

Study on Operating Safety Technology of Highway Tunnel

【作者】 王永东

【导师】 夏永旭;

【作者基本信息】 长安大学 , 道路与铁道工程, 2007, 博士

【摘要】 随着公路隧道的长大化发展、车流密度的增长和行车速度的提高,公路隧道的许多运营安全问题大量出现。近年来国内外发生多起隧道安全事故,造成了巨大的经济损失和严重的社会影响。我国目前既没有公路隧道运营管理的行业规程,也没有一部完整的长大公路隧道防灾救灾预案。因此,对公路隧道运营安全技术展开研究,日益显得重要。本文提出了“设施是基础,管理是关键,监控是核心,预案是保障”的公路隧道安全运营管理体系;将公路隧道的防灾救灾对策系统划分为指导思想、安全等级、宣传教育、交通管理、通风控制、监控与消防系统、建筑材料和附属设施以及救灾体系八个子系统,对应于每一个子系统,提出了详细的防灾对策。论文给出了我国公路隧道安全等级的划分,同时考虑隧道的规模和交通量,把我国公路隧道的安全等级从高到低划分为Ⅰ、Ⅱ、Ⅲ、Ⅳ、Ⅴ五个级别;详细地给出了不同安全等级公路隧道对应的防火设施配置表;给出了我国长大公路隧道运输危险物品时的交通控制表。国内外现有的公路隧道火灾通风设计计算,没有考虑火灾发生后的烟流阻力的影响。本文对隧道火灾烟流模型以及烟流阻力的计算公式进行了简化,将节流效应烟流阻力、浮力效应烟流阻力(火风压)计入隧道火灾通风计算中,改进了传统的火灾通风计算公式。算例表明:烟流阻力数值较大,在火灾通风计算时,必须计及它们的影响:在采用竖井分段纵向通风系统中,如果着火点离竖井底很近,竖井内的火风压将会较大,对于排风竖井,其火风压甚至可以大于隧道内形成临界风速需要的升压力,即无需开启轴流风机,就可以自动排烟。针对当前对公路隧道火灾特性研究较多,而与防灾救灾结合较少的现象,本文进行了隧道火灾时基于温度的人员逃生与救援研究。通过对克拉尼(Cranee)公式的修改,给出了发生火灾时公路隧道内人员基于温度的逃生条件。采用有限元数值模拟方法,详细研究了公路隧道内不同风速条件下,一辆小车、一辆卡车和两辆卡车相撞发生火灾时的温度场,将计算结果与人员逃生和消防救援相结合,详细地给出了不同火灾规模时,隧道内人员的逃生方向、安全区域和消防救援的具体安全位置;同时研究了横通道开启对人员逃生区域和救援位置的影响。在上述研究成果的基础上,本文以雁门关公路隧道(5.65km)为工程依托,详细地制定了长大公路隧道交通事故、火灾事故和危险品事故防灾救灾预案;为了检验预案的可行性,在雁门关隧道举行了灭火救灾现场演习。记录了演习过程中各部门反应时间,并检测了现场环境指标。为科学合理地制定长大公路隧道的防灾救灾预案和运营管理手册,提供了大量翔实的现场资料。结合以上研究成果,论文最后给出了我国长大公路隧道运营管理手册的编制框架。

【Abstract】 With the increasing of tunnel length, traffic density and vehicle speed, the operating safety problem of highway tunnel seems more and more serious. This situation has been well indicated by the incidents occurred all over the world in the recent years, with huge economic loss and adverse social impact. In China, there are no trade regulations for operating management and counterplan for defending and salvaging disaster of highway tunnel. Therefore, it is urgent to study the operating safety technology of highway tunnel.In this thesis, operating management system of highway tunnel is put forward. In this system, the facilities, management, monitoring and counterplan are specified to work as base, key, core and guarantee, respectively. The countermeasure system for defending and salvaging disaster of highway tunnel can be divided into eight sub-systems such as guideline, safety grade, propagandism and education, traffic management, ventilation control, monitoring and fire fighting, building materials and additional establishments, and system of salvaging disaster. Corresponding to each of the sub-systems, the details are presented. With special reference to tunnel length and traffic, safety grade system of highway tunnel in China is defined as five grades, i.e., I, II, III, IV and V. Corresponding to each of the grades, the fire prevention facilities collocation table and traffic control table for transporting dangerous goods are presented.At present, the effect of fire fume resistance is not included in the highway tunnel fire ventilation design calculation. In this thesis, a simplified fire fume model and the calculating equations of fire fume resistance are proposed. The equations of traditional tunnel fire ventilation are mended, including the effect of fume resistance for throttle effect and fume resistance for floatage effect (pressure of fire wind). The results of the case studies indicate that fire fume resistance is too large to be ignored in fire ventilation calculation; that the pressure of fire wind in shaft is large enough to push fume out tunnel in a longitudinal ventilation system with shaft, on condition that the kindling point of the fire is much near to the shaft, the pressure of fire wind can even be larger than raise pressure, which is required to meet the critical velocity for fire ventilation. As a result, the axial fan pressure is needless.There are numerous researches on the characteristic of fire in highway tunnel, but there are a few studies relating to defending and salvaging fire simultaneously. In this thesis, tunnel users escape and rescue are studied, with special reference to temperature of fire in tunnel. By improving Cranee Equation, the escape conditions of tunnel users with temperature are presented. Using numerical methods, the temperature fields of burning of one car, one truck and two tucks are studied under various wind speeds. Based on the simulating results and the escape conditions, the escape direction, safety areas and area for fire suppression are prescribed in the temperature fields under various scales of fire. Besides, the influence of opening cross passage on the locations of escape and rescue sections is given under fire in highway tunnel.The above mentioned conclusions are applied to Yanmenguan tunnel, 5.65km long. In this thesis, the counterplans for defending and salvaging disaster to traffic incident, fire and dangerous goods transportation are established. In order to check the counterplans, a practical exercise in Yanmenguan tunnel is carried out in terms of both extinguishing and rescue during fire period. The response time of the related groups are recorded in details, and the environment parameters are tested at site. The exercise provides locale information for establishing counterplans for defending and salvaging disaster and operational management manual.Based on the researches of this thesis, a compiling guideline to operational management manual of long highway tunnel is presented.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 长安大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2010年 03期

