

The Sex Narration of the Contemporary Chinese Novels

【作者】 宋桂友

【导师】 范培松;

【作者基本信息】 苏州大学 , 中国现当代文学, 2007, 博士

【摘要】 本论文试图釐清中国当代小说性爱叙事的脉络,研究当代小说性爱叙事的方式、方法及其特征,探讨当代小说性爱叙事演进过程中各种因素的影响,并进而观照性爱——人性发展的历程,通过在历史长河中之一瞬的当代50年人性的社会性变革在当代小说中的叙述演变来观照小说——文学的现代化之路。所以,本论文在研究方法上注重从当代小说的具体语境出发,考察当代小说的现代性内涵,把性爱问题视为当代文学与当代中外文化关系的中枢。因此,本论文在以性爱问题为出发点展开研究时,不仅注重小说外部文化语境中性爱问题的钩沉、小说内部性爱问题的生成与演变,同时注重探讨性爱观念及叙述的变革带来的小说观念、内容、形式等现代转型及流变等具体的文学史问题。本论文的研究从文本出发,注重吸取前人成果,运用叙事学、社会学、精神分析学、女性主义等理论对之进行研究。本论文的论述主要分以下几部分:第一章:从国家主义的角度研究十七年及文革文学的性爱叙事。其叙事特点是叙事指向具有政治功利性,“自觉”服务政治话语,接受新社会的规约,以及故事情节叙述的趋向公式化和人物形象塑造的简单化。文革中,由于现实的社会生活的“禁欲主义”横行,导致文学作品中人性叙述消失,自然地,性爱退场。而手抄本《少女之心》的出现是长期专制制度下压抑人性的喷发,它和当时的地下诗歌一起带着对人性的执着寻找与疯狂呐喊构成了文革文学的“潜在写作”。第二章从新启蒙的语境出发研究20世纪70年代末至80年代末的小说性爱叙事。改革开放带来的新思想资源的渗入引起了中国文学理论的重构并直接导致了中国新时期小说性爱叙事的产生和发展。以《醉入花丛》为代表的文本在把性爱与革命话语二者由对立到统一而一致起来的反讽叙事,完成了对崇高、理想、革命的颠覆和解构。《被爱情遗忘的角落》、《男人的一半是女人》试图通过对欲望的重新叙述和话语转换,建构新的价值观和文化秩序。第三章从社会转型时期的社会特点出发对上世纪90年代的性爱叙事进行研究。《废都》和《白鹿原》是90年代性爱叙事的代表作。《废都》的性爱叙事在新时期文学中的独特地位来源于它的性爱叙事大突破。而《白鹿原》中的性爱叙事是多层面的,文本以性为中心,既有对和谐性爱观的寻找与倡导,又表达了作者对文化、人类命运的思考。第四章用女性主义视角对上世纪80年代以来的女性作家的性爱叙事进行研究。女性作家通过对女性身体的充分书写而达到了解放女性,使女性以平等的身份与男权直接对话的目的,把五四时期“我是我自己的”的个体权力理想变成了全社会的权力现实,同时,把女性文学带入了现代化。基于以上考察,本论文试图在以下三个方面有所创新:1、通过对性爱叙事问题的考察,呈现中国当代小说的现代性历程;2、对当代性爱小说的代表作品进行重新阐释和评价;3、在现代性爱的背景下重新审视当代小说流变过程中的文学现象,寻找诸多文学现象的革命与现代性意义。

【Abstract】 This dissertation aims to study the sexual narrative modes, techniques, and the characteristics of contemporary Chinese novels, probe into the factors impacting the sex narration process, and thus provide an outline of sex narration in contemporary Chinese novels. Through the narration evolvement on humanistic changes in the past 50 years, this dissertation investigated into the love---human development process as well as the novel---literature modernization.Therefore I carry out my study by focusing on the specific context of modern novel, probing into the connotation of contemporary novels, taking the sexual issue as the trunk of contemporary literature and foreign literature relationship. When I begin to study on the sexual issue, not only pay attention to the exterior cultural context of the sex in these novels and the borning and development of that in interior cultural environment,but also think lots of issues in the history of literature deriving from the reform of sex conception and narration, which concern the changes of novel conception, novel content, novel form.This dissertation start from text study, also absorb other research results, such as the theories of narration, sociology, depth psychology, and feminism.This dissertation consists of four chapters.Chapter One studies on the sexual narration since the foundation of PRC to the end of Cultural Revolution from the perspective of nationalism, which showed the political utilizing characteristic of this period. In that time,“spontaneously”served the political goal, adopted the convention of new society, formulizing of plot narration, and simplifying of image-building. During the Cultural Revolution, the prevailing of asceticism leaded to the disappearance of humanistic, as a result, sex narration coming. The popularity of hand-written-copy《Shao Nv Zhi Xin》showed the breaking out of long-depressed humanism. Seeking for and crazily crying for humanism, it constituted the“Potential Writing”of Cultural Revolution literature together with subterranean poetry.Chapter Two studies the sex narration since the late 1970s to the end of 1980s from the newly enlightened context. New thoughts after the Opening Up aroused the reconstruction of Chinese literature and gave birth and development to new sex narration. The novels whose typical work is《Zui Ru Hua Cong》combined the contradicting sex and revolution relationship together with ironic narration, and accomplished the subversion and deconstruction of loftiness, ideal, and revolution. By the narration of Eros and discourse conversion,《Bei Ai Qing Yi Wang De Jiao Luo》and《Nan Ren De Yi Ban Shi Nv Ren》tried to construct new values and literature order.Chapter Three studies the sex narration in the 1990s by focusing on the social converting characteristics《.Fei Du》and《Bai Lu Yuan》are both representative novels of sex narration in the 1990s. The special position of《Fei Du》in the new literature roots from its break-through in sex narration. While《Bai Lu Yuan》carries out its sex narration from multi levels. It also focus on the topic of sex, as well as, pursues and advocates the concept of harmonious sex, at the same time besides bringing forth the writer’s thinking on the fate of culture and the human beings. Chapter Four studies the sex narration since the 1980s from the perspective of Feminism. The feminist writers give full description of female body to liberate the female and give them the equal position as androcentrist. This turns the individual ideal of“I belong to myself”into realization and brings feminist literature into literature modernization as well.Based on the above study, this dissertation aims to make breaking-throughs in the following aspects: drawing an outline of the sex narration course of contemporary Chinese novel; review the literature phenomena of the contemporary novel development stream from the perspective of modern sex, seeking for the revolutionary and modernizing significance of literature phenomena; giving an new interpretation and review on modern sexual novels.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 苏州大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2010年 04期

