

Study on Coal Base Water Pollution and Its Control

【作者】 冯建国

【导师】 李云峰;

【作者基本信息】 长安大学 , 地质工程, 2007, 博士


【摘要】 能源问题是当前国内乃至国际上的重大问题之一。在我国的一次能源消耗中,煤炭所占的比例约为70%,而且这种形势在短期内不会有根本性的改变。为了保证我国的能源安全,国家已经出台政策,开展煤炭基地建设。历史经验表明,在能源的开发和利用过程中往往伴随着污染问题。但是到目前为止,系统地研究煤炭基地水污染问题的论著并不多见,从煤炭基地角度研究水污染理论体系的文章几乎没有。如何在煤炭基地水资源保护问题上少走弯路,如何总结过去煤炭开发对水污染的教训,从现有的经济条件与技术手段出发,进行煤炭基地建设与水污染关系的研究,并在此基础上建立科学合理的煤炭基地水污染研究理论体系,是目前亟待解决的重大问题,具有非常重要的理论价值和现实意义。本文从这一命题出发,进行了初步探索,并以陕北煤炭基地水污染问题为例,进行了深入研究。全文共10万余字,分为九个部分。论文首先重论述了研究问题的由来,阐明了本文研究的目的和意义,在充分查阅分析国内外研究现状的基础上,确定了研究的主要内容。在建立煤炭基地水污染概念、分析煤炭基地水污染研究的特点、划分煤炭基地水污染研究阶段之后,确立了煤炭基地水污染研究理论体系,该体系包括煤炭基地水污染背景条件研究、煤炭基地水污染现状研究、煤炭基地水污染机理研究、煤炭基地水污染发展趋势研究、煤炭基地水污染防治对策研究五个模块,分别论述了这五个模块的研究目的、研究内容、研究方法和研究成果的用途。实例研究部分,以煤炭基地水污染研究理论体系为指导,以陕北煤炭基地水污染问题为例,进行了深入研究。首先分析了陕北煤炭基地的背景条件;对陕北煤炭基地地下水系统防污染性能做了分区;分析了陕北煤炭基地潜水和地表水的水污染现状,得出的结论是陕北煤炭基地处于建设的初期,从地下水和地表水的水质分析结果上看,绝大部分的水质还是好的,当前的工矿企业对水环境的影响不大,主要的污染物来自生活和农业污染;通过窟野河河水水质的动态监测资料分析、窟野河主流水质和支流水质对比、窟野河河水和邻近潜水水质对比,分析了陕北煤炭基地内河水水质变化的原因;分析了几种污染组分在潜水和包气带中的运移、变化规律;提出了陕北煤炭基地水污染防治对策。最后对全文作了总结,叙述了取得的研究成果。本文的特色在于首次全面系统的讨论了煤炭基地水污染研究的相关问题,建立了煤炭基地水污染研究理论体系,首次对陕北煤炭基地水污染问题开展综合性研究并提出了相应的防治对策。本文研究的问题具有普遍意义,成果有很强的推广价值。

【Abstract】 Energy issue is one of important issue in our nation and all over the world. The 70 percentage of primary energy consumption is coal in our nation, and this situation will not change in a short period of time. The policy of coal base construction has been operated for nation’s energy security. But pollution always goes with energy exploitation and its utilization. How to summary the lesson of coal exploitation and water environment pollution, study the relationship between coal base construction and water environment pollution, establish the theoretical system of coal base water pollution research is very important to us.This paper includes nine parts and about 100,000 words.Firstly, discussed the origin of study issue, the aim and meaning. Confirm the main content based on consult and Analyses study actuality of our nation and foreign.Secondly, analyses the character of coal base water pollution research. Divide study period into two parts: programming period and exploitation period; establish the theoretical system of coal base water pollution research which include 5 parts: study on background of coal base water pollution, study on water pollution actuality of coal base, study on water pollution mechanism of coal base; study on development trend of coal base water pollution; study on water pollution control of coal base. Summary the study purpose, study content, study method, conclusion application for each part.Next is an example. The study region is located in north of Shaanxi province. Analyses the pollution actuality of surface water and phreatic water at first and the conclusion is the contaminations come from living pollution. Analyses the reason caused Kuye river water quality change from three sections: Kuye river water quality dynamic supervise, compare Kuye river mainstream water quality with anabranch, compare Kuye river mainstream water quality with groundwater nearby. Divide groundwater system vulnerability into five subarea according seven factors. Analyses the contaminations change rule in phreatic water aquifer and aeration zone. Put forward the measure of north Shaanxi coal base water pollution.The last part is conclusion of this paper.This paper study the coal base water pollution theoretical system and north of Shaanxi province coal base water pollution for the first time in our country.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 长安大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2010年 04期

