

On the Difference and Likeness between Li Ang and Shi Shuqing

【作者】 刘宇

【导师】 曹惠民;

【作者基本信息】 苏州大学 , 中国现当代文学, 2007, 博士

【摘要】 李昂、施叔青是颇受瞩目的台湾文学姐妹。她们的创作呈现出“同中有异、异中有同”的独特风格,对她们两人进行“合论”研究将是一项有意义的尝试。论文第一章对李昂、施叔青的创作进行详细的梳理。对两位作家的的文学创作分别加以介绍,主要按时间顺序进行作品概述。概述突出两位作家的相同之处:两人都以花季之龄登上文坛,具有相同的家庭背景以及相似的留学经历,原乡-都市-女性-性这四点是她们关注的焦点。李昂是忠实的台湾书写者,施叔青则游走于各地,最终回归原乡。论文第二章以李昂、施叔青的鹿港经验、台湾记忆为主要研究面向。撷取两人早期作品中对鹿港的最初记忆,呈现李昂、施叔青笔下不同的鹿港小镇。传说与禁忌是她们作品中所共有的因素,鬼魅与恐怖的气氛由此产生。当她们走出鹿港走向台北甚至更为广阔的世界后,原乡的记忆依然贯穿于小说之中。而为台湾历史作传,是两人共同的创作意图,李昂以家族史书写台湾历史,施叔青则关注清代移民的命运,两人都从庶民角度出发,却呈现出迥异的台湾过往。台北世纪末的繁华暴露出台北都市人的“原乡失忆”,施叔青呈现了现代人红酒文化之下的精神原乡的丧失,李昂则呈现了台湾世纪末的颓废、疾病与荒芜。中国传统文化的迁移与传承是两人共同关注的焦点。论文第三章以李昂、施叔青作品中的都市呈现与女性生存为主要考察方面。衣饰,是都市文化的承载,甚至它们体现着女性的情感起伏、社会地位与异性的交往策略。姐妹两人作品中对于女性衣饰的着力书写是都市文化呈现的重要部分。施叔青对都市女性的生存困境和爱情、婚姻状况关注比较多;而都市女性的情感困境与情感慰藉,则是李昂、施叔青姐妹俩共同关注的问题。李昂以严肃的创作态度,立足台湾本土兼及海外,书写都市女性的生存方式,对于女性的生存“计谋”,带有非常明显的批判或者嘲讽意味;施叔青则在台湾、美国、香港三地游走,对于身处异国他乡(尤其是香港)的女性,给予了更多的关注,而“叹世界”的创作动机以及写实的创作手法,使得她的作品透出都市的一片繁华绚丽。走出台北,走出香港,李昂在异域展开了一段另类的“漂流之旅”,施叔青游览于意大利,以她一贯的华丽笔法,将一场美食与艺术的飨宴在艺术之国精彩呈现。论文第四章以李昂、施叔青小说中的“性”元素为重要讨论对象。作为女性作家,李昂、施叔青同样具有非常敏锐的情感体察力。她们凭借自己的性别优势,呈现女性最幽微的情爱体验,发掘出女性最深层的本质,从“心”到“身”的情爱模式在两人的小说中都有非常精彩的呈现。早期作品中,两人对于女性的成长历程都有书写,施叔青笔下呈现梦魇与疯癫的气氛,李昂则用天真的语气书写少女的情欲幻想。度过了花季年华的女性对于自己的身体有了更多的思考。从被动“物化”的身份到主动交易与战争,女性运用自己的身体换取食物、金钱、地位、甚至政治权力,两性权力的此消彼长在两姐妹的小说中体现得淋漓尽致。在关注传统的两性(异性)关系之外,李昂、施叔青也将同性之爱列入了自己的考察范围。在经过性迷茫、性堕落、性沮丧、性交易、性战争之后,女性找到了一种更加和谐的救赎方式,并兼及男同志书写。

