证明了篮球运动在中国发展得到了中国民族传统文化的保障、促进与丰富。2.中国民族传统文化影响了中国篮球的发展方向与存在形式.一个民族的价值观念将决定一个民族体育的发展方向,一个民族的审美情趣将影响对体育内容的选择,一个民族的道德情操将制约对体育活动的规范,一个民族的心态习惯影响着本民族体育文化选择的趋向,而体育选择趋向则决定着体育的基本存在方式。在中国民族传统文化的影响下,中国的篮球文化与篮球运动体现出中国社会文化的特点,使得其发展方向与存在形式有别于其它国家的篮球文化与建设出具有自身特色的风格特点。3.中国民族传统文化优良传统的缺失影响了中国当代竞技篮球的发展.中国民族文化是一个复杂而庞大的体系,在漫长的历史发展过程中形成了众多的优良传统,同时也产生了一定的消极因素这符合事物发展的客观规律。在我国当代竞技篮球发展过程中,由于中国民族传统文化优良传统的缺失,使我国当代竞技篮球步入了文化的误区,影响了我国当代竞技篮球的健康发展,阻碍了我国当代竞技篮球新突破的实现。4.文化的差异对中国当代竞技篮球的发展造成了影响.由于文化差异,我们在事物的执行力上与西方人有所差别。竞技篮球运动发展到今天,随着全球一体化进程与信息技术的高度发展,在很多事物的形式上已经几乎没有差别,对结果影响最大的因素就在于执行力上。执行的态度,执行的过程,都会对结果的产生造成影响。对于当代竞技篮球运动的发展来说,如若能在执行工作中,能够本着科学的原则出发,抓住具体工作的每个细节并对其精益求精,把其表现得尽善尽美,那么中国当代竞技篮球运动在运动员身高条件实现调整、物质基础得到强有力保障的今天,实现进一步的发展是大有希望的。

【Abstract】 Nowadays,Chinese Basketball,as its development,it’s already turned to a kind a multi-culture-system.With the appearance of Wang Zhizhi,Bateer,Yao Ming and Yi jianlian,the basketball stars which attracted the eyes from all over the world,the Chinese basketball got more attention and support from Chinese general public.At the meantime,for the development of Chinese basketball,China has devoted great human resource,material resource,financial and force.However, the result is unsatisfactory.Basketball has its own principal for the development,Chinese basketball has its special features and characteristics too.Formerly,we were accustomed to attribute the reason why we failed in the international basketball game to our height is as tall as foreign teams,or we summed up to we didn’t have the advanced training methods,strategies,and the substance back up. But,after we have the big guys;we hired the famous coaches;we have the same training method with the foreign teams and enough substance support;we still didn’t make the goal that we want to become a real strong team of the world,some handicaps still effect the development of Chinese basketball again and again.Now,the modern sports science,it is became complicated and compositive.It is cannot make the achievement by only focus on the normal training suppose we want to development a sport event.The study of this paper is try to find the influence of the Chinese basketball’s development through the culture aspect.This dissertation has methods,like reading related investigating,using questionnaire and statistics and logical analyzing etc.,and papers,to study the Chinese traditional cultures’ influence on the development of Chinese modern athletic basketball.After the study,The following conclusions were made from the dissertation:1.Generally,the Chinese traditional culture has promoted the Chinese basketball.As foreign affairs,its development should combine with the local culture,and make itself as a part of this culture.Although the Chinese traditional culture didn’t effect the Chinese basketball’s development directly,it still influenced the Chinese basketball by its influence on Chinese people. From the evidence of the history proved that the Chinese traditional culture has promoted the Chinese basketball.2.Chinese basketball’s pattern of its existence and the direction of its development were effected by Chinese traditional culture.The national attitude toward value will determine the development direction of the national sport;the interests of aesthetic will influence the choice of sport contents;the national ethos will limit the rules of sport activities;and the mental habits of a nation affect the tendency of the choice of sport culture.Under the influence of Chinese traditional culture,its choice decided the basic pattern and existence of Chinese basketball.3.The default of the excellent parts of Chinese traditional culture effected the development of Chinese modern athletic basketball.The Chinese traditional culture is a complicated and huge system,it produced some positive culture and also some negative one,too.On the way of the development of Chinese modern athletic basketball,by reason of the default of the excellent parts of Chinese traditional culture,Chinese basketball’s development is blocked.4.The difference between the Chinese culture and western culture effected the development of Chinese modern athletic basketball.Our execution to figure out some work is not as the same as western people,because the culture gap.Generally speaking,in this time,with the globalization and the development of the information technology,it is no such a huge difference in many industries from the aspect.The crisis is how you execute the work.Every single detail in the executive process might be induce the final result.So,for the development of Chinese modern athletic basketball,we should start our work on the scientific and reasonable fundamental,and focus on every single detail,then we might be realize our hope on the development of Chinese modern athletic basketball.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 苏州大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2010年 04期

