

Shaanxi Province Water Resources Natural Gift Characteristic and Its Development Make Use of Strategic Research

【作者】 黄兴国

【导师】 李佩成;

【作者基本信息】 长安大学 , 地质工程, 2007, 博士

【摘要】 陕西是一个水资源短缺的省份,随着经济社会的不断发展,水资源的瓶颈制约作用将更加突显,如何解决水资源的约束,创造良好的水资源供给条件,保证经济可持续增长便成为摆在我们面前的一个重大课题。本论文从分析陕西省水资源禀赋特征入手,着力研究和论述了一下几方面:(1)陕西省水资源禀赋特征研究。包括降雨禀赋、河川径流禀赋和地下水禀赋特征研究等;(2)陕西省水资源利用现状及存在问题研究;(3)基于水资源禀赋特征,力图从全局和战略上探讨发展陕西水利事业的重大举措。研究通过实地调查、统计分析,以系统论、水资源理论、可持续发展理论和水文生态经济学等理论为基础,对陕西省的水资源禀赋状况进行系统、全面的研究。在此基础上,对陕西省的水资源开发利用进行研究,取得以下成果:1.陕西省水资源禀赋特征水资源禀赋特征,是指主要由天然的地质、地形以及气候等因素决定的水资源存在形式、赋存条件、运移方式以及动态等特征。当然,依据第二自然或人工自然状况,水资源的禀赋特征也会受到区域经济发展导向的影响。论文通过对陕西的降雨、径流、地下水禀赋特征的分析研究,得出陕西水资源禀赋具有如下特征:(1)陕西省降水禀赋特征陕西多年平均降水量变化范围在400-1600 mm之间,绝对变幅达1200mm。降水量分布规律是:南部大于北部,山区大于平原、河谷地带,关中平原、陕南地区的西部大于东部。降水量多集中于汛期6~9月,占全年降水量的70%以上,而在作物生长3~5月的关键季节,且干旱少雨。陕西省的降水年际变化也很大,全省最大最小年降水量的极值比在2.4~11.4之间,径流的年际变化比降水更大,全省最大最小径流量极值比变化范围在2.2~22.3之间。(2)河川径流禀赋特征陕西省年径流深的地区变化与降水量的地区分布极为相似,受地形及下垫面条件的影响,地带性差异明显。径流深分布由南向北递减,关中陕南由西向东递减。河川径流的年际变化主要取决于年降水量的多年变化,并受到补给类型及流域内地貌、地质等下垫面条件的影响。年径流变差系数C_v呈现出与降水C_v相类似的地带性分布。且径流的年际变化比降水更剧烈,地区性差异更大。(3)地下水资源赋存条件良好全省广泛分布的黄土和灰岩地层与构造,有利于地下水的赋存和补给。据计算全省地下水资源量为152.45×10~8m~3/a。按流域分,黄河流域75.50×10~8m~3/a,长江流域76.95×10~8m~3/a。2.水资源开发利用存在的问题(1)全省水资源禀赋与社会经济发展需求不匹配陕西省三大区域关中、陕南、陕北2000年的GDP总值分别为1258.26、231.8、170.86亿元。而水资源占有量与社会经济发展状况严重不匹配,2000年(水平年)关中、陕南、陕北地表水资源量分别为68.8×10~8m~3、304.8×10~8m~3、35.7×10~8m~3;地下水可开采量为31.13、7.86、6.69亿m~3(2)过境黄河水利用程度低黄河干流流经我省719km,在陕西省的过境水量丰沛,龙门站多年平均(1934-2000年)实测径流量为299.8亿m~3。但是陕西省对黄河干流的引水量2亿m~3/a左右,面对严重的水资源短缺,适度开发利用黄河过境水,是保障陕西国民经济可持续发展的战略措施,特别在陕北国家能源重化工基地更应用到黄河干流的水资源。由于水资源的禀赋和社会经济发展需求不匹配,以及黄河水资源利用程度低,造成关中和陕北能源重化工基地严重缺水。通过水资源供需平衡分析表明在充分考虑节水的条件下,现状年(2000年)和规划年(2010、2020年)均存在较大缺口,依靠现有的工程和修建局部的水源工程,是根本解决不了问题的,必须考虑调水和区域的水资源优化配置来解决。3.基于禀赋特征的陕西水资源开发利用战略研究根据对陕西省水资源禀赋特征和水资源开发利用中存在的问题的分析,作者进一步认为解决陕西的水资源问题,需要采取五大战略措施:(1)利用水资源禀赋特征开展省内南水北调解决关中缺水问题陕南水资源比较丰沛,实施省内南水北调是解决关中缺水的最佳途径。根据水资源供需分析可知,关中地区水资源可利用量67亿m~3,即使全部开发,也不能满足2020年区内需水。陕南地区水资源可利用量在满足本区需水要求后尚有较多余水,而且水质良好,2020年富裕水量34.53亿m~3(按地表水资源可利用量计算,余水28.43亿m~3)。因此,从合理配置水资源,保障水资源的有效供给,适应不同地区社会经济可持续发展需要出发,从陕南相对富水区向关中缺水区实施跨流域调水是十分必要的。(2)结合引汉济渭实施关中—陕南水利工程大联网以引汉济渭为骨干的省内南水北调工程实施后,随着关中经济社会的快速发展,对关中区域内的水资源必须实行统一调配。网络以引汉济渭调水工程建设为契机,以关中十大灌溉工程和黑河、石头河供水工程为基础,建成城镇供水与灌溉工程相协调的联网调度,逐步实施关中、陕南水资源大联网调度系统。(3)引黄河水解决陕北能源重化工基地的缺水问题黄河干流从陕北流过,根据黄河水资源在陕西境内的这一禀赋特征,为解决陕北能源重化工基地大量用水问题,应从黄河适当调水。(4)合理开发深层地下水,解决渭北和陕北的人畜供水问题我省陕北、关中渭北都分布有岩溶水,水源水质优良,应该是未来城市和农村人畜饮水的理想水源。但这些水补给困难,因此要严禁乱开滥采,确保合理开发,永续利用。(5)利用黄土蓄水特征,发展地下蓄水,增加抗旱水源在陕西分布大面积的黄土属孔隙—裂隙介质,蓄水能力强,这种禀赋条件应当利用。通过对大气降水和河流水的引渗,形成“地下水源”,以增加抗旱水源。

