

History Study of China Sports Journalism

【作者】 张宏伟

【导师】 董新光;

【作者基本信息】 苏州大学 , 体育教育训练学, 2008, 博士

【摘要】 1924年,国际体育记者协会在法国巴黎成立,正式提出体育新闻作为一门独立新闻学科和现象进行研究,但在我国构建于新闻学与体育学之上的体育新闻学却一门年轻学科,1979年9月新中国最早的中国体育记者协会成立,2005年体育科学学会成立体育新闻传播研究分会并召开全国首届体育新闻传播讲习班。最近的一次事件是2008年1月在北京首次举行的以体育新闻传播史为专题的学术讨论会,这也是体育新闻研究领域首次对体育新闻史发展与现状进行讨论。虽然对体育新闻的研究刚刚兴起,学科刚刚起步,但体育新闻现象在我国却是古已有之,并拥有厚重的历史,本文即是对体育新闻过去所发生的种种进行研究。本文采用了文献资料法、专家访谈法、实地调查法、历史分析方法、历史比较研究方法。研究对象纵向包括古代、近现代、当代的体育新闻。横向研究集中在具体历史条件下,在体育新闻中的体育新闻传播者,体育新闻内容,体育新闻传播媒介等。我国体育新闻分为以下几个阶段:(1)体育新闻的自在时期(1840年之前)1840年鸦片战争爆发,标志着中国近代史的开端,这以前的体育新闻是原始的状态,我国古代基本没有体育的“新闻意识”,但却孕育了体育新闻的萌芽,这是一个虽然有一定理性却无目标的发展时期。古代体育传播的内容包括军事体育内容的传播、游戏娱乐活动的传播及传统养生活动的传播。在体育传播思想中管子的全民军事体育、孔子的克己复礼重文轻武、墨子重体的武侠之风是体育传播思想中的代表。(2)体育新闻的传入时期(1840年—1909年)进入清朝末期,随着“西学东渐”的潮流,中国也开始有了新闻事业,但它基本上是“洋人”按照自己模式传入中国并操办起来,我国近代体育新闻建立的另一个载体体育——无论是跑马等租界体育还是学校体育,都一并传入中国。(3)体育新闻的凝变发展时期(1909年—1949年)1909年留日归国的体育教育家徐一冰在上海创办《体育界》,这是当前普遍承认的中国最早的体育专业报刊。随着中国人办报热情高涨,传播体育意识的增强,体育新闻报道在报刊中经常出现,大众普遍接受了体育新闻,在广播中也出现了体育报道,对体育新闻的传播成为一种持续的现象,在发展过程中有相对稳定性并不断继承下来,这种传袭和继承正是体育新闻传承性的重要标志,而体育新闻的传承在历史发展过程中凝聚表现为相对固定,即体育新闻的“凝变时期”。(4)体育新闻的拓展时期(1949年—1993年)新中国成立后,1952年7月1日《新体育》杂志创刊,是新中国最早的体育专业报刊。这时体育报道在稳定的社会政治环境中获得了新的发展,印刷媒体是体育新闻传播的主力军,同时以通讯社、广播、电视等大众媒介为载体的体育新闻都有了新的发展。这一时期,体育新闻作为一个新闻品种得到了大众的广泛认可和接受,体育新闻行业形成,出现了为适应体育新闻传播专门培养的人才。各种大众媒体中体育新闻的关注度、报道量都有开拓,被称为体育新闻的“拓展时期”。(5)体育新闻的繁盛时期(1993年—)1993年12月中国第一个专业体育电视频道上海有线体育频道开播,标志着体育新闻传播在我国进入一个新的阶段。进入20世纪90年代,中国体育事业获得很大发展,人们对体育新闻需求量剧增,光线通讯和有线电视技术也逐步完善,体育新闻的受众从来没有这么广泛。在体育电视媒体强劲发展带动下,报纸、广播、网络的体育新闻都呈现出繁盛的阶段,体育新闻科研蓬勃发展,体育新闻教育方兴未艾,体育新闻组织遍地开花,这一时期被称为体育新闻的“繁盛时期”。

【Abstract】 1924, ISPA (International Sports Press Association) was established in Paris of France, and sports journalism was suggested to be study as an independent subject and phenomenon. However, Sports Journalism that structure in journalism and sports is a young subject in our country. The earliest China Sports Press of new China was established in September of 1979. In 2005, China Sports Science Society established China Sports Committee and holds the first sports journalism workshop. Recently, the first conference of sports journalism history was hold in Beijing in January of 2008, and this is the first time that sports journalism history has to be study as a special topic, although the study just begin, before phenomenon of sports journalism had appeared, and this dissertation study all sorts of taking place in the past in sports journalism.The dissertation has been used the method of documents, interview, investigation, historical analysis, historical comparative research and class analysis, ect...Research object includes ancient times, modern times, contemporary vertically. Horizontal research concentrates on disseminators, the content of sports journalism, and media of sports journalism on the concrete historical condition. China sports journalism is divided into following several stages:(1)Embryonic period of Sports Journalism (before 1840)In 1840, the Opium War (1840-1842) broke out, marks the beginning of China’s modern history, before the sports journalism was the primitive state, there is no " consciousness of the news " of sports basically in ancient times in our country. But pregnant with the rudiment of the sports journalism, this is period that in the rational developing without goal. The content of ancient sports includes the military sports, entertainment and regimen. Guanzi’s whole people military sports, Confucius’ weight knowledge Light strength, MoZi’s chivalrous spirit were the representative sports journalism thinking. (2)Spreading period of sports journalism (1840-1909)On the latter of Qing Dynasty, with trend on " the west culture communication to China", China begins to have communication undertaking too, but it is introduced to China and made arrangements of according to foreigner mode basically, another carrier of sports journalism sports--no matter lease sports or school sports, all be introduced to China.(3)Agglutinate period of sports journalism(1909-1949)1909, sports educationist Xu Yi-bing came back from Japan established <Sports Dom> in Shanghai, this is the earliest specialized sports newspapers that are generally admitted in China. With the running newspaper warmly, enhancement of sports consciousness, sports report appears often in the newspaper, the masses had generally accepted sports news, sports reports presented in radio. Sports journalism had became a kind of lasting phenomenon that showed relative stability and constant succession in the course of developing.It is important sign of inheritance of sports journalism, and this kind of inheritance represent relatively regular. We called the period as "Agglutinate period of sports journalism".(4)Expansion period of sports journalism(1949-1993)After the founding of new China,<New Sports>magazine was published on July 1, 1952. It was the earliest specialized sports periodical of new China. The sports reports had got new development in the steady society and politics environment, and print journalism was the mainstay in sports journalism, meanwhile, sports journalism in news agency, broadcast, and TV got development. The sports Journalism got the masses’ extensive approval an accepted as a news assortment, sports journalism trade take shape, sports journalism reporter was educated. The concern and amount of different sports media were expanded. We called the period as“Expansion period of sports journalism”.(5) Prosperous period of sports journalism(1993 so far)The first professional sports channel was built in Shanghai in December of 1993, indicating the new stage of sports journalism in China. Enter 1990s, China sport developed great, and people required sports journalism severely, light communication and cable TV technology improved progressively, audience of sports news never so extensive. Under the growing of sports TV vigorously, sports newspaper, sports broadcast, sports network come in to prosperous stage, sports journalism education show ascendant, sports journalism organization flourish. We called the period as“Prosperous period of sports journalism”.

【关键词】 中国体育新闻新闻史
【Key words】 ChinaSports JournalismHistory of Journalism
  • 【网络出版投稿人】 苏州大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2010年 04期

