

A Study of the Aspect Particles and Related Grammatical Means of Yancheng (Bufeng) Dialect

【作者】 蔡华祥

【导师】 汪平;

【作者基本信息】 苏州大学 , 语言学及应用语言学, 2008, 博士

【摘要】 动态助词是现代汉语非常重要的语法现象。对方言中动态助词作深入细致的研究有助于加深我们对现代汉语动态助词的认识。盐城方言中的动态助词丰富而复杂,是有别于普通话的另一类型。本文旨在在普通话及其他一些方言动态助词研究基础之上,利用现代语言学理论对盐城(步凤)方言动态助词作较为全面的描写和一定程度上的解释。本文除引言和结论之外,主体部分共分为三章。论文将盐城话的动态助词分为内部视点型和外部视点型两类,前两章主要从共时层面描写各个动态助词的分布和功能;第三章则侧重从助词“了”字语法化的角度阐述动态助词内部的演化关系。引言部分简要介绍本文的研究背景,说明选题的价值与意义、研究的思路与框架、研究的目标与方法等内容。第一章主要介绍了盐城话中和动态相关的“住”、“块”、“了下”。“住”主要用在动词或形容词的后面,表示动作的进行或状态的持续。“块”还有一个变体“了块”,“块”、“了块”与“了下”的性质比较接近,都可以用在动词、形容词的后面,表示状态持续。另外,本章还将盐城话的“住”与普通话的“着”、广州话的“住”进行了比较。第二章主要介绍了盐城话中和动态相关的“脱”、“了”、“过”。“脱”用在动词的后面,表示动作的完成,并且带有一定的消极意义。“了”在盐城话中也表示完成,但是没有消极意义,是中性的。“过”可以分为“过1”和“过2”。“过1”一般表示常规事件的完成,“过2”则表示过去的一种经历。另外,本章还将“脱”与普通话的“掉”、苏州话的“脱”进行了比较。第三章主要从语法化的角度讨论了盐城话“了”的演变。本章主要讨论了“了”做处所宾语标记和补语标记的情况,并且将其他句法位置上的“了”一并进行考察,进而认为这些“了”的出现与动态助词“了”的使用有很大关系。另外,本章还介绍了盐城话的疑问语气词“嘞”、“呐”、“嘚”、“咑”兼表完成意义的用法。结论部分归纳了盐城话各个动态助词的特点,并着重讨论了它们的来源。方言一直就有语言学的“活化石”之称。盐城话作为汉语的一种方言,对其语言系统各个层面的研究,不仅对现代汉语语法研究是一个很好的补充,而且对汉语历史语法也会有极大的启发。

【Abstract】 Aspect Particles are very important grammatical parts in the modern Chinese language. The study on Aspect Particles in dialects will contribute to the understanding of Aspect Particles in the modern Chinese language. Aspect Particles in Yancheng Dialect are abundant and complex, and fall into a category different from those in Mandarin. This dissertation is based on the studies of Aspect Particles in Mandarin and other dialects, and, with the help of modern linguistic theories, this dissertation aims to make a more comprehensive description and interpretation of the Aspect Particles in Yancheng Dialect.This dissertation is composed of introduction, the main body and conclusion, with the main body divided into three chapters. Aspect Particles in Yancheng Dialect will be divided into two categories: the internal viewpoint type and the external viewpoint type. Chapter One and the Chapter Two mainly describe the grammatical function and distribution of Aspect Particles synchronically, and Chapter Three focuses on the internally evolutional relationship of several Aspect Particles by the probation of the grammaticalization of "le".The Introduction mainly describes the background of this dissertation, and summarizes the significance of the selected topic, the ideas and the framework of the study, and the objectives and methods of the study.Chapter One focuses on particles like "zhu", "kuai", and "le xia" in Yancheng Dialect. The particle of "zhu" is usually attached behind verbs or adjectives to show the progressive meaning and the continuing meaning. The particle of "le kuai", a variant of "kuai", is similar to "kuai" and "le xia" in nature, and they are attached behind verbs and adjectives to show the continuing meaning. In addition, this chapter compares the "zhu" in Yancheng Dialect to "zhe" in Mandarin and "zhu" in Cantonese.Chapter Two mainly discusses the particles of "tuo", "le" and "guo". "tuo" is used behind verbs to imply perfective meanings and is of negative senses. "le" also shows the perfective meaning, but it is neutral without negative senses. "guo" can be categorized into "guo1" and "guo2", with the former indicating the perfective meaning and the latter indicating a past experience. Chapter Two also conducts a comparison between "tuo" in Yancheng Dialect, "diao" in Mandarin, and "tuo" in Suzhou Dialect.Chapter Three mainly deals with the revolution of "le" in grammaticalization. The author probes into cases with "le" being the marker of locative object and being the complement, together with "le" in other grammatical positions of different functions. Conclusions show that "le" in other grammatical positions of different functions must have some relationship with the Aspect Particle "le". In Yancheng Dialect, particles like "ne", "na", "de" and "da" in interrogative sentence show the perfective meaning, together with "tuo", "le", "guol" in declarative sentence.The part of Conclusion summarizes the characteristics of every Aspect Particle, and discusses their origins.Dialects are always renowned as the "living fossil" in linguistics, and as a branch of the modern Chinese. This dissertation is not only a good supplement to the study Mandarin, but also is of significance to the historic grammar of Chinese.

【关键词】 盐城话动态助词“了”语法化
【Key words】 Yancheng Dialectthe Aspect Particle"le"grammarticalization
  • 【网络出版投稿人】 苏州大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2010年 04期

