

A Philosophical Research on Dr.Schwerin’s Corporate Social Responsibility

【作者】 南文化

【导师】 李兰芬;

【作者基本信息】 苏州大学 , 马克思主义哲学, 2008, 博士

【摘要】 作为西方企业文化发展的当代形态,企业社会责任既是一种管理实践,也是一种哲学运思。众多学者反思企业社会责任。美国学者施沃伦是其代表性人物之一。施沃伦企业社会责任以其独特性已经引起世人关注,但没有得到应有的解读。因此,研究施沃伦企业社会责任,是哲学理论发展、科学地开展企业社会责任运动的需要,更是融入新全球化、建设和谐社会的关键所在。施沃伦企业社会责任立足的社会现实是自觉的资本主义。自觉的资本主义是施沃伦们所指称的、有别于自由竞争资本主义的资本主义发展阶段,是与别一种后现代主义相关联的别一种资本主义。别一种后现代主义指的是建设性的后现代主义,是一种思维方式,偏重于思,主要发生在学界;别一种资本主义是自觉的资本主义,它是一种新的经营管理模式,偏重于行,主要发生在商界。但在倡导一种“整体性的世界观”,强调“事物的相互联系性”以及拒绝“分离性思维”或“碎化性思维”等核心哲学理念上,二者却惊人地一致。受西方古老智慧、东方智慧和后现代思潮影响,施沃伦企业社会责任以精神有机整体论为其哲学基石,抨击以单纯追求物质金钱、以在残酷竞争中获胜为满足的物质主义,反对以分离与自治为特征的实体主义,消解无限细分与理性至尚的理性极权,批判“人类中心主义”、“西方中心主义”;主张精神性追求胜于肉体物质享受的精神主义,弘扬内在普遍联系的有机整体观,注重凭直觉处理问题的思维方法,倡导以人为本和全球平等、合作共创、多赢的全球主义价值观。“精神”构成施沃伦企业社会责任的核心范畴。施沃伦认为,万物都属于同一个精神本质,世间一切都是一种精神的创造,即使是神创宇宙也是从“我想创造什么”这一理念开始的。作为与有形的金钱物质相对应的、现实生活的整合性力量,“精神”是人性和人生的“统一的意义”,是“永恒智慧”,更是人的智慧与意志。施沃伦预见,伴随新全球化,人类社会忽视或者殆于履行社会责任的竞争岁月正在逝去,体现世界精神有机整体性的企业社会责任时代已经到来。施沃伦以精神有机整体论为哲学基础的企业社会责任对中国建构科学的企业社会责任思想体系,指导中国企业合理地履行社会责任实践,以既能如所期待地实现现代化,又能成功地避免西方现代化的弊端,具有一定理论与实践上的积极意义。诚然,施沃伦企业社会责任思想理念并不改变资本唯利是图的逻辑和本性,它反理性但不反资本主义制度,为资本主义制度辩护,有掩盖资本本质的嫌疑。同时,它忽视、抹煞落后地区发展权,在看待环保等问题上也过于盲目乐观,等等,有待于我们实践的检验和理论的反思。

【Abstract】 The sweeping global Corporate Social Responsibility(CSR) movement is the consequence of the development of the Western enterprise culture, a kind of management practice, as well as a philosophical trend. Numerous scholars have started to reflect upon CSR. Contemporary American thinker Entrepreneur David A. Schwerin is one of the representative figures.The social reality Schwerin bases his idea on is conscious capitalism. Conscious capitalism is what Schwerin alleges to and the like he refers to, which is different from the capitalist free competition in the capitalist stage of development, and the other is a post-modernistic way of thinking associated with capitalism. A post-modernist refers to the constructive post-modernism which is a way of thinking, mainly in academia; the other is a capitalist consciousness, a new management model, mainly in the business sector. One postmodernism lays stress on Si (reflection), and others place emphasis on Xing (practice), advocating a "holistic world view" with the emphasis that "things are interrelated" and rejecting the core philosophy of "separation thinking" or "fragmentation thinking”. Both are surprisingly consistent,The origins include the Western "ancient wisdom", the wisdom of the East, the post-modern thought especially constructive post-modern thought. Schwerin’s Corporate Social Responsibility bases spiritually organic whole,; anti-materialistic and the chase of money; scolds enjoying on materialistic gain by cruelty, by contest; anti-separation and inequality,conceling unlimited division and the ration which has unlimited right; critics the human Caterer and the Eastern Center holds chasing spirit which is better than body enjoyment on matter; approves the notion that the world is of an inner linked organic whole; pays attention to the way handling case by intuition; advocates humanism and the global value notion of being equal, corporating and creating as well as winning as a whole. the conception“spirit”makes up Schwerin‘s CSR core conception. Schwerin insists that the whole belongs to a“spirit”,whole things are the creations of“spirit”,even if the world made by God is from the notion“what wants to make”. As a force that makes our real lives to be one, being the other side of money and matter,“spirit”is the meaning of humanity and life ,the“Ancient wisdom”as well as human’s wisdom and will. Schwerin proves that with the globalization, human society will see the end of human being’s curtly, contest negllecting CSR and the day when CSR believes that the organic world is considered whole coming to be true .Bases on the spiritual organic wholeness,no matter in theory or practice ,Schwerin’s CSR benefits Chinese CSR culture to be a science,conducting China to take CSR into practice rationally so as to make it true as what we want as well as avoiding the falsehood the western had made in order to be modernBut Schwerin’s CSR has not changed the logic and essence of capitalism, assuming everything is done merely for benefit, for it is anti-rationalism, not capitalism, it should be asked whether the theory is covering up the essence of capitalism. In the meantime, it neglects or covers the right of development of underdevelopmented areas and it is over optimistic when treading the environmental problems. All these should be put into practice.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 苏州大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2010年 04期

