

Research on Passive Optical Network and Code Division Multiplexing Optical Access with Chaotic Spread Spectrum Sequences

【作者】 杨立伟

【导师】 钱宗珏;

【作者基本信息】 北京邮电大学 , 通信与信息系统, 2009, 博士

【摘要】 随着全业务和互联网的迅速发展,光接入网已成为下一代接入网的重要组成部分和当前国际研究的热点。全世界都在致力于支持更多的用户、更远的距离和更大的带宽的接入网的研发,我国也正在实施“光进铜退”的战略。无源光网络(PON)是解决接入网带宽瓶颈、满足不断增长的带宽需求的理想宽带接入技术。本论文针对下一代光接入网中的无源光网络及混合接入系统进行了研究,获得的主要创新成果如下:1.结合国家自然科学基金项目“智能化光接入网关键技术研究”(项目编号为60672025),首次提出了多LLID EPON系统动态带宽分配及QoS性能改进方案。2.主笔起草了国家通信行业标准“接入网设备测试方法-基于以太网方式的无源光网络(EPON)”(国家通信行业标准编号为YD/T1531-2006,已发布)和通信行业研究课题“FTTH性能指标和测试方法”(项目编号为2006T27,已结题),参加起草了国家通信行业标准“接入网设备测试方法-吉比特的无源光网络(GPON)”(项目编号为2007H32,已报批)。3.作者结合所承担的国家自然科学基金重点项目“全业务光接入网系统的关键理论和技术”(项目编号为60132040),对全业务光接入网进行了研究。作者参与提出了WDM-PON全业务光接入网系统总体方案并首次研制了全业务宽带光接入网实验平台,在WDM-PON系统上实现了图像、数据、语音全业务通信。该项目的专家组验收评定为“国内领先,世界先进”。4.为解决多址问题,提出了大容量、大分支的OCDMA-WDM-PON系统方案,该方案克服了可用波长数和可用码字数对系统容量的限制,增加了地址码数和用户数量。对系统的误码性能进行了理论分析和仿真。5.首次在OCDMA系统中提出了基于混沌Logistic-map的两级扩频序列,在国际上未见报道。对此序列本身的相关特性进行了分析和仿真,对应用该序列的光码分多址系统的误码性能进行了理论分析,并与采用现有扩频码的方案进行了性能比较。6.在博士生第三年参加教育部联合培养博士研究生公派项目,在日本电气通信大学对ROF技术进行了研究,提出了WDM-PON与ROF混合系统的方案,有效实现了单一平台同时传送有线和无线业务的技术方案。

【Abstract】 Accompany with the quick development of full-services and Internet, optical access network plays an important role in next generation network and is considered to be a hotspot. All over the world focuses on the access network which can provide more subscribers, farther distance and larger bandwidth. "To replace copper wire with optical fiber" is the recent and urgent strategy for promoting performance of access network in China. Passive optical network (PON) is emerging as a promising broadband access technique that will break through the bottle of bandwidth and meet the ever-increasing bandwidth requirement. In this paper, we researched on PON system and hybrid access network for future optical access network. We proposed some innovative results as following:1. Based on the National Nature Science Fund Project "Key Technologies Research for Intelligentized Optical Access Network" (Project NO: 60672025), we proposed the scheme for dynamic bandwidth allocation and QoS performance improvement of multi-LLID EPON system in the first time.2. Extensive work has been done on developing the National Communication Standard "Test Method for Access Network Equipment-Passive Optical Network based on Ethernet (EPON)" (National Communication Standard NO: YD/T 1531-2006, published), National Communication Research Report "Performance Parameters and Test Method for FTTH" (Project No: 2006T27, finished) and National Communication Standard "Test Method for Access Network Equipment-Gigabit-Capable Passive Optical Network (GPON)" (Project No: 2007H32, submitted).3. Based on the National Nature Science Fund Project "The Theory & Key Technologies of Full Services Broadband Optical Access Network" (project No: 60132040), we realized full-services optical access network (OAN). The overall architecture of broadband OAN (WDM-PON) was developed and the testbed was described in the first time, which can deliver broadband integrated services (video, data and voice). The project was evaluated as "Excellent in China and high level all over the world".4. We proposed an OCDMA-WDM-PON scheme with huge-capacity and large-branches in order to solve the multiple access problems. The proposed architecture can avoid the limitation of available wavelength channels and available optical codes to capacity, achieve more codewords and more available subscribers. Moreover, we have also done some work on BER performance.5. We proposed the two-level spread spectrum sequences based on chaotic Logistic-map in OCDMA, which haven’t been reported yet. The correlation properties of the proposed sequences were discussed, along with simulation results. The BER performance of OCDMA system using these sequences was discussed and compared with the existing ones.6. In the third year of my PhD study, I was awarded a scholarship under the Ministry of Education of China to study at the University of Electro-Communications (UEC), Japan, as a jointly cultivated PhD candidate. Based on the Research Fund Project by Ministry of Education "Research on Access Networks with Integrated Wireless and Optical Technologies", we considered the hybrid access network system integrating Radio-On-Fiber (ROF) and WDM-PON to provide wired and wireless services in one platform simultaneously.


