

The Technology Effect of FDI in Processing Trade

【作者】 许梅

【导师】 王光伟;

【作者基本信息】 苏州大学 , 金融学, 2007, 博士


【摘要】 FDI成为推动中国经济增长的重要影响因素。从1979年以来的26年间,中国实际利用外资超过6000亿美元,2005年吸引外资再创历史新高。中国利用外资额排在发展中国家第一位和全球第三位。随着FDI的大量涌入,在带来经济增长、强力拉动对外贸易的同时,也付出了资源过度消耗、缺乏核心技术、产业转换空间不足、环境污染加剧等方面的代价,而“以市场换技术”的引进外资的初衷是否达到预期效果?尤其是流入中国的外资大量地采取“两头在外、大进大出”的加工贸易的方式,除了明显的就业带动作用,其对国内产业的带动、税收贡献度、等备受质疑,中国的外资政策和加工贸易政策有无继续实行的必要,外资加工贸易模式下的技术溢出效应如何,都成为亟需回答的问题。针对上述理论争论,本文以苏州高新技术产业开发区(SND)和苏州工业园区(SIP)这两个非常典型的外资加工贸易模式的开发区为例,通过对两区技术溢出的实证分析来回答这个问题。实证的结果是两区都存在技术溢出效应,并在此基础上对其技术溢出的大小作了比较,发现在2000年之前,SND的技术溢出要大于SIP的技术溢出,2000年以后,SIP的技术溢出超过了SND,实证的结果与两区的现实非常符合。文章接下来对这一结果进行了解释,重点对2000年以后的技术溢出状况进行了解释。SND的成立要早于SIP,较强的先发优势是2000年之前其技术溢出要高于SIP的原因,而SIP通过中新双方的不断磨合,成功利用了中新两国政府合作的高起点、高平台,有效借鉴了新加坡经验并与当地实际相结合,在吸引外资的数量和质量、人才的培养、基础设施的标准、政府管理体制的创新等技术溢出的影响因素方面,都具有较大的优势。在上述分析的基础上,本文提出了加强外资加工贸易的技术溢出的政策建议。

【Abstract】 FDI has become one of the most important factor for Chinese ecomonic development. FDI in China has succeeded 600 billion usd during the 26 years from 1979 . FDI in China ranked the first place in developing countries and the third place in the world. With more and more FDI pouring in,Cina has gained high-speed economic increasing and foreign trade prosperity.But at the same time, we have been at the cost of material over-exhausting, devoid of core technology,lack of industry transition space and pollution strengthening, etc. Has our original will of exchange market for technology come into fact? Especially most FDI in China is in the way of processing trade with meterials and products both outward just simple process and assembly procedure in China. The effect of FDI in processing trade way such as drive or domestic industry and tax devotion is in dispute except distinct employment promotion. How about the technology flowover of FDI in China will effect more the policy of FDI and processing trade.In order to answer above question , I study on the two zones of FDI in processing trade way SND and SIP. In the base of analysis of the channel of technology flowover, I make demonstration study on the actural effect of the two zones by set up two models and find that the two zones has high technology flowover .Then I compare the two values of the two areas. The result is that the value of SND is larger than that of SIP before 2000 and after 2000 the value of SIP surpasses that of SND.The result of demonstration study is accordance with the actuality of the two areas. Then here gives the exlaination of the result especially the reason why the value of SIP surpasses that of SND after 2000. The value of SND is larger than that of SIP before 2000 is because SND has advantage of earlier-bird . SND established in 1991 while SIP established in 1994. In early days there are some friction in the two countries China and Singapore. But with time passed the two countries cooperated well and combined Sinpaore experience with Suzhou practice. And SIP has much advantage in the quantity and quanlity of FDI ,training of human recouses,standard of basic establishment, innovation of polity,etc.Through above analyse I give suggestion on how to improve technology flowover of FDI in processing trade way.

【关键词】 外商直接投资加工贸易技术溢出
【Key words】 flowoverFDIprocessing trade
  • 【网络出版投稿人】 苏州大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2010年 04期
  • 【分类号】F752.68;F832.6;F273.1
  • 【被引频次】3
  • 【下载频次】703
  • 攻读期成果

