

Study on the Rules of the Anti-circumvention

【作者】 侯连琦

【导师】 陈立虎;

【作者基本信息】 苏州大学 , 宪法学与行政法学, 2008, 博士

【摘要】 近年来,随着国际贸易的发展和国外提起的对华反规避案件数量的逐年增加,我国企业出口在国际竞争中面临越来越大的压力,甚至受到被驱除国际市场的严重威胁。在这样的国际背景下,直面接踵而至的严峻挑战,深入研究倾销的规避与反规避问题就显得尤为迫切与必要。本文对倾销的规避与反规避制度的研究与分析就是在我国入世后,随着国际贸易的迅猛发展和贸易摩擦的日渐频繁的情势下,从比较借鉴的角度所展开的尝试性探讨。在经济全球化的时代潮流的冲击下,随着关贸总协定下的多边贸易谈判的不断发展,各国的关税逐渐降低,出口商为了增加其竞争能力,也有意将产品倾销到进口国。与此相应的是,各国又纷纷通过征收反倾销税等贸易保护措施抵消国际贸易中低价倾销行为所带来的消极影响,以便为本国的国内工业提供持续有效的救济。在国际贸易实践中,出口商往往是通过生产方式和贸易方式的改变来减少或避免被征收反倾销税。诸如此类的规避行为使各国及WTO反倾销法的目的无法实现。在国际贸易的制度实践中,各国又开始了反倾销法的立法尝试,并且为了维护反倾销法的有效作用,各国也持续性的关注立法的实际效果并及时修订反倾销的相关法律规范,增加了反规避条款的特别规定,以期通过法定的措施对此类规避行为进行限制或制裁。从世界范围看,制定反规避法的国家或地区主要是欧美等发达国家。但是,由于各国对反规避制度的概念、内容及适用范围等存在颇多争议,迄今为止还没有统一的国际反规避法律规则。曾经制定统一国际反规避立法的第一次尝试就由于各国的立场不一,无果而终。即邓克尔草案中的反规避条款最终被删除。值得欣慰的是,在其后的多边贸易谈判过程中,反规避问题又被列入反倾销议题。且不论其成效如何,单就反倾销议题本身而言,就足以证明反规避问题已被国际社会所普遍关注与承认。此前草案中反规避条款的最终删除,只能说明在国际贸易领域还缺乏一个为国际社会所普遍接受的反规避规则。同样关注反规避问题的中国,已经开始了对规避与反规避的立法尝试。这主要体现在我国《反倾销条例》第55条的相关规定之中。然而,由于立法基础的薄弱和理论研究的不足,我国反规避立法的相关条文还过于粗糙和简陋,其可操作性值得怀疑,事实上也不足以保证规避行为的频繁发生。因此,因此放宽我们的视野,吸收与借鉴目前欧美反规避立法和邓克尔草案中的反规避条款的最新成果,并结合我国国情,制定出详尽而完善的反规避法律制度具有重大的现实意义。本文的讨论就是基本因循理论与实践相结合的建构性思路,就规避与反规避的理论与现实问题展开的初步论述。文章认为,面对国外对中国产品频繁的反规避指控,中国政府与所涉企业应采取积极的贸易对策和法律措施,避免不必要的指控:必要时运用适当的规避方法进行合理的规避,使受到倾销的产品重新打回国际市场。要做到这一点,我们必须深入了解欧美等国的现行反规避制度的相关立法;加强和规范企业管理,规范我国原产地规则;实施出口产品差异化策略,打造非价格竞争优势;充分利用欧美的量化标准,合法规避反倾销税;积极建立现代企业制度,加快企业改革;积极发挥行业协会的作用;利用WTO争端解决机制;积极参与反规避多边规则的谈判和制定;充分重视反倾销、反规避预警机制的作用。论文前言主要介绍了反规避制度产生,然后介绍了本文研究的方法并详细介绍了反规避问题研究的背景及意义。最后介绍了研究意义、当前国内主要研究状况以及研究方法。第一章研究规避,主要介绍了规避的种类并对一般法律规避和贸易救济法上的规避进行区分。第二章论述了反规避制度的合法性及其制度的性质,同时对反规避制度产生的原因进行分析,即贸易保护主义。第三章介绍了欧共体反规避制度,重点分析了欧共体反规避制度的产生、发展及其实体法和程序法相关规定。第四章介绍了美国反规避制度的产生和发展。欧共体、美国的反规避立法比较研究,对欧共体和美国的反规避条款进行了条分析,然后详细地分析了它们的相似与不同之处。第五章研究了WTO体制下的反规避问题,介绍了邓克尔草案中的反规避条款,分析了反规避条款与WTO《关于反规避的决定》对多边统一的反规避规则的影响。第六章是本论文最重要的内容之一。本章主要是关于完善我国反规避立法的思考及相关建议,对完善我国反规避立法的必要性、应遵循的原则进行了分析,进而提出了一些具体建议。

