

The Research of YangXian Cultural Family and Their Literature in Qing Dynasty

【作者】 邢蕊杰

【导师】 罗时进;

【作者基本信息】 苏州大学 , 中国古代文学, 2008, 博士

【摘要】 清代阳羡文化家族云集,大多诗礼传家,才人辈出,著述丰富。他们的词学成就尤为突出,在清代文学史上产生了重要影响。本文以清代阳羡文化家族为研究对象,在框定若干基本概念的基础上,揭示了清代阳羡以血缘、亲缘关系为纽带的文化族群现象,系统梳理了阳羡文化家族的生成环境、组织方式、文化建树等,重点论述了阳羡人文群体形成过程中姻属网络的文化影响,阳羡词人的唱和活动和词学成就,阳羡词风的嬗变等问题。本文试图在家族史和文学史的双重视野中,较为完整地展示清代文学以文化家族为载体的演变轨迹。引言对本文所涉及的“家族”及“文化家族”概念作了详细界定,并且简要介绍了本课题的研究范围和研究现状,陈述了本文的研究方法和研究设想。正文主要为三个部分。第一部分为阳羡文化家族总论,共设两章。第一章从自然环境和文化传统的角度入手,在考察阳羡的地域特征、经济特征、文化特征的基础上,整合出阳羡的隐逸之趣、词风源头、唱和习俗,详细全面地描述了阳羡文化家族的生成背景。第二章从地域族群的角度,勾勒了阳羡文化家族群像,描述了家族之间的世代联姻,展示了阳羡文化的家族色彩和群体态势。本文还借鉴人类社会学的研究方法,在论述家族婚姻圈形成的基础上,探讨了姻属网络的文化整合力、姻缘与血缘关系对群体意识和群体文化行为的重要影响。第二部分是对清代阳羡文化家族群体性词学成就的系统研究,包括三个章节。第三章是对清代阳羡词学所作的全面审视。首先,概述了不同时期阳羡词人词学活动的基本情况;其次,论述了阳羡的词学理论;再次,阐论了地域性词选《荆溪词初集》的重要文学价值。第四章、第五章以阳羡词风的定型与嬗变为主线,详细论述了顺康时期和雍乾时期的阳羡词群的唱和活动、艺术风貌等。第四章在考述顺康阳羡词群的词事风雅的基础上,主要论述迦陵词新变的特殊诱因、迦陵词独特风格对阳羡众家的艺术示范意义、家族词人同声而和等问题,揭示了悲慨激昂的阳羡词风的酝酿、定型、衰落的过程。第五章则阐述了雍乾时期以史承谦为首的阳羡词群的创作特色,论述了这一小群体在清代词史中的独特意义。通过史承谦和史惟圆的比较,从时代风会和文人心态的角度,分析阳羡词风的流变过程及其内在缘由。第三部分为阳羡文化家族个案研究,旨在微观领域探讨家族与文学之间的互动关系。第六章主要讨论陈氏家族以文称望的现实契机,陈氏的诗、文、词的思想内蕴和艺术价值,陈维崧昆仲唱和的文学史意义。第七章概述了储氏家族的科举文化背景,并对储氏古文的创作特色进行了详细分析,揭示了其重要的文学价值。在综合研究和个案分析的基础上,本文总结了阳羡文化家族推动地域文学发展的重要意义,揭示了其在清代文化史上的独特地位及其在清代文学史上所产生的巨大影响。并以此为样本,探讨了清代地域文学研究中,“家族”策略运用的方法论启示。

【Abstract】 This thesis is concentrated on the study of YangXian cultural family in Qing Dynasty. After explain some essential conception, the thesis mainly amplified these issues, such as the background of YangXian cultural family in Qing Dynasty、their marriage connectionN their cultural and literary achievement and so on. The key to the study includes the social and cultural significance in marriage and relative and the transformation in literary style of YangXian Ci. The thesis want to reveal the evolvement track in the classical literature, which takes cultural family as literary carrier in Qing Dynasty, at the double views of family and literature history.The text includes three parts as its main content. The first part is a survey of YangXian cultural family, which is consist of two chapters. Chapter I analyzes the background of Yang Xian cultural family from the viewpoint of natural environment and cultural tradition. From the view of taking several different families as a whole, Chapter II use the meaning of Anthrop sociology, dissertate the accelerating sense of marriage and subordinate network’s cultural conformity power to members of distinguished family’s congregation, as well as marriage and consanguinity’s important influences on the aspect of collectivity consciousness and colony cultural behavior to the cultural family.The second part is systematic research to YangXian cultural clan’s achievements on Ci poetry as a colony in the Qing Dynasty, consisting of three chapters. Chapter III summarizes its basic situation, and narrates YangXian’s theory of Ci poetry, then does elementary research to literary value of Original Collection of JingXi Ci. Chapter IV and Chapter V takes the finalizing and changing of YangXian Ci style as the main clue, respectively gives particular dissertation to the literary style of YangXian Ci Colony during the period between ShunZhi and KangXi and between YongZheng and QianLong in Qing Dynasty. Based on studying YangXian Ci colony’s responsorial activity during the time of ShunZhi and KangXi in Qing Dynasty, chapter IV discusses a series of issues like travel and JiaLing Ci’s change, the literary demonstrating meaning of Chen Weisong’Ci special style to members of YangXian colony, the clan Ci writers’ response in the same tune, moreover, opens out the course of YangXian Ci poetry as an indignant and boiling style from brewing to finalizing. Then, the thesis show the fact that YangXian Ci poetry style has changed after KangXi 20th by the meaning of text reading carefully. Chapter V pays attention to the group of YangXian Ci poets since the time of YongZheng till QianLong in Qing Dynasty. Shi Chengqian was the chief one in this group, and by comparing Shi Weiyuan with him, from the view of era alteration and writer’s mood condition their different, we can find their different, then analyze the transformation in literary style of YangXian Ci, and the inherent causes about this phenomenon. Finally, we will sums up the significance of this group in abounding and enlarging the literary style of YangXian Ci.The third part is some family case study in the space of two chapters. We mainlychoose two typical cultural families------the family of Chen and the family of Chu, andwant to probe into the mutual connection between clan and literature by this two examples. Chapter VI mainly discusses the realistic about the family of Chen how to become famous literary family, analyzes the thought and literary value of Chen clan’s poems, prose and Ci, opens out the literature historic sense of the antiphon between Chen Weisong and his brothers. Chapter VII brings forth the dense cultural atmosphere in the background of imperial examinations of Chu’s family, discourses upon this clan’s all-sided literary accomplishments and fully analyzes characteristic on ancient prose creation of the Chu’s family members.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 苏州大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2010年 04期