【Abstract】 The regional water resources characterization was extremely important in the planning and management of water resources systems.Disproportion natural resources allocation cause significant damage both in the environment and human society.Shaanxi is the province that natural water resources shortage and disproportion.Providing adequate water supply for the province’s rapidly growing population and economy within the limits of local operational capacities has been nearly impossible.How to break through the limited of the water resources bottleneck becomes an important topic.A strategic plan will expand the water supply of the province development into an important problem.This study has demonstrated the Shaanxi province water resources natural allocation. It contents of the following several aspects:(1)What was the province’s water resources natural allocation? Include to the rain, runoff and groundwater natural characteristic;(2)What were the province’s water resources present situation and the existence problems?(3)Based on the water resources natural gift characteristic making use of a water resources development strategic.With the system operation,water resources theories and the hydrology ecosystem economics...etc,the research emphasizes on-site investigation.Applying the balanced method,the control cross section method and Tennant method etc.,the province’s water resources demand was calculated.This research focuses on the province’s water resources natural characteristic,carried on a strategic water resources development plan of the province,obtaining following results:1.Shaanxi province water resources natural gift characteristicThe water resources natural gift characteristic means the water resources regional allocation of rich or lack and the water quality degrees.It was the characteristics that water resources in district are natural storage and movement.The regional water resources characteristic was become by nature of difference store and cycle.It was also influence by economic and social development in district.The perception,runoff and groundwater all must be involved.The water resources natural gift characteristic the province has follows characteristic:(1)The runoff water resources quantity space distributes imbalanceSubjected to geography,the weather characteristic and vegetative cover conditional influence,water resources of the province distributes imbalance.The south-north difference is very big.The North province,Guanzhong surface water resources was not enough;The South province surface water was more abundant.(2)The difference of surface water resources allotment inside year and year’s was bigShaanxi province precipitation was concentrate much in flood season for 6-9 months. It was up to 70%that the amount of water for whole years.Grow key season in crop for 3-5 months were drought.The precipitation and runoff are change very big in years.The biggest and minimum pole values in year of ratio were between 2.4-11.4.The runoff year’s variety that compares to precipitation was larger.The biggest and minimum runoff pole values year’s ratios were between 2.2-22.3.(3)The self-producing and transit amount of runoff discharge reduce violentIn 1990’s,the province self-producing and transit amount of runoff discharge was reduce violent.The province’s 1991-2000 averages self-producing water quantity was only for 308×10~8m~3;compare many years average to reduce 101.3×10~8m~3,reduce 24.7%. The yellow river runoff was reduces 25.8×10~8m~3,reduce 26%;The Yangtze River runoff was reduces 75.4×10~8m~3,reduce 24%.(4)The river contains sand to have great capacityThe province yellow river valleys flow through loess,mound and gutters regions. It was very easy formation sediment.The yellow river valleys many years average self product amount of sand was 90.8%.The Senmu and Fugu which flows in yellow river have largesse lose sand ratio.Lose sand ratio was up to 16200-28300 t/km~2 for 1956-2000 years.The runoff was hard use.