

The Northeastern Shaman Religion Art and Its Relating Folk-custom

【作者】 胡卫军

【导师】 付黎明;

【作者基本信息】 苏州大学 , 设计艺术学, 2008, 博士

【摘要】 萨满教是东北地区一种古老的民间宗教,对东北少数民族的历史起到过重要作用。但是,解放后由于种种原因,萨满教文化近乎绝迹。近年来,萨满教研究日益被学界所关注。然而,对于东北萨满教艺术与民俗方面的研究,却相对较少。基于这种研究现状,笔者力求探讨东北萨满教艺术与相关民俗的一些基本问题。论文开篇主要针对课题背景、研究方法、选题意义等问题进行了说明,并对国际国内的研究状况进行了综述。第一章对东北的萨满教进行了概述,重点阐述了萨满教的崇拜内容,萨满教的性质与特点以及萨满的产生、承袭和职能。此外,对萨满教的思想观念也进行了阐释。第二章讨论了东北萨满教的神器艺术。着重对萨满教神偶、萨满服饰和萨满神鼓进行了研究,对他们的象征含义、设计分类、造型特点等问题进行了归纳。第三章从祭祀和占卜两个方面入手来阐述东北萨满教神事活动中的艺术。在祭祀问题上,主要探讨了萨满教野祭活动中的艺术和家祭活动中的艺术;在占卜方面则对占卜艺术的意识根源和占卜艺术的类型进行了研究。第四章主要论述了萨满教对东北相关民俗的影响。从物质生活民俗、仪礼节日风俗、民间艺术、心理习惯四个部分加以探讨。通过研究说明萨满教文化已潜移默化地渗透到东北民俗生活的方方面面,从物质形态到意识领域都有萨满教文化的踪影。结论部分对东北萨满教艺术的特征做了总结,并对东北萨满教艺术与相关民俗的关系进行了概括。

【Abstract】 Shaman Religion is an ancient folk religion in Northeastern China, which plays an important role in the historical course. However, due to various reasons, Shaman Religion culture once almost died out after the Liberation. Recent years, it has gained attention from scholars. But few studies have been focused on Northeastern Shaman Religion art and folk-custom. Based on the current situation, the author tries to discuss some basic issues relating to Northeastern Shaman Religion art and folk tradition.The introduction section aims to explain the research background, research methods and significance. Meanwhile a summery of the international and domestic research is presented.The first chapter generalizes the Shaman Religion, centering on the worshiping contents, properties and feature as well as heritage and function. Meanwhile, the thoughts and concepts of the Shaman Religion are also elaborated.The second chapter discusses the Shaman religious instruments. The research focuses on divine idol, clothes and divine drum, summing up its symbolism, design categorization and formative characteristics.The third chapter describes the religious activities from two aspects, namely, sacrifice and augury. As for sacrifice, categorization, evolvement and dance features of sacrifice are discussed. Regarding augury, the paper sets out to study its ideological root, types and orientation.Chapter four addresses the influence of the Shaman Religion on Northeastern folk culture. It probes into four parts: material life folk tradition, customs and habits, folk art and ethical psychology. The research declares that Shaman Religion culture has exerted a subtle influence on various aspects in the life of Northeasterners, which can be found out in both material and ideological world.In the conclusion chapter, the paper summarizes the relationship between the Northeastern Shaman Religion art and its relating folk-custom.

【关键词】 东北萨满教艺术民俗
【Key words】 NortheastShaman Religion CultureFolk-custom
  • 【网络出版投稿人】 苏州大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2010年 03期

