

Research on Creating Academic Atmosphere in the Campus in Theory and Practice

【作者】 丁林兴

【导师】 朱永新;

【作者基本信息】 苏州大学 , 马克思主义哲学, 2008, 博士

【摘要】 本文研究的是“营造书香校园”的理论与实践问题。一方面,以马克思主义人的全面发展理论为指导,汲取了人类关于读书的一切优秀思想,并借鉴生命教育、解释学、终身学习和学习化社会等理论,创立了科学读书观。科学读书观是“营造书香校园”的理想境界。另一方面,在实践层面上对“营造书香校园”的实施策略和典型个案进行了研究,并对“营造书香校园”的未来发展进行了理性分析。因此,本研究对“营造书香校园”的理论和实践作了较为全面的总结。第一章,“营造书香校园”的基本内涵。对新教育实验的“营造书香校园”作了概括性的介绍,重点论述了读书与“营造书香校园”的关系、“营造书香校园”的缘起、概念界定、基本价值判断和对人的发展、学校的发展、学习化社会形成的作用。第二章,“营造书香校园”的思想源流。对古典时代、现代性、后现代性的读书思想作了一个历史考察,认为古典时代的先贤们的许多读书思想闪耀着诗性的光辉,现代性语境中的读书充满对理性的崇尚,后现代性的读书特征是一种对生命的体验。这些读书思想既有它的可贵之处,又有它的历史局限。因此,时代呼唤创立科学读书观。第三章,“营造书香校园”的理论基础。马克思主义人的全面发展理论是“营造书香校园”的理论基础。本章从马克思主义人的全面发展理论的发展史、主要精神及其方法论意义等三个方面对马克思主义人的全面发展理论作比较系统的梳理,认为马克思主义人的全面发展理论指明了实现人的全面发展的基本路径,对读书或读书研究具有方法论的指导意义。第四章,“营造书香校园”的当代意蕴。本章阐述了生命教育、解释学、终身学习和学习化社会对读书的借鉴意义,并以马克思主义人的全面发展理论为指导,汲取了人类关于读书的一切优秀思想,构建了新的读书观——科学读书观,并阐明科学读书观对“营造书香校园”的作用。第五章,“营造书香校园”的策略研究。本章依次论述了“营造书香校园”的七种策略,即一般性阅读策略、阶段性阅读策略、环境营造策略、活动推进策略、课程建设策略、评价激励策略和项目开发(实施)策略。第六章,“营造书香校园”的个案研究。选择了经典阅读、专题阅读、亲子阅读和教师阅读等具有代表性的案例,运用叙事研究的方法,真实而生动地再现了实验学校开展“营造书香校园”行动,促进教师专业发展和学生快乐成长的情况,并作理性的阐述。第七章,“营造书香校园”的未来展望。一是对“营造书香校园”的未来走向作理性的思考,并认为“营造书香校园”的本义是让教育回归本真,让师生过一种幸福完整的教育生活;二是对本研究进行全面反思,既指出本研究的创新之处,又明确以后进一步研究的方向。

【Abstract】 This article is on how to create academic atmosphere in the campus in theory and practice. On one hand, guided by Marxism theory about human development in an all-round way, drawing inspirations from all good ideologies on studies and using for reference the theories of life education, hermeneutics, life learning and learning society, scientific views on studies are established which is indeed an ideal state. On the other hand, researches are being done on the typical cases of creating academic atmosphere in the campus in practice and their strategies, and rational analysis into the future development are being made. Thus, this article is a summary of creating academic atmosphere in the campus in theory and practice.Chapter 1: Basic connotation of creating academic atmosphere in the campus. Here gives a brief introduction to the new educational experimental activity of creating academic atmosphere in the campus, and focuses on the relationship between studies and creating academic atmosphere in the campus, origination, conception definition, basic value judgment of creating academic atmosphere in the campus and its effects on human development, school development and formation of a learning society.Chapter 2: The development of ideologies on creating academic atmosphere in the campus. Through a historical investigation on classical, modern and post-modern ideologies of studies, it is considered that many study ideologies of ancestral sages in classical period shine with poetic brilliance, studies in modern content is filled with rationality advocating and the post-modern studies feature in an experience of life. These ideologies of studies have precious points as well as historical limitation. Thus the time calls for scientific ideology of studies.Chapter 3: Basic theory for creating academic atmosphere in the campus. The basic theory for creating academic atmosphere in the campus is Marxism theory about human development in an all-round way .Through a systematic sorting and management of the developing history, main spirit and its methodological significance on Marxism theory on human development in an all-round way, it is considered that Marxism theory on human development in an all-round way directs the fundamental route of achieving the comprehensive development of human, and has methodology guiding reading significance on studies and study research. Chapter 4: Current implication of creating academic atmosphere in the campus. This chapter discusses the reference meaning life education, hermeneutics, life-long study and learning society have on studies, and with the guidance of Marxism theory about human development in an all-round way, derives all the splendid ideologies on human studies, constructs a new ideology of studies---- scientific ideology of studies, and explains the effect of scientific ideology of studies on creating academic atmosphere in the campus.Chapter 5: Strategic research on creating academic atmosphere in the campus. This chapter deals with seven strategies----general reading strategy, stage reading strategy, environment-creating strategy, activity-promoting strategy, curriculum-constructing strategy, evaluation strategy and project-developing strategy.Chapter 6: Case research on creating academic atmosphere in the campus. This chapter selects classical studies, subject studies, parent-offspring studies and teachers’studies and other representative cases, applies the method of narrative research to represent the situation that the experimental schools carry out the activity of creating academic atmosphere in the campus to promote teachers’career development and students’healthy growth truly and vividly, and makes rational explanation.Chapter 7: Prospects for creating academic atmosphere in the campus. First is to make reasonable consideration of the prospective trend of creating academic atmosphere in the campus, and deems that the original meaning of creating academic atmosphere in the campus is to let education return to simplicity and make teachers and students have an access to a happy and perfect education; second is to do comprehensive reconsideration on this research, which indicates the innovative points of this research and clears the further research trend in future.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 苏州大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2010年 04期