(5)The drought and waterlog were frequently occursStatistic data express,Guanzhong was the province most droughts happen.It continues the longest.The disaster degree was the heaviest region.In the next place was the North province.The South province was the lightest region in the disaster degree. The province waterlog.was also occurs frequently.(6)The groundwater resources regional difference was bigThe province groundwater resources was 152.45×10~8m~3/a.River for cent,the yellow river is 75.50×10~8m~3/a,the Yangtze River is 76.95×10~8m~3/a.The province groundwater resources can mine measure to 45.68×10~8m~3,the yellow river was 37.85×10~8 m~3 and the Yangtze River was 7.83×10~8 m~3.2.The water resources development situation(1)The province water resources with social and economy develop was not matchThe main river average runoffs of many years’ water resources which measure to 138.46×10~8m~3,can be utilized was 26.8%.Among them:The yellow river surface water measure to 49.83×10~8m~3,can be utilized was 37.7%;the Yangtze River was measure to 88.64×10~8m~3,can be utilized was 23.3%.The Guanzhong,South province and North province 2000 GDP respectively were 1258.26×10~8,231.8×10~8,170.86×10~8yuan.The water resources quantity respectively were 68.8×10~8m~3,304.8×10~8m~3 and 35.7×10~8m~3;The groundwater were respectively 31.13×10~8m~3,7.86×108m3 and 6.69×10~8m~3.The regional water resources were not match with social economy.(2) The yellow river pass by runoff utilization ratio was lowThe main channel in the province is about 719km.The province yellow river pass by runoff was plentiful.The Longmen gauge multi years average(1934-2000) runoff discharge was 299.8×10~8m~3.The province only use the runoff about 2×10~8m~3/a.The appropriate development yellow river runoff is strategic measures that guarantee province’s economy and social development.The water resources supply and demand analysis expresses,the province water resources shortage in 2000,2010 and 2020 were very high.It can’t resolve problem depend on existing water supply engineering.Water transfer project and water resources optimize allocation must be conceded.3.Strategic research based on the province water resources natural gift characteristicThe paper presented the five strategic measures:(1)The province’s south-north water transfer project has been suggested.The Guanzhong region in further will meet the water shortage problem.In terms of the water resources natural gift characteristic,local operational capacities were impossibly solved. The south-north water transfer project must be done.The province south-north water transfer project can improve the social development and ecosystem environment conditions in further.It also can supply water for the north province energy heavy chemical engineering base.It was displacement in the meantime.(2)Combined with the Han-Wei water transfer project,a big water adjustment net will implement in further.The Han-Wei water transfer project will be a bone framework that realizes the Guanzhong economic society fast development.It makes provice’s water resources unify adjustment possible.(3)Transfer the Yellow River runoff to resolves water shortage problem in North province.The North province energy chemical base is a national energy heavy chemical engineering base.It is not only the local economy development requires,but also the strategy demand that guarantees national energy safe in future.So the Yellow River runoff uses is strategic basic principle.The first step research water transfers are west,east and south routes.The total three routes transfers the amount of water is 13.50×10~8m~3 in 2020.(4)The reasonable develops deep groundwater for supplies water.North province and Guanzhong are all distributes rock dissolve water.The water are clean and quantity.It should be the ideal water for person and domestic animal drinking.These water replacements are very difficult.So it should be strictly forbid confusion to open.It is insuring a reasonable development.(5) Make good use of the loess retain characteristic can be restore water.One way was develop underground reservoir.It can increase water for anti-dry.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 长安大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2010年 04期