【Abstract】 Li Ang and Shi Shuqing are two sisters in Taiwan literature circle who get focused attention. Their works take on a special style as“different in sameness, same in difference”. There will be a significant try to do a disjoint-joint research to them.The paper’s first chapter goes a detailed pectination about their works of Li Ang and Shi Shuqing. It gives introduction separately of their works, summarizing mainly in a sequence of time. The summarization points out the similarities between them: Both of them step in the literary world at the age of girlhood, having the same family background and similar experience of studying abroad. Native place, city, feminie and sex are the four points they concern about. Li Ang is a faithful writer of Taiwan, while Shi Shuqing travels around the world, returning back to the native finally.The second chapter focused on studying Li Ang and Shi Shuqing’s experience in Lu Harbor and memories about Taiwan, taking the prime memory of Lu Harbor in their early-time works and presenting their different Lu Harbor Town. Legends and tabu are their common equation in works. Ogreish and ghastful atmosphere engender. After they walk out Lu Harbor, to Taipei even much wider world, the native memories still run through their novels. While making a biography of Taiwan’s history is their common purpose. Li Ang writes Taiwan history basing on her family history, and Shi Shuqing writes in concerns of the immigrants in Qing Dynasty. On the common point of view, they show out different Taiwan comings and goings. The flourish at the end of century in Taiwan exposures Taipei urbanites“native memory lost”. Shi Shuqing gives out modernists’native spirit lost under the culture of red alcohol; While Li Ang brings the Taiwan’s depravation, illness and desolation at the end of century. Chinese traditional culture’s transference and inheritance are the focus of them both.The third chapter mainly reviews the city presentation and female subsistence in their works. Raiment bears the weight of urban culture, even embodies the females’emotional mobility, social class and strategy of affiliation with heterosexual. In the sisters’works, the focusing on the females’raiment are the important parts of the urban culture representation. Shi Shuqing concerns more on the urban females’survival jam and love issues, marriage; the affectional mess and sensible comfort are the common issues they are concerned. Li Ang, with serious attitude, basing herself upon the Taiwan islands and abroad, writes about the urban feminine’s living style, implying obvious animadvert and sardonic meaning to their living stratagem. While Shi Shuqing, travels in Taiwan, America and Hongkong, and pays more attention to those females living in foreign countries ( especially in Hongkong ). The creativity motivation“praise of the world”and the true-life technique, make her works penetrate a glorious and flowery city. Out of Taipei, out of Hongkong, Li Ang begins a particular“drift journey”in a strange region. Shi Shuqing visits in Italy, by her persistent luxury vigor of style, presents a banquet of cates and arts in the world of art.The fourth chapter discusses mainly on the element of sex existing in their novels. As two female writers, Li Ang and Shi Shuqing get quite acuminous perspicacity to affection in the same way. By the advantage of the sex, they take on the most serene affection experience and discover the deepest essence of feminism. The love pattern“from heart to body”is wonderfully presented in both of their novels. In their earlier works, they both have ever written about the growing course of females. Incubus and insane mood takes on Shi Shuqing’s writings, while Li Ang describes girlish ardour illusion in a na?ve tone. Those females, who have gone through the time of girlhood, have more consideration about their bodies. From the status of materially passive status to initiative deal and fight, the female use their bodies to exchange foods, money, status, even political rights. The ebb and flow of sexual rights is incarnated incisively and vividly in the sisters’novels. Beyond the concerns of the traditional bisexual relationship (heterosexual), Li Ang and Shi Shuqing also address the homoerotism into their review. After going through sexual confusion, sexual corruption, sexual depression, sexual bargaining, sexual warfare, the female find a more unisonous method to rescue and expiate, and also about faggotry.

【关键词】 鹿港原乡都市女性身体
【Key words】 Lu HarborNative PlaceUrban cityFemalebodysex
  • 【网络出版投稿人】 苏州大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2010年 04期
  • 【分类号】I207.42
  • 【被引频次】5
  • 【下载频次】321