【Abstract】 In recent years, with the development of international trade and the number of cases about circumvention of Chinese enterprises having increased year by year, they have been facing the growing pressure in the international competition and can even be expelled from the international market. In such an international context, the problems ,for example the definition of face tough challenges and in-depth study of the dumping and anti-circumvention , are particularly urgent and important. In order to avoid dumping and anti-circumvention system thinking and analysis, after China’s accession to the WTO, this paper studies from a comparative point of views.In the age of economic globalization trend of the impact, as the GATT multilateral trade negotiations under the continuous development of the countries to reduce tariffs gradually, exporters in order to increase their competitiveness, will be interested in dumping products to the importing country. Corresponding to this is that countries also have adopted levy anti-dumping duties and other trade protection measures to offset the dumping of low-priced international trade brought about by the acts of the negative impact of the country in order to provide the domestic industry continued to effective relief. In the practice of international trade, exporters often through production and trade patterns change to reduce or avoid the imposition of anti-dumping duty. Such acts to circumvent the WTO anti-dumping law and the purpose can not be realized. In the international trading system in practice, countries began to anti-dumping legislation, and in order to maintain the effective role of anti-dumping laws, countries also continuing concern about the practical effects of legislation and timely amendment of the relevant anti-dumping laws and regulations, and an increase of anti-circumvention Terms of the special provisions, with a view to adopting legal measures to avoid acts of such restrictions or sanctions.From a global perspective, the development of anti-circumvention law in a state or territory is mainly Europe and the United States and other developed countries. However, due to the anti-circumvention measures on the concept, content and scope of application of considerable controversy exists, to date there is no unified international anti-circumvention rules of law. Have to formulate a unified international anti-circumvention legislation on the first attempt because of the position of different countries, yielded no results. The anti-circumvention provision in the draft eventually was deleted. What is gratifying is that in the subsequent Uruguay Round negotiation process, the anti-circumvention issue has been included in the anti-dumping issues. And regardless of how effective, single-issue anti-dumping itself, is enough to prove that anti-circumvention issue has been widespread concern by the international community and recognition. Prior to the draft anti-circumvention provisions of the final deleted, can only show that in the field of international trade also for the international community to the lack of a universally accepted by the anti-circumvention rules.Equally concerned about the anti-circumvention, China has already begun to make the anti-circumvention legislation and try. This is mainly reflected in China’s "anti-dumping regulations," Article 55 of the relevant provisions. However, as the legislative basis of the weak and the lack of theoretical research, China’s anti- circumvention provisions of the relevant legislation is also too rough and shabby, its maneuverability is questionable, in fact is not enough to guarantee frequent acts of evasion. So, relax our horizons and learn from the western absorption and anti-circumvention legislation and Mr. Kerr in the draft anti-circumvention provisions of the latest results, and in light of China’s national situation and formulate a detailed and comprehensive anti-circumvention legal system is of great practical significance.The discussion in this paper is the basic lethargy in combining theory and practice of constructive ideas, and to avoid anti-circumvention on the theory and practical problems on the initial start. The article maintains that, in the face of Chinese products abroad frequent allegations of anti-circumvention, the Chinese government and the enterprises should adopt a positive trade measures and legal measures, to avoid unnecessary charges: if necessary, to use appropriate methods of circumventing reasonable circumvent, by the dumping of products to fight back to the international market. To achieve this, we must understand the depth of Europe and the United States and other countries related to the existing system of anti-circumvention legislation to strengthen and standardize the management of enterprises, standardize our rules of origin; export product differentiation strategy to create non-price competition advantages from the Europe and the United States use of the quantitative criteria, legitimate circumvention of anti-dumping duties to actively the establishment of a modern enterprise system, speed up enterprise reform; Play an active role in industry associations; use of the WTO dispute settlement mechanism to actively participate in anti-circumvention rules of the multilateral negotiations and the development of the full attention of anti-dumping, anti-circumvention early warning mechanism.Preface of the thesis mainly introduces the reasons why the anti-circumvention measure emerges,then conclude the categories of circumvention and give the ways to studying it,and the a brief introduction to the background and significance of the issue under discussion,the current study in this respect as well as the study methods.Chapter One begins discussion of the thesis topic,which presents the concept kinds of the“Circumvention”and analyzes the differences between the circumvention in the general law and one in trade remedy law .Chapter Two discusses the legality of the anti-circumvention rule and its quality,meanwhile study the reasons of it appearance, that is to say ,it is the trade protectionism.Chapter Three introduces the emergence and development of EC anti-circumvention.Chapter Four introduces the emergence and development of American anti-circumvention and compare the EC and US anti-circumvention legislations. First it analyses the provisions of EC and US Anti-circumvention separately,furthermore,analyses the similarities and differences between them. Part Three expresses the view of author on constructing international anti-circumvention legislation.Chapter Five is focused on the study of the Anti-circumvention rules in Dunkel draft ,which are the perfect rules in the world,furthermore,the same rules in the Dunkel draft of the WTO as well as its influences on the multi-lateral Anti-circumvention is also analyzed in this chapter.Chapter Six is one of the most important parts of this thesis .It mainly expounds the necessity of improving Chinese anti-circumvention legislation and the principles should be conformed, and then bring forward some concrete suggestions.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 苏州大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2010年 03期

