

Study on Hot Mix Asphalt Mixture’s Design Based on Western Characteristics

【作者】 丛卓红

【导师】 张登良; 郑南翔;

【作者基本信息】 长安大学 , 道路与铁道工程, 2007, 博士

【摘要】 随着全球气候的变暖、交通量的增加、交通轴载的增大,我国沥青路面由于结构设计、材料设计、施工等方面的原因,沥青路面早期损坏严重。我国西部地区气候、交通、材料等状况与东部地区有较大差异,开展基于西部地区沥青混合料的设计研究,提高我国沥青路面的使用寿命,具有非常重要的意义。本文的主要研究内容及方法:1.从西部地区沥青路面的温度场入手,根据西部地区的气象资料,确定沥青路面温度场的区划;2.根据沥青路面的温度场,选择合理的沥青品种及标号;3.以沥青混合料的细分散系.沥青胶浆研究为基础,采用自创的试验仪器和方法对胶浆的性能规律进行研究;4.通过骨架密实性验证方法,确定骨架密实性集料级配,根据对沥青混合料禁区的研究,确定混合料级配曲线的合理走向;5.对不同成型方法沥青混合料的路用性能进行研究,推荐适合我国的沥青混合料成型方法;6.对不同粉胶比沥青混合料的路用性能进行研究,提出了密级配沥青混合料、聚酯纤维沥青混合料、SMA沥青混合料的合理粉胶比(粉油比)范围,补充了规范中的不足。本文通过系统研究得出如下结论:1.提出了符合我国西部实际情况的高路面温度和低路面温度的确定方法,修正了SHRP方法的不足;2.提出用等指标临界温度值区分同一PG等级沥青方法和针入度-性能分级(PPG)体系,弥补了SHRP标准难以区分我国西部常用沥青优劣的缺陷;3.根据沥青路面的温度场,推荐了合理的沥青品种及标号;采用自创的锥入度试验和低温弯曲试验的方法对基质、改性、马蹄脂、纤维沥青胶浆的性能规律进行了系统的研究;4.通过骨架密实性验证方法和沥青混合料禁区的研究,推荐了骨架密实型沥青混合料集料的级配范围和级配走向;5.通过对不同成型方法沥青混合料的路用性能进行研究,推荐适合我国西部地区的沥青混合料成型方法;6.对不同粉胶比沥青混合料的路用性能进行研究,提出了密级配、聚酯纤维、SMA沥青混合料的合理粉胶比(粉油比)范围,弥补了规范中的不足。

【Abstract】 With the warming of global temperature, increasing of traffic, heavy of traffic loads, the premature damage of asphalt pavement is serious, because of structure design, material design and construction matters. There are many differences of climate, traffic, materials between eastern areas and western area. It has very important meanings to study the asphalt mixtures’ design based on the western area.The main study content and methods are listed as follows: 1. According to the climate resources of western areas, the temperature field cluster compartment is decided. 2. The reasonable asphalt types and classes are chosen in accordance with the former temperature field. 3. With my own created test equipments and methods, the asphalt mortar’s performance and law are studied, from the point of modern mortar theory. 4. Through single factor skeleton dense test, the optimal framework structure of gabbro AC-16 gradation is got. The reasonable gradation’s trend is got by means of performance comparison between t restricted zone gradations. 5. The optimal shaping method is recommended according to pavement performance of different shaping methods. 6. The scopes of filler asphalt ratio with dense gradation asphalt mixture, polyester fiber asphalt mixture, stone matrix asphalt mixture(SMA) are got through the pavement performance study of different filler asphalt ratio’s.Based on systematic research, this paper draws the following conclusions: 1. Western areas’ high pavement design temperature and the low pavement design temperature is determined, which modify the specification’s defect. 2. Aiming at SHRP’s defects of not differentiating asphalt performance in western areas, critical temperature of equal target value is the criteria to evaluate performance of the same PG class. 3. According to asphalt pavement temperature field and Penetration-Performance Grade-PPG system, reasonable asphalt types and classes are chosen. 4. The asphalt mortar’s performance is evaluated with my own created test equipments and methods, cone penetration test in high temperature and bending test in low temperature. 5. The reasonable asphalt mixture’s gradation scope and trend are recommended. 6. In adaptation to western areas’ climate, traffic conditions, the proper design method is recommended to do asphalt mixtures’ design. 7. The filler asphalt ratio of dense gradation asphalt mixture, polyester fiber asphalt mixture and stone matrix asphalt mixture(SMA) is recommended.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 长安大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2010年 03期

