

A Study on China’s Rural Cooperative Financial System during Transitional Period: Institutional Construction and Innovation

【作者】 陈文生

【导师】 万解秋;

【作者基本信息】 苏州大学 , 金融学, 2008, 博士

【摘要】 合作金融起源于19世纪中期的欧洲,后来在世界各国得到了普遍推广。目前,正式制度中的我国农村金融体系由商业金融、政策金融和合作金融三部分组成,其中作为正式制度安排的中国农村合作金融组织——农村信用合作社是我国农村金融体系的核心与基础。在我国经济社会转轨时期,由于农村合作金融的生存环境和社会经济背景在近年来发生了巨大的变化,以及农村信用合作社管理体制多变的历史原因,使得我国农村信用合作社的经营方向、宗旨及功能的发挥在很大程度上偏离了合作制原则,发生了变异。为此,农村信用合作金融体系的重新建构势在必行。本文运用产权经济学和新制度经济学等理论,以比较分析、供求分析等研究方法,从合作金融的基本原则出发,对农村合作金融存在的客观基础、农村合作金融的发展历程、现实困境及制度缺陷进行了分析,借鉴国外农村合作金融演进的成功经验,进一步探索和分析了我国农村经济主体对金融服务的需求和农村合作金融现实供给中存在的问题,以及农民与政府在合作金融发展方面的博弈;论证了以合作制原则为核心的我国农村合作金融组织是有效率的,是有其大力发展空间的;结合我国农村信用合作社产权制度的特点,指出了对原有农信社的有限改革不符合未来农村合作金融的发展方向与要求,提出了对农村合作金融产权制度、组织体系、经营方式、管理体制和外部环境改革创新的路径及相应的对策建议。本文共分五章。第一章导论介绍了本文的研究背景和意义,在系统回顾和总结相关研究成果的基础上,提出本文的论题。第二章是对合作金融相关范畴的界定和对国外农村合作金融发展状况与发展模式进行了比较,以探寻农村合作金融发展的一般规律。第三章是对我国农村合作金融发展的理论分析,对农村金融需求、金融供给及效率进行了论述,从而为我国农村合作金融体系的重构寻找突破口。第四章是在揭示我国传统合作金融缺陷的基础上,探讨我国农村合作金融发展模式与组织体系重构。第五章研究了中国农村合作金融制度创新问题。提出转轨时期重新建构我国农村合作金融体系,不仅要在合作金融组织产权界定、法人治理、经营机制等内在方面进行必要的改进和创新,同时也应充分重视在农村合作金融法律支持、监督管理领域的创新和改革,以及包括规范政府支持和培养现代合作意识等良好外部环境的营造,内外兼修,为我国农村合作金融的健康可持续发展提供积极的保障。

【Abstract】 Cooperative finance was given birth to in Europe in the nineteenth century and has then spread throughout the world in the following centuries. The current formal rural financial system of China is composed of commercial finance, policy finance, and cooperative finance which is the core and foundation of the system. Rural credit cooperative union is the concrete form and entity of cooperative finance in the countryside of China. In recent years, there are variances of the operative orientation and functions of the rural credit cooperative union as the result of dramatic changes of the environment and background for the survival and development of rural cooperative finance in China in the past dozens of years as well as the institutional lability of administrative mechanism. A reform is imperative under the situation.Based on property right economics, new institutional economics, and basic principles of rural credit cooperative, this paper analyzes the foundation, developing process, current difficulties, and system defects of rural cooperative finance through comparison analysis, supply and demand analysis, etc. Then, it elaborates and analyzes the rural economic agents’demand of financial service and the game between the peasants and the government regarding the development of cooperative finance. The thesis has proved that the financial organization based on the cooperative principle in China is efficient and of great potential. At last, the thesis puts forwards the reform approaches of property right system, institutional structure, modes of operation and management, and its exterior environment according to the characteristics of countryside credit cooperative.This paper consists of five chapters. The first part is the introduction, which introduces the research background and implication of the study, and puts forward the argument of this thesis. The second chapter has defined the relevant concepts of cooperative finance and compared the status quo and the development mode of the rural cooperative finance in the foreign countries, so as to shed light on the basis principle of the rural cooperative finance. The third chapter is the theoretical analysis on the development of China’s rural cooperative finance. The demand and the supply of the rural finance, and their efficiency have been studied in order to find the breakthrough of the reconstruction of China’s cooperative financial system. The fourth chapter has dealt with the development mode and the organizational reconstruction of China’s rural cooperative finance based on the discussion of the defects of the traditional cooperative finance in China. The fifth chapter has studied the problem of the innovation of the China’s rural cooperative financial system. It has been put forward that in the transitional period, to reform and reconstruct the rural cooperative financial system in China, it is essential to carry on necessary improvement and innovation in the fields of defining property right, corporate governance, and operation mechanism. At the same time, the reform and innovation in the legal support and supervision of the rural cooperative finance, as well as the formation of a good external environment such as the governmental support and promotion of modern cooperative consciousness should be attached a lot of importance. Only so can a healthy and sustainable development of rural cooperative finance be achieved in China.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 苏州大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2010年 04期

