

Research on Strategy and Policy in Promoting the Core Competence of Private Higher Learning Institutions

【作者】 杨树兵

【导师】 朱永新;

【作者基本信息】 苏州大学 , 高等教育学, 2007, 博士

【摘要】 当前,民办高校面临的竞争呈现出多种态势:竞争对手不断增多、竞争强度不断加大、竞争领域不断扩展。民办高校既然无法回避竞争,只有积极适应竞争并通过核心竞争力的培育和提升,形成自身持续的竞争优势,才能在激烈的竞争中求得发展。依据SWOT分析法,当前国家对民办教育大力扶持的政策、大众化时代高等教育的扩张以及世界私立高校发展大趋势等因素均为民办高校发展提供了良好的发展机会,而灵活的办学机制、多样的办学类型、强大的发展主动性和驱动力等因素则是民办高校自有的内生优势。此外,民办高校的发展也面临着许多的外部挑战和自身竞争劣势,如“十一五”后高等教育适龄人口数将趋减;民办高校社会地位低,生源基础差;办学经费短缺,办学条件较薄弱;政府扶持政策不完备,等等。根据核心竞争力理论,一个组织要形成核心竞争力必须具备有价值、异质、不可模仿、难以替代、可扩展五个方面的特征,目前为民办高校所独有、难以被公办高校等竞争对手模仿的东西还不多,唯有民办体制,以其灵活、高效的管理为公办高校所望尘莫及。因此,民办机制是影响民办高校核心竞争力形成的核心要素,而坚实的资源保障机制、科学的管理合力机制、效益至上的经营机制、敏捷的市场反应机制、严格的质量保障机制、完善的服务供给机制和持续的创新机制则是“民办高校形成核心竞争力的必要条件”,是民办机制在核心竞争力形成过程中的具体表现。伴随着竞争压力的日益加大,民办高校必须要制定自己的竞争战略,即要以未来为基点,在竞争激烈的环境中,在系统总结历史经验、调查现状、预测未来的基础上,为寻求和维持竞争优势做出具有长远性、全局性的重大筹划和谋略。品牌战略、特色战略、规模效益战略、多元战略、引资战略、人才战略、管理战略、营销战略、文化战略等都是基于民办高校核心竞争力的提升而提出的。世界发达国家私立高等教育的成功经验表明,民办高校核心竞争力的提升离不开政府政策的扶持和支撑。当前,我国民办高校核心竞争力的培育和提升迫切希望政府在风险防范、产权、合理回报、税收、资助、收费、评估、课程、教师、招生等政策方面不断完善,特别是要出台扶持民办高校发展的支持性政策,切实为民办高校核心竞争力的提升创造良好的机制和体制环境。

【Abstract】 The competition among private higher learning institutions has been intensified these days in China, as the number of private universities and colleges grows up and the scale of competition expands. The key to prevail in the intense competition for private schools is to upgrade their core competence for sustainable development.According to SWOT Analysis, private universities and colleges in China will face more development opportunities as the national authorities enhance policy support, the expansion of higher education continues in the post-popularization time, and the privatizing of higher education gains momentum worldwide. Flexible school-running system, diversified management models and strong subject initiative and dynamism constitute the major advantages of private universities and colleges. Meanwhile, challenges and disadvantages still linger, such as the reducing of college-age population after“11th Five Year Plan”period, low social recognition, doubting student resources, inadequacy of funding, poor infrastructures, incomplete policy support, etc.Private universities and colleges have the five basic features required for core competence, namely value, differentiation, inimitable, non-substitutable, and flexibility, according to the Core Competence theory. The flexibility and high-efficiency and other natures in a private-owned system cannot be simply transplanted to public schools.Therefore, private system is the origin for core competence while the solid supporting system, scientific management, efficiency-based operation, quick-response to the market, quality assurance mechanism, complete service system, and sustaining innovation system are essential conditions, as well as specific the indicators of core competence.As the pressure of competition intensified, private universities and colleges have to map out individualized competition strategy for sustainable expansion from the perspective of long-term and overall development on the basis of summarizing of past experience, survey on current status, and forecast of future trend. Brand strategy, differentiation strategy, scale development strategy, diversification strategy, investment introduction strategy, talent strategy, management strategy, marketing strategy, culture strategy are all possible choices for private schools to promote core competence.The success of private universities and colleges in developed countries has proven, the promotion of core competence in private schools cannot leave the policy support from the government. Currently, the promotion of core competence in private-owned higher leaning institutions requires for improved policy support concerning risk prevention, property, reasonable economic profitability, taxation, funding, tuition charge, evaluation, teaching facilities, recruitment, especially better mechanism and system envirionment.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 苏州大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2010年 03期
  • 【分类号】G648.7
  • 【被引频次】33
  • 【下载频次】2442

