

The Song Verse Writers’ Soul Histroy Studied from the Philosophic and Historical Perspectives

【作者】 周建梅

【导师】 杨海明;

【作者基本信息】 苏州大学 , 中国古代文学, 2008, 博士

【摘要】 学界已有多部词史,建构角度各有不同,本文拟在文学、哲学、历史的交汇点上建构一部“别是一家”之两宋词人心灵史,“别是一家”之别关乎文章的哲学视野和历史视野,这也便是本文学术意义之所在。对生命的悲剧体认和悲剧体认后的自我救赎之哲学话语是本文选择的异于前贤之宋词观照视角,纵观封建社会国人心灵发展的历史长河,剖解两宋词人心灵史与封建时代国人心灵史的承继流变关系是本文选择的历史视野,在这两个基点上所完成的两宋词人心灵大观园之纸上建筑将是一个多维度的、别样的存在,本文欲以此“别是一家”之两宋词人心灵史丰富词史类型。上编拟建构平面进向中的两宋词人心灵大观园,即以所选择之哲学话语观照两宋词人个体心史轨迹和时代心灵共相。上编第一部分始之以对贯穿本文全部内容之哲学红线的说明和论析,这一部分征引了古今中外的若干话语拟证实“悲剧体认和悲剧体认后的自我救赎”是人类走出童年时代的伊甸园后心路历程的哲学共相。“文学是人学”,文学当是人之问题的诗学呈现,其中必蕴含着以上作为生命共通历程的哲学话语,“词学是心学”,宋词因其体性和文化功能当仁不让地成为宋代文学诸部类中与抒情主体心灵叠合度最大、最真实无伪的一种文体,故从宋词中抉发宋人的心灵发展动态史自是当然之理。在对“文学是人学”“词学是心学”之观点的论证后,文章展开了以上述哲学话语观照宋词的品读过程,一次次的丧失体验是生命体悲剧体认的具象化,文章上编鳞选了两宋词人中具代表性的五大丧失类型和相关的心灵标本,观照他们的自我救赎之路,而后勾画出两宋词人心灵大观园的主干道,并细述主干道上的心景气象,且结合以如此路径和心景气象的原因剖解,这便是上编的主体内容。在梳理这些鳞选出的心灵标本心路历程的过程中笔者发现了一些共通的时代因子,如宋人内外双修、忧乐互济的成熟文化人格和自赎意识、宋人纯白无染心性之集体自赎、宋人自我救赎不力之内敛沉潜、阴柔静弱的时代心理,文章上编便束之以对宋人时代精神共相的提取和分析,在得出宋人心灵大观园园景图的宏观印象后再去各条主干道和小径中漫步,对其走向和一路风景当更会心,当有着更为深入的同情之了解。下编则着力将上编建构的平面维度的两宋词人心灵大观园依着历史这一第三进向的坐标轴进行纵深拓展,拟剖解宋词人心灵史与封建时代国人心灵史之间的承继流变关系,在对比观照过程中仍将上编的哲学红线潜运其间以保证文章全篇的整一性。对于宋人文化心理上编已有过详细阐述的部分,就不复赘言了,而是以较多的词篇进行内证,从而使得本文两宋词人心灵大观园之纸上建筑既有条分缕析的主干道,又点缀着缤纷多姿的词之花朵,得以更具可观性。下编历史进向中的源流回溯追其源至中华文明的开篇先秦时代,推其流至封建社会暮鼓晨钟的清代,宋词人个体和群体的心史轨迹在封建时代国人心灵发展流变史这一宏大的坐标系中将理解得更为清晰透彻,本文两宋词人心灵史的文本写作加入了这一历史坐标后也将更为深透。

【Abstract】 There are several academic histories of song verse, built from distinct perspectives, and this paper plan to construct an different Song verse history, beginning with the meeting point of literature, philosophy, and history. The article’s difference from others is concerned with the philosophic and historical perspectives, which are also the paper’s academic meaning. The paper is based on the recognition of life tragedy and following self-salvation, along with the historical vision , which is looking through the whole feudal social history and analyzing the relation between the soul development of Song verse writers and that of feudal social Chinese people. By doing so the article’s writer can build a soul garden of the song verse writers in paper, and that will be a garden in several dimensions and different from others. The purpose of the paper is going to enrich the Song verse history types.The first half will plan to build a plain soul garden of the song verse writers, in other words, to analyze personal soul tracks and the era’s soul tracks of song verse writers. The first half begins with demonstrating and explaining the philosophic theory, using a large number of materials to prove that the recognition of life tragedy and following self-salvation is the common soul phenomenon since human beings went out of the childhood Paradise.“Literature is a human research”, it must be the poetic demonstration of people’s life, and it must contain the philosophy theory mentioned forwards, which is the life’s common experience.“Song verse research is the soul study”, which becomes the most concerned with the writers’soul and the most authentic literature style because of its character and cultural function, so it is reasonable that the soul tracks of the people in Song Dynasty will be analyzed from song verse. After the demonstration of the two points "Literature is a human research "“Song verse research is the soul study”, the paper begins to read and analyze Song verses in terms of the philosophic theory stated forwards. The recognition of life tragedy is concrete as various life losses. The paper chooses five kinds of life losses and some soul examples from song verse writers, and then watch their self-salvation tracks, drawing the five main roads of song verse writers’soul garden. Meanwhile state the sights in detail, combined with explaining the reason for such tracks and sights. This is the main content of the first half.When analyzing the soul tracks of the choosed soul examples, the writer finds some era common elements, for instance, people of Song Dynasty have the mature cultural personality and self-salvation consciousness that helps them to balance the external and internal development. Secondly, people of Song Dynasty can salivate themselves by personal purity without troubles and human dirties. Thirdly ,their quiet inward era character makes them difficult to succeed in self-salvation. The first half of the paper is finished by the findings and analyzing of the Song Dynasty people’s era common personalities. After getting the whole impression we can understand better about the main roads’direction and the sights when we walk there.The second half will make the plain construction of the song verse writers’soul garden ,built in the first half ,develop towards the history depth , that is a third-coordinate axis, in other words ,analyzing the inheritance and development between the song verse writers’soul and the Chinese people’s soul in the feudal society. When we compare and analyze, we still maintain the philosophic theory all the time to ensure that the topic isn’t divided. As to the proof t demonstrated in detail in the first half, the writer won’t retell again, just put some verses there to prove the viewpoint inward, so the final construction of the song verse writers’soul garden will not only have the clear main roads,but also the colorful song verse flowers, thus making it more appreciatable. The track will go back to the Xian Oian Dynasty, which is the first step of chinese people, up to Qing Dynasty that is the last step of the Chinese people in feudal society. The personal soul tracks and the personnel’s common tracks in Song Dynasty will be understood more clearly and deeply from the history perspective, in other words, the viewer will watch more deeply into the song verse writers’soul garden. The paper will have the deeper penetration with the history dimension.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 苏州大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2010年 03期

