

Study of Climate Classification Based on Passive Design Strategies

【作者】 夏伟

【导师】 栗德祥;

【作者基本信息】 清华大学 , 建筑学, 2009, 博士

【摘要】 在建筑设计时根据各地区不同的气候条件,采取相应的被动式设计策略,能够减少主动式系统的负荷,从而在相同舒适度的条件下节能。本文旨在建立一个为建筑师服务的直观、相对精确的设计图则,这个图则应能帮助建筑师判断在全国范围内,何种被动式策略是适用于何种区域的,以及这些措施在不同的区域的有效时间段。本文简要总结了各被动式设计策略的内容、设计方法和分析方法,并首次利用气候分析软件weather tool分析、统计了全国200个城市的气候分析结果,利用相关统计软件进行了验证、定性分析,形成了各气候区内不同被动式设计策略的有效性排序以及单项设计策略在不同气候区的适用程度排序。本文在此基础上首次利用地理信息系统GIS (ARCGIS9.2)软件的插值功能,在讨论并优选的基础上,用Kriging插值形成了被动式设计的潜力分布、被动式策略的综合有效性、被动式太阳能利用、直接蒸发冷却、间接蒸发冷却、建筑蓄热性能、建筑的蓄热性+夜间通风、自然通风的有效时间全国分布图。此外本文还利用各被动式设计策略在一年中12个月的有效时间值的标准方差和最大值结合的办法来判断各项策略的实际有效程度。最后,本文用实际案例说明了本文研究结果——被动式设计适用性判断的方法。并提出了被动式设计策略适用性分区的方法模型。

【Abstract】 To design a building according to the climate by applying different passive strategies can lead to energy saving, because passive design reduces the energy loads of the building.This dissertation studies systematically on climatic design and its classific mapping, in order to give architects of China a clear design guide of which passive strategy could have effects in different climate zones, and how well could these strategies work.This dissertation summarized different passive strategies,analysis methods,softwears, and for the first time, by using Weather too(lEcotect), analysised the climatic data of 200 cities in China.This dissertation inputs the data in GIS (ARCGIS9.2) and by using function interpolation (Kriging) after careful Comparison, outputs the classified maps below: Potential of passive strategies, Capacity of Combined passive strategies, Capacity of Passive Solar Heating, Capacity of Direct evaporative cooling, Capacity of Indirect evaporative cooling, Capacity of Thermalmass effects, Capacity of Thermalmass effects with night purge ventilation, Capacity of Natural Ventilation.After the classific mapping, this dissertation uses the Standard Deviation and maximum Value of the comgfort pencentege that different passive methods could reach within 12 months to define the real capacity of each passive methods.To provide convenience to use the results, this dissertation give a real example to illustrate how to use these maps. This dissertation also presents a model for passive design methods classific mapping.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 清华大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2010年 03期

