

The Study of Several Homonym Patterns in Pre-QIN

【作者】 孟晓妍

【导师】 蔡镜浩;

【作者基本信息】 苏州大学 , 汉语言文字学, 2008, 博士

【摘要】 古代汉语断代同义词的研究,可以通过先秦时期反映当时语言状况的15部典型语料作为研究对象,然后选取十六组同义词进行辨析对比。对于词语“门、户”、“犬、狗”、“声、音”、“豕、彘、猪”、“地、田、土、壤”、“早(蚤)、朝、晨”、“宫、室”、“疾、病”、“年、岁、载”、“少、寡”、“少、鲜”、“小、微”、“卑、贱”、“急、速”、“诚、信”、“走、趋”的考察,笔者坚持用词汇发展的眼光进行分析语料,从断代入手的同时,又注意到同一时期同义词发生的变化和产生的替代关系。具体研究的内容包括:⑴考察各组同义词在文献中使用的情况,梳理所研究各词所包含的意义,筛选出意义相关的词语所处的例证。⑵分析每组同义词在先秦的两个阶段-春秋和战国-的变化和产生的替代关系。⑶描写这十六组词表达意义变化的情况。⑷总结对古汉语同义词辨析的几种可行方法。首先,通过考察,我们对先秦时期同义词辨析的方法有了初步的认识:⑴通过对字形和辞书所做的释义对其进行辨析,一方面可以明确词义与字形的关系,另一方面可以窥见词义的发展轨迹,为具体的考证提供一个预设的方向。⑵运用数量统计的方法,定性分析和定量分析相结合,以窥见每一组同义词的在先秦这个时代词义演变、词语更替的过程。⑶从词的组合关系,也就是词的搭配关系方面对同义词由外部原因引起的内部变化进行分析研究。⑷引申意义研究方面。先秦时期的同义词随着时代的发展意义也有所增加,虽然每组同义词都有共同的义位,但是由此引申出的意义并不全然相同。如“疾”引申后常用来指疼痛之意,而“病”则指因忧思、饥饿或疲劳而产生的困苦之意。⑸现代汉语在分析同义词时常常从感情色彩的角度进行,这对于正确理解并使用同义词表达说话者的意义有很大的帮助,这一点其实对于古代汉语也是适用的,古代汉语在语用方面更加讲究,如为避讳而使用同义词替代,或者在褒贬方面,尊敬与否方面使用意义相同或相近的词,本文在对同义词考察过程中亦采用了此种方法对同义词分析研究。⑹义素分析法在对现代汉语同义词进行辨析时起到了积极的作用。考虑到古代汉语不完全等同于现代汉语,我们并未普遍使用此法,而是对个别组同义词使用了这种方法进行辨析。如我们在考察“门”、“户”的时候通过归纳共同义素和区别义素讨论出这组同义词义域的宽窄。其次,本课题的研究进一步加深了我们对汉语词汇学的有关认识,具体表现在:⑴用历史发展的观点看同义词研究,我们认为同义关系也是在历史发展之中的,笼统地讲同义词也是不够的,即使是文言也是变化的,这不但是先秦以及后期词汇发展所具有的特点,即使先秦的两个时期—春秋和战国—也是这样。⑵对同义词进行研究,尤其是进行断代研究,首先应该确定所研究的时代,而且这个时代应该是能够反映词汇发展特点的时代。⑶同义词的研究不能仅局限于差异的辨析,还要从同义词之间的互动、演变,以及同义组合的方面进行探讨。⑷对断代研究来说语言材料的选取很重要,一般说来有两个方面需要重视,一是应该选取有代表性且争议不大的语言材料,二是应该选取有一定篇幅的语言材料。除此之外,还应该考虑尽可能引用现有的先秦出土文献,一般说来,出土文献未经后人修改,保留了历史原貌,有宝贵的学术价值,只是数量不多,无法成为研究的重要依据,所以用它们与流传下来的文献典籍进行对照可使结论更加可靠。总之,鉴于断代同义词研究的特殊性,进行古汉语词汇的研究第一步就是要踏踏实实地做好文献的梳理工作,尊重语言事实,这不仅对于同义词的研究有重大的意义,同时也是建立科学的汉语词汇史的基础工作。

