

A Study on the Relationship between Song-Ci and Regional Culture

【作者】 陈未鹏

【导师】 杨海明;

【作者基本信息】 苏州大学 , 中国古代文学, 2008, 博士

【摘要】 本文所述地域文化,概指依托于某个特定的地域,在长期的历史发展过程中,逐渐形成的、特征鲜明、性质相对稳定的文化。本文以宋词与地域文化的关系为研究对象,并将论题放置在特定的时间(宋代)、空间(北宋、南宋的疆域)背景中,应用古典文学研究的传统方法,借鉴文化地理学、历史地理学等学科的相关理论,以个案研究、个案分析为基础,对宋词与地域文化之间的关系加以审视、观照和诠释。本文分为绪论、正文及余论三个部分。绪论部分回顾了西方、中国古代以及中国近代以来,哲学、历史、地理,及文化、文学等各个学科领域的学者对于人地关系、地理与文明、地域文化-文学研究等问题的思考与论述,并借助对前人研究的回顾与反思,把握地域文化-文学研究的原理与规律,以此指导宋词与地域文化关系研究的展开与深入。绪论还考察了宋代文化-文学地域性特征,认为宋代文化-文学地域性特征的存在是宋词与地域关系研究的前提。正文共分四章分别从四个不同的角度论述了宋词与地域文化之间的关系。各章内容大略如下。第一章,主要从四个方面探讨宋词对地域文化表述的方式和特点。第一个方面是地名。宋词中最直观表述的地域文化是地名。宋词中的地名具有纪实与象征功能,宋词对地名的应用受到文体与词人审美理想的共同制衡。第二个方面是作为自然层面的地域文化:山水词及词中的山水描写。第三个方面是作为历史文化传统的地域文化:怀古词。本文以金陵这一地域为例,典型分析怀古词与地域文化的关系。第四个方面则以苏州为例,探讨宋词对地域文化的选择性表述问题。第二章,主要着眼于地域文化影响下的宋词文体特质。特质有二,一是南方文学;一是都市文学。宋词的南方地域文学特色源自于词文体与南方地域的深刻渊源。同样,宋代都市孕育的享乐之风,以及都市所衍生的公共文化空间都在某种程度上影响了宋词的风貌。第三章则主要探讨地域文化的转换变迁对宋词创作的影响。地域转换变迁有两种情况,一是由于历史的变迁而导致的地域文化自身的变化。本文以镇江为例加以分析。一是由于词人游历踪迹的变迁而经历着不同的地域文化,从词人的角度说,这也是地域文化的变化。本文试图从南渡、北行、贬谪三种情况加以考察。第四章,以江西为例,分别从南唐与北宋前期词派,江西诗派的词人群体,江西南渡词人群体及辛弃疾、辛派词人,南宋江西遗人词人四个词人群体,探讨地域文化对词人群体的形成、发展的影响,也探讨地域文化对江西词人群体的总体特征的影响。余论部分主要是对正文的论述进行了一些补充。

【Abstract】 In this paper, the regional culture means that the culture gradually formed on a specific district in a long period, which had some vivid characters and firm quality. The paper has studied the relation between the regional culture and Song-Ci. The paper puts the study in the given age----the Song Dynasty, and in the given district----the country of North-Song Dynasty or South-Song Dynasty. The traditional methods in classic literature study, the related theories in the culture-geography and history-geography were used in this paper. And all the scan, survey and elucidatory on the relationship of Song-Ci and regional culture were based on case study.The paper contains three parts: introduction, text and epilogue. The introduction part reviews a lot of scholars in West, the ancient China, and neoteric China, which studied the nexus between human being and geography, the connection of civilization and geography, and the relationship between the regional culture and literature. Basis on the review and re-thought of this scholars’thoughts and discusses, this paper try to grasp the principles and rules in regional culture-literature study as the guidance in the study on the relationship of Song-Ci and regional culture. The introduction also review the regional character in Song Dynasty culture and literature, and use the regional character as a premise in the study on the relationship of Song-Ci and regional culture.The text has four chapters, each chapter study the relationship between Song-Ci and regional culture from each point of view.The first chapter focuses on the question from four aspects that Song-Ci how to expression the regional culture. The first aspect is placename. Placename is the most intuitionist expression of regional culture in Song-Ci. In Song-Ci, placename have two functions: the on-the-sport-record function and the symbolic function. But the placename which applied in Song-Ci have restricted by the Song-Ci style and the aesthetics conceptions of poet. The second aspect is natural regional culture expression in Song-Ci, includes landscape-portray Ci and some dribs and drabs portray landscape in Song-Ci. The third aspect is historical regional culture expression in Song-Ci, which is called Ci that meditated on the past. The paper uses Jinling distinct as the case to analyze the relationship of Ci that meditate on the past and the regional culture. The fourth aspect used the case of Zuzhow to discuss the select expression of regional culture in Song-Ci.The second chapter focuses on the Song-Ci style character which impacted by the regional culture. There are two Song-Ci style characters which impacted by the regional culture. One is the south literature character. One is the city literature character. Song-Ci has many origin of the south regional culture. Again, the feast vogue and the commonality space in the city also infected the character of Song-Ci.The third chapter discusses the connection between the transformation of regional culture and the composition of Song-Ci. The transformation of regional culture has two instances. One is the regional culture changed itself because the era changed. We used Zhenjiang distinct as the case to explanation this instance. One is the poets moved from one place to another, so they live in different regional culture. We used south-ferry after North Song dynasty was defeated, north-tread to Jin dynasty or Yuan dynasty, and official demotion as three cases to discuss the connection between the transformation of regional culture and the composition of Song-Ci.The fourth chapter uses Jiangxi province as a case, discusses the relationship between Song-Ci genre and the Jiangxi district. The paper selects five genres to analyze this relationship. The five genres are forepart North-Song Ci genre, the Ci genre in Jiangxi poet genre, the south-ferry Ci genre, Xinqiji Ci genre and Jiangxi poet whom unceasing loyalty to Song Dynasty after conquered by the Yuan Dynasty. We used this five genres to discuss the form and development of Ci genre which affected by regional culture. The paper also focus the total character in Jiangxi Ci which affect by Jiangxi regional culture.The epilogue reinforce some discussion to the text.

【关键词】 宋词地域文化关系影响
【Key words】 Song-Ciregional culturerelationshipinfluence
  • 【网络出版投稿人】 苏州大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2010年 04期

