

Study on Telecom Carrier’s Business Model of Mobile Internet

【作者】 李高广

【导师】 吕廷杰;

【作者基本信息】 北京邮电大学 , 管理科学与工程, 2009, 博士

【摘要】 随着信息通信技术的不断进步和电信运营商之间的竞争不断加剧,移动互联网业务已成为电信运营商获得竞争优势的关键,成功的商业模式将极大地促进移动互联网的发展,现有电信运营商的商业模式需要创新以适应移动互联网的发展。本文以商业模式理论、产业价值链理论、博弈论等为理论基础,结合电信运营业的特征和移动互联网的特点,从电信运营商的视角研究移动互联网的商业模式,探讨电信运营商如何发展移动互联网,试图在理论层面分析运营商与外部环境的协调和内部的管理等问题。本论文的主要内容包括:通过实证研究揭示电信运营商移动互联网商业模式的影响因素,构建出电信运营商移动互联网商业模式分析框架,提出电信运营商移动互联网商业模式由战略性商业模式(产业价值链定位、盈利模式设计)和运营性商业模式(业务模式、组织模式、渠道模式)两部分构成;在分析移动互联网产业价值链的基础上,以新古典经济学的成本——收益法为分析基础,从企业契约退出的角度,指出电信运营商在整个移动互联网产业链中处于核心位置,提出运营商要把自身角色定位为产业价值链协调者,并运用博弈论分别分析运营商与终端提供商和内容提供商如何实现协同,运用收入共享契约模型研究产业价值链的协调机制;在对盈利模式研究基础上,提出以传输为核心、以内容为核心和以服务质量为核心的运营商收入来源模式,并运用委托——代理理论构造收入分配模型研究运营商与合作伙伴的利益分配问题,提出移动互联网收入分配管理原则;在对业务、组织及渠道模式进行研究基础上,提出基础产品模式和配电盘模式是主要的移动互联网业务模式,提出电信运营商的组织模式创新应实施内部市场化,并对电信运营商的组织创新探索进行探索分析,运用博弈论构造模型对运营性商业模式中的水平渠道冲突和垂直渠道控制权进行深入的研究,并提出相应的对策。本文的创新点在于:通过实证研究揭示电信运营商移动互联网商业模式的影响因素,首次从运营商视角系统全面地提出移动互联网商业模式的分析框架;运用成本——收益分析法研究电信运营商在移动互联网产业价值链中的控制权,从而得到运营商是产业价值链核心的结论,成本——收益分析法这一分析方法在研究运营商在产业价值链中地位方面提供了一个新的研究角度和思路;首次将内部市场化理念引入电信运营商的组织模式创新中,并对运营商依据内部市场化理念所作的组织模式探索进行分析。

【Abstract】 With the increasing development of information communication technology and the greatly competition among the telecom carriers, mobile internet has become a key factor to telecom carriers to obtain competitive advantage. Successful business model will greatly facilitate the development of mobile internet. Telecom carriers need innovated business model to adapt to the development of mobile internet. This paper bases on the theories such as business model, industry value chain, game theory. It combines with the characteristics of telecom carriers and mobile internet to study the suitable way to operate mobile internet better from the angle of telecom carriers.The main contents of this paper include four parts.Part III: Through empirical research, this paper reveals some factors which influence the development of mobile internet to build analysis framework of business model. The strategic and operation business model should be included in the framework is proposed.Part III: Based on the cost-revenue of neo-classical economics, it proposes that telecom carriers are the core of industrial chain. Telecom carriers should be the coordinator in the whole industrial chain. How to cooperate telecom carriers with terminal providers and content providers is also mentioned in this paper.Part III: Telecom carriers’ revenue sources model should include the three following cores: the transmission, content and the service quality. The principles of the division of earning about mobile internet are also proposed in this paper.Part V: Firstly, this paper analyses service model, organization model and channel model. The models of basic product and switchboard are two main mobile internet business models. It points out that telecom carrier should implement the internal market on organization innovation. Finally, it uses game theory to structure model to study on the level channel conflict and the vertical channel conflict, in succession, the corresponding responses are given.Innovation of this paper includes three parts.Part I: Through empirical research, it reveals some factors which influence the development of mobile internet and builds analysis framework of business model firstly.Part II: Based on the cost-revenue of neo-classical economics, this paper points out that telecom carriers are the core in the whole industrial chain.Part III: The notion of internal market is applied to analysis organization innovation of telecom carriers.

  • 【分类号】F49;F626
  • 【被引频次】42
  • 【下载频次】6084
  • 攻读期成果