【Abstract】 The scope of enquiry of this dissertation is focused on Chinese words of the fifteen classic pre-QIN books, which concern sixteen homonym patterns specified as“门mén、户hù”“犬quǎn、狗gǒu”“声shēng、音yīn”“豕shǐ、彘zhì、猪zhū”“地dì、田tián、土tǔ、壤rǎng”“早(蚤)zǎo、朝zhǎo、晨chén”“宫gōng、室sh씓疾jí、病bìng”“年nián、岁suì、载zǎi”“少shǎo、寡guǎ”“少shǎo、鲜xiǎn”“小xiǎo、微wēi”“卑bēi、贱jiàn”“急jí、速sù”“诚chéng、信xìn”“走zǒu、趋qū”. And this dissertation persists on analyzing the material according to the words’development and evolvement, and cares about the age and the change and replacing relationship of Synonym. Specifically,⑴What I first have done is to know the meaning of every homonym pattern in the classic pre-QIN books, and choose the material concerned.⑵Analyzing the change and replacement of every homonym pattern in the two periods of pre-QIN dynasty- CHUNQIU and ZHANGUO.⑶Describing the details of the meaning of every homonym pattern.⑷Concluding the effective means making a comparison to the homonym.Firstly, after the sixteen homonym pattern being investigated, some preliminary viewpoints have been reached:⑴with the comparison to the homonym’s characteristics shape and its meaning of lexicon, on one hand, the relationship between the shape and the meaning has been known, on the other hand, every homonym pattern development is clear, which offer the dissertation a assumed direction.⑵In study, the way to the qualitative analysis with the quantitative analysis makes the dissertation show the evolution and replacement of pre-QIN.⑶The combination and get-together of words, that is, the arrangement in pairs or groups, which means the change of the words which have the synonymy relation can be brought about from the exterior.⑷The extension of meaning. With the time going, the homonym of pre-QIN is increasing. Although every homonym pattern has the common meaning, their extensions are not the same. For example, the extension of“疾jí”means pain, while the extension of “病bìng”means hardship from worry, hungry or tired.⑸The modern Chinese usually analyzes the homonym by expression, which is helpful to the speaker to show his meaning. Actually, it can be used for ancient Chinese, because the ancient Chinese has more emphasis on the expression. For instance, a word or phrase to be avoided as taboo, or the expression to show whether the speaker like something or somebody or not.⑹The Semantic Field Theory. Given to the ancient Chinese is different from the modern Chinese, the means is not used commonly, only few homonym patterns is analyzed by this way. For example,“门mén、户hù”is investigated by sum up the same sememes and different sememes.Secondly, on the basis of this dissertation, we have further recognized the Chinese lexis, as follows:⑴The study of the homonym should be seen with the Chinese language history development. We may recognize the synonymy relationship exists in the history development, and it’s not enough to study the homonym generally, even though the classical Chinese is changing constantly. This is not only the characteristic of the pre-QIN and after the pre-QIN, but also the two period of the pre-QIN-CHUNQIU and ZHANGUO.⑵The study of the homonym, especially in the some age, firstly, we should make sure the age can reflect the development of Chinese lexis.⑶The study of the homonym should be explored from the influence, evolution, and constitution besides the analysis of the difference.⑷It is very important to select the material. As usually, there are two important facts. One is to select the self-identity material. The other is to select the material with the some length. In addition, we should try our best to think about the literature excavated, since the literature excavated has not been modify, and keep the original situation. They have the important value so that we can make the conclusion more trustiness.Finally, whereas the special situation of the homonym in some age, we should hold that the first step on the study words is to explore the general language facts practically, which is very important to the study of the homonym, and is basic works.

【关键词】 汉语词汇史同义词先秦演变
【Key words】 the history of Chinese lexisthe homonympre-QINevolvement
  • 【网络出版投稿人】 苏州大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2010年 04期

