

On Government Regulation of Labour Dispatch

【作者】 沈同仙

【导师】 杨海坤;

【作者基本信息】 苏州大学 , 宪法学与行政法学, 2007, 博士

【摘要】 本文写作的目的是以我国《劳动合同法》草案关于劳动力派遣的规定为对象,分析劳动力派遣在我国的成因和存在状况,在参考外国及国际劳工组织立法和实践经验的基础上,对劳动力派遣的概念、特征和法律性质进行探讨,结合行政法学的基本原理,对《劳动合同法》草案中关于劳动力派遣中政府规制的规定进行评析,并提出完善我国劳动力派遣中政府规制的思路和建议,力图为完善我国《劳动合同法》中劳动力派遣的规定提出有价值的参考性意见。全文共分五部分。第一章劳动力派遣及其政府规制的概述。本章主要讨论三个问题,一是劳动力派遣的概念。本章首先对理论界和国内外法规关于劳动力派遣含义的认识进行综述,进而提出了笔者对劳动力派遣概念和特征的认识。二是界定了本文所指的政府规制的含义。三是劳动力派遣与政府规制的关系。文章提出市场经济构成政府规制的社会基础,而“市场失灵”则是发挥政府规制的基本原因,并提出政府规制和劳动力市场之间存在着相互作用、影响的互动关系。第二章劳动力派遣的起源和发展。本章首先介绍了劳动力派遣的起源,其次介绍美国、德国、英国、法国、日本和我国劳动力派遣的发展状况,分析了劳动力派遣在世界范围内长足发展的原因及其对政府规制的影响。第三章劳动力派遣政府规制的国际立法实践及其启示。本章在介绍国际劳工组织相关的国际公约和世界主要工业化国家对劳动力派遣政府规制立法实践的基础上,提炼出三点启示:一是国际社会已经实现了从抽象的“劳动力不是商品”的理念到“劳动力不仅仅是商品”理性认识的回归。二是放松对劳动力派遣的政府规制已经成为一种国际趋势;三是公权力对劳动力派遣发展的适度干预成为各国劳动力派遣政府规制立法的宝贵经验,而对劳动力派遣的期限、行业和岗位等微观经济的过度干预则成为劳动力派遣政府规制立法的教训。第四章劳动力派遣政府规制的国内争议及评析。本章重点讨论我国学术界对于劳动力派遣政府规制基础和立法价值取向的理论争鸣。首先论述了关于劳动力派遣成因和作用的争议及评析。其次,介绍了我国学术界对劳动力派遣政府规制政策的争鸣及评析。主要有三种观点:一、强调政府的严格规制。二、主张先严后松的政府规制政策。三、政府应该适度规制,应当强调运用法律规范。第五章对完善我国劳动力派遣政府规制的探讨。本章首先讨论我国劳动力派遣政府规制的目标,提出我国劳动力派遣政府规制的目标不是为了禁止或限制劳动力派遣本身的发展,而是为了保障派遣员工与企业自雇员工平等地享受法律的保护,防止派遣员工沦为企业的“二等劳工”。进而主张劳动力派遣政府规制应该遵循三项原则:必要性原则、适度性原则和效益性原则。其次,详细分析和评价了我国目前《劳动合同法》草案关于劳动力派遣国家规制的有关规定。最后,提出完善我国《劳动合同法》草案中劳动力派遣政府规制的建议,重点分析了劳动力派遣中公权力不得涉及的领域、应该涉及的领域以及可以涉及的领域。论文的创新点主要表现在以下方面:1.本文运用经济学、行政学中政府规制理论作为分析工具,尝试将政府规制理论导入劳动力派遣中政府扮演的角色和功能的定位和分析。本文的基本点则是站在行政法学理论高度,从行政权力与市场经济关系中探讨劳动力派遣中政府规制的作用。2.本文采用多种研究方法分析劳动力派遣规制问题。如运用语义研究方法梳理劳动力派遣和其他相关概念的区分;运用历史研究的方法研究劳动力派遣的发展沿革;运用比较研究的方法研究主要国家、地区劳动力派遣中的政府规制;运用实证研究的方法分析我国劳动力派遣发展的实际状况以及我国《劳动合同法》草案中有关劳动力派遣国家规制的有关规定等。3.本文尝试对劳动力派遣中政府规制进行重构。提出了劳动力派遣中政府规制的理论基础,以及劳动力派遣中政府规制的基本原则,并对《劳动合同法》草案的相关规定进行有针对性的评析,进而对劳动力派遣中公权力涉及的领域进行探讨。

