

On the Constitutional Expression of Basic Economic Institution of China

【作者】 杨思留

【导师】 杨海坤;

【作者基本信息】 苏州大学 , 宪法与行政法学, 2007, 博士

【摘要】 经济制度入宪,肇始于1918年制定、1919年8月11日生效的《德意志国宪法》。因该部宪法在魏玛地区制定,故又称为魏玛宪法(Weimarer Verfassung)。宪法中规定国家对经济生活的干预,与以往政府担任“守夜人”的角色发生了很大的变化,体现了由消极政府向积极政府转变的趋势。我国1999年的宪法修正案在宪法原第六条中增加一款,出现了“基本经济制度”这一新概念:“国家在社会主义初级阶段,坚持公有制为主体、多种所有制经济共同发展的基本经济制度”。实际上,以所有制为核心内容的条款自《共同纲领》起,便出现在新中国的历部宪法和宪法性文件当中。在市场经济体制已经确立的今天,市场竞争机制的作用越来越明显,范围越来越扩大,各种所有制经济在现实经济生活中的地位越来越平等,这就产生一系列的疑问:国家应否在宪法中预设“公有制为主体”?“公有制为主体”与现实的市场经济体制是否相矛盾?“公有制为主体”在事实和法律上能否得到保证?本文基于传统社会的二分法,以及马克思主义关于“生产关系适应生产力”等原理,从理论上对基本经济制度的宪法属性进行了分析,认为基本经济制度属于以保障社会经济权利为主、干预社会经济为辅的“社会制度”,不应在法律上设定某种所有制经济的发展空间;基本经济制度也不是抽象的、没有具体约束力的基本国策,而应以宪法规范的形式出现在宪法中。由于此前对基本经济制度的宪法属性和宪法规范性缺乏足够的重视,导致现行宪法中的基本经济制度不仅不能发挥对社会经济的知道作用,相反还会因滞后于经济发展而需不断修正,损害了宪法尊严。本文运用实证分析的方法,证明在社会主义初级阶段的宪法基本经济制度中不应强调“以公有制为主体”。基本经济制度应以发展生产力为立法目的。文章最后提出:应以邓小平理论作为指导思想,在宪法中,将社会主义初级阶段基本经济制度重新表述为:“国家在社会主义初级阶段,实行多种所有制并存、保护各种所有制经济共同发展的基本经济制度”。此项修改,不仅有利于社会主义生产目的的实现,而且能够与宪法中的其他经济制度和改革中出现的地方立法相互协调,强化了宪法基本经济制度的规范性、包容性和稳定性,树立了宪法在社会经济发展中的权威性。

【Abstract】 Economic institutions showed in Constitutions originated firstly in Weimarer Verfassung (Constitution of German) 1918. Since then, the government has changed as an active role in controlling social economy from passive“Night Guard”.In Constitutional Amendments of 1999, Chinese Constitution produced a new concept“BASIC ECONOMIC INSTITUTION”: the state confirms the public ownership as a main part, encourages each ownership form making progress. In fact, the clauses of same meaning have been written in Chinese Constitutions since 1954.At present, every ownership form becomes more and more equal after the market economic system has been established in China, Can the state expect“the public ownership as a main part”? How can that be true? It seems a conflict between“the public ownership as a main part”and market economic system.Based on“political state and citizen society”and Marxist basic principles, the basic economic institution should be regard as a social system instead of state one. It is more like a constitutional norm instead of a state essential policy.Since the academic circles had neglected the constitutional nature of basic economic institution, it had to be changed times following the social economic facts. Constitutional sovereigns were damaged.By studying with overall principles and facts, an amending proposal was issued in this paper for the basic economic institution: in primary stage of socialism, all the ownerships are co-existed and each ownership form is safeguarded to develop by the state.This amendment would meet with the socialist product goal and keep along with the sovereignty of Constitution. It also accommodates the legislations issued before.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 苏州大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2010年 04期

