

A Study on Pan Zhi-heng

【作者】 张秋婵

【导师】 朱万曙;

【作者基本信息】 苏州大学 , 中国古代文学, 2008, 博士

【摘要】 本论文在详尽占有材料的基础上对潘之恒做更为系统和深入的研究,力求在以往学者研究的基础上有新的突破。各章节和主要内容如下:第一章《潘之恒家世和生平考》对潘之恒家世、生平进行勾勒,并对已有潘之恒生平研究进行补正,对其卒年、是否为官各补充了三条史料,考证出其第一次参加乡试的时间为万历二十四年,共参加六次乡试。详细考证了潘之恒在各地的结社活动,探究这些结社活动的性质、内容,以及结社活动所反映出来的晚明文人的生活风貌、精神状态。第二章《潘之恒交游考》从与潘氏以诗文交者、以赏音交者、以里社交者三个方面对其交游全面考证,管窥万历年间文人的交游活动。重点考察了其与公安派交游和与汤显祖的交游,以及他们对潘之恒文学思想和文学创作产生的巨大影响。第三章《潘之恒著述考》着力对潘之恒著作作全面的梳理,叙录其版本、内容及存佚情况等。潘之恒的大部分诗集大陆已经失传,过去以为业已亡佚,但是笔者经过调查发现,它们当中有许多现保存在日本尊经阁文库、日本内阁文库和台北中央图书馆,对这些宝贵文献的概貌予以描述。第四章《潘之恒的文艺美学思想》探究了以往学者论述较少的潘之恒的文艺美学思想。潘之恒提出的以“文,心声也”为核心的文艺美学思想丝毫不逊色于当时的进步文学家李贽、汤显祖、袁宏道的文学主张,形成了自己的理论体系。第五章《潘之恒的传记文学创作》探讨其传记文学创作的成就,重点对其倡优名姬传记和侠客传记进行分析研究。第六章《潘之恒戏曲批评的成就与贡献》从潘之恒著作中保留的丰富的戏曲史料价值以及他观剧数十年所形成的独特的批评视角和给我们留下的表演理论的重要遗产三个方面着力探讨潘之恒戏曲批评的成就与贡献。

【Abstract】 With the help of a thorough collection of relative materials, the thesis is trying to do a deeper research on Pan Zhi-heng systematically, and it is aiming at a breakthrough over the pre-researchers’achievements. The key points are as following:In Chapter one, the thesis focuses on Pan Zhi-heng’s extraction and life research, and makes supplement by three new historical materials on the date of his death and whether he had been an official. From the newly discovered materials, the thesis fixed an Zhi-heng took part in the provincial examination in the year of Wan Li 24 for the first time and Pan altogether joined in the exams six times. The thesis also researches that Pan Zhi-heng organized different saloons in the scholars and theirs property and contents, so that we can read the life styles and the spirit of the scholars in late Ming Dynasty.In Chapter Two the thesis discusses the social intercourse between Pan Zhi-heng and others from three parts: by poem and prose, by music appreciating, by born place, in order that we can find out the scholars’intercourses in the year or Wan Li. The text mainly talks over the intercourse between Gong An Schools and Tang Xian-zu and how they influenced Pan Zhi-heng’s ideology and literature invention.In Chapter Three the thesis describes the outline of Pan Zhi-heng’s writings and presents the versions, contents and existence and lost. Most of his poems thought lost have been found kept in Japanese Zun Jing Ge library, Japanese Cabinet Library and Tai Bei Central library. The thesis roughly describes the outline of these precious literatures.In Chapter Four the thesis discusses Pan Zhi-heng’s aesthetic theory which is rarely talked before. Pan Zhi-heng thought the literature in fact expressed the writers’opinion, which was as advanced as the literature claim believed by Li Zhi, Tang Xian-zu and Yuan hong-dao, and thus he built up his own literary system.In Chapter Five the thesis discusses his achievements in biography writing. And the famous actresses’and knight-errants’are analyzed thoroughly.In Chapter Six the thesis discusses three parts of Pan Zhi-heng’s great achievements and contributions in the area of opera. In his writings abundant materials concerned with opera were conserved and he formed his unique criticism and the performance theory.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 苏州大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2010年 04期