【Abstract】 Labour dispatch, as a new flexible form of employment, has gained rapid growth in China in recent years. Due to its obvious difference from the traditional forms of employment, it has received both positive and negative opinions since the day of its appearance. The disputes over the reasonableness of its existence both in practice and theory, and over the extent of government regulation in legislation, reached its peak with the further-going discussion over the Draft of Labour Contract Law. This article, through comparative study and combining theory and practice, examines the provisions on government regulation of labour dispatch of the Draft, observes the status quo and cause of labour dispatch in China, explores into the concept, character and legal nature of labour dispatch with reference to experiences of both overseas and ILO’s legislation and legal enforcement, analyses related provisions of the Draft based on basic principles of administrative law, and presents ideas and proposals as to reconstruction of the legislations on government regulation of labour dispatch, in an effort to devote to the improvement of provisions thereof.This body of article contains five parts. PartⅠ, concept, character and classification of labour dispatch. Through analysis of concept, character, classification and other related concepts, the difference is compared on subject structure and work process between labour dispatch and traditional form of employment. PartⅡ, origin and development of labour dispatch. Despite the differing opinions on the country and date of origin of labour dispatch, the popular use of such form of employment and human resources management began in the 90’s of last century. It is shown in this article as a result of practical analysis that labour dispatch was the product of certain stage of the development of market economy, and the product of the choice by market participants. PartⅢ, international disputes over the reasonableness of the existence of labour dispatch. This part takes the international disputes over whether labour is a commodity by nature as the theme, in consideration of the development of the government regulation by ILO and major industrialized countries in the world of labour dispatch from prohibition to restriction, loose regulation and encouragement, concludes that the international society’s understanding of the commodity nature of labour has realized its return from "Labour-is-not-a-commodity" back to "Labour-is-more-than-a-commodity." Part IV, domestic disputes over the reasonableness of the existence of labour dispatch. This part introduces the varied opinions as to the commodity nature of labour, analyses the influence brought about by such disputes upon the legislations on government regulation of labour dispatch, and, with a look into the cause of the rapid growth of labour dispatch in China, points out both the positive and negative influences of labour dispatch upon the economic development. Part V, reconstruction of government regulation of labour dispatch. This part states the basis for government regulation of labour dispatch from the perspective of the interactive relationship between market economy and government regulation, probes into the principles governing such regulation with reference to modern constitutional law theories, and, based on the comments on current provisions on government regulation of labour dispatch in the Draft, presents ideas and proposals on reconstruction of the provisions therein.Innovations of the dissertation:1. Take the Government Regulation Theory from Economics and Administration as the analytical tool, try to research the character and functions of the government in labor dispatching by Government Regulation Theory.2. This dissertation adopt several analytical methods to analyze the problem of labor dispatching. For examples, use semantic analytical method to differentiate and discriminate some similar concepts, adopt historical analyses to studying development process of labor dispatching, handle comparative analyses to discuss the government regulation of main countries and districts, and apply positive analyses to analyzing the practical situation of labor dispatching and relevant regulation about labor dispatching in the draft of labor contract law. 3. This article try to reconstruct the government regulation to labor dispatching, and put forward the theory basis and basic principles of relevant regulation. After analyses and evaluation to the draft of Labor Contract Law, this dissertation explore the domain where public power should intrude the labor dispatching

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 苏州大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2010年 04期

