

Research on Optimization Methods of Reverse Logistics Value Chain

【作者】 郭滕达

【导师】 李向阳;

【作者基本信息】 哈尔滨工业大学 , 企业管理, 2008, 博士

【摘要】 将传统的企业战略分析引导到作业活动的基本层面,从上至下整合资源,从而产生协同共享效应,这是价值链理论最主要的功能之一。因此,有必要从战略分析开始,就把最底层面的作业活动架构在价值链框架中,做战略意义的考察和论证。只有将战略意识和作业细节联系起来构造的企业价值链,才能使供应链发挥其应有的效率。物流是企业经营过程中的一项基础活动,也可以看作是一项底层作业流程。在环境工程中,如何将逆向物流架构在企业价值链系统之内,以促进企业提高逆向物流的运作效率,降低逆向物流活动对环境的污染,增加资源再利用率,是企业日益关注的重要方法论问题。本文将以物流价值链的核心企业作为研究主体,从企业核心竞争优势视角出发,以逆向物流作业细节分析为基础,研究逆向物流价值链优化方法。本文主要内容包括:通过对逆向物流价值链内涵及其优化等相关理论研究现状的分析,指出了该领域值得深入探讨研究的方向,规划了本文研究的内容。阐述了物流价值链的理论渊源;界定了逆向物流价值链的概念;按照购买者驱动、生产者驱动和“生产者-购买者”双重驱动模式,划分逆向物流价值链,并分析了不同驱动模式下逆向物流价值链的竞争优势来源;描述了废旧产品回收和顾客退货物流价值链;探讨了逆向物流价值链中相关利益主体的作为;研究了逆向物流价值链优化的节点识别方法、优化动因、优化方法评价、优化策略及支撑体系,为其后的逆向物流价值链优化的方法论研究奠定了理论基础。研究了逆向物流价值链的结构优化方法。从不同驱动方式角度,将逆向物流价值链系统分为废旧产品回收物流和顾客退货物流两种物流网络结构,分别进行了研究。首先对逆向物流价值链的系统特性进行了分析;随后探讨了两种逆向物流网络结构的基本流程,分析了结构构成的主要因果关系;建立了具备“社会——经济——物流”三重特性的逆向物流价值链网络结构系统动力学流图,描述了流图中关键价值环节的影响因素,通过对关键价值环节和影响因素的仿真模拟,探索潜在流程和要素的挖掘和改进方式,进而优化企业逆向物流价值链。研究了逆向物流价值链的截取方法。首先阐述了逆向物流价值链截取的动因、形式及风险控制问题;随后定性分析了逆向物流价值链截取流程,并建立了逆向物流价值链截取的网络分析图,以量化决策流程,对不同驱动方式下的逆向物流价值链截取影响因素作了具体分析,以助于企业变革其物流价值链。随后,介绍了可以用于价值链截取仿真优化的Super Decisions软件的输入方式。最后,对逆向物流价值链截取过程中政府与价值链核心企业,价值链核心企业与第三方物流企业收益协调问题进行了研究。研究了逆向物流价值链的集成方法。主要的论述集中在路径、设施、信息和资源的集成。在对路径、设施集成的研究中首先针对废旧产品回收与退货物流混合发生的情况建立了不确定环境下逆向物流价值链中路径、设施集成的鲁棒优化收益模型,解决了逆向物流系统布局中的不确定性问题;随后将环境影响因素集成到路径、设施集成模型中,针对逆向物流活动中可能产生的环境二次污染情况,进行“成本-环境”多目标决策。同时,探讨了其它情况下的路径与设施集成布局方法。在信息集成方法的讨论中,研究了逆向物流价值链中的信息流程和信息集成实体,对逆向物流信息管理系统进行了功能设计。最后,利用资源经济学原理,分析了逆向物流资源的特征,并建立了一个集成企业内部资源和外部资源的概念模型。逆向物流价值链集成方法研究有助于指导企业整合自身的价值链系统,从而优化企业逆向物流价值链。以中国网通黑龙江通信公司的ADSL回收逆向物流作为案例分析,验证本文提出的理论和方法。介绍了黑龙江通信公司ADSL回收项目实施背景,对其逆向物流价值链和附加值分布曲线进行了描述;随后结合前述理论的研究将其物流价值链优化策略分为三种情形;最后具体探讨了每种优化策略下可以实际采用的优化方法。

【Abstract】 One of the most important functions of value chain theory is leading enterprises’field of vision from original strategic analysis to the basic layer of activities, and integrating resources from top to bottom so as to produce cooperation effect and share effect. Therefore, it is necessary to put basic layers’activities into value chain frame to be reviewed and demonstrated from the beginning of strategic analysis. Only value chain established by connecting strategic points and specific activities can make supply chain carry out its high efficiency. Logistics is the basic activity in operation courses, it also can be considered as an activity process in basic layers in enterprises. In environment project, how to embed reverse logistics into value chain systems so as to improve operation efficiency of reverse logistics and increase reusing rate of resources is a problem that obtains more and more attentions. Core enterprise in logistics value chain is taken as a research object; from the view point of core competence maintenance, basing on reverse logistics activities detailed analysis, a reverse logistics optimization theory structure is established and corresponding optimization method is studied. The main contents included in this paper are as follows.Through the analysis of present research on reverse logistics value chain concepet and optimization, a field direction worthy of deep research is introduced. The origin of logistics value chain theory is stated; the concept of reverse logistics value chain is put forward; according to purchaser drive mode, producer drive mode and“purchaser-producer”double drive mode, reverse logistics value chain is categorized; different competition advantages of different modes of reverse logistics value chain are analyzed; used productions recovery logistics and goods return from customers logistics value chain are described; correlative interest entities’actions are researched; optimization point recognition method, optimization driven, optimization strategy and optimization support system of reverse logistics value chain are studied so as to establish a foundation for subsequent research on reverse logistics value chain optimization methods.Frame optimization method of reverse logistics value chain is studied. According to different drive modes, used productions recovery logistics and goods return from customers logistics network are researched respectively. First, system characteristics of reverse logistics are analyzed; then, basic processes and main cause relationship of factors in two kinds of reverse logistics network are discussed; System Dynamic flow charts of reverse logistics value chain network which have the“social-economic-logistics”characters are established respectively, the influence factors in the charts are described. Through the simulation of key value points, the improvement method of processes and factors can be found, so as to optimize reverse logistics value chain.Extract method of reverse logistics value chain is studied. First, extract drive, extract form, and risk control problems of reverse logistics value chain are put forward; then, extract processes are analyzed qualitatively, network analysis chart is established, influence factors under diference drive modes are analyzed in detail so as to quantify decision-making process and help enterprises reform its value chain; in the same time, the input course of Super Decisions software used to simulate the decision-making process is introduced; finally, income harmonization problems between government and core company, core company and third-party logistics company are analyzed.Integration method of reverse logistics value chain is studied. Route and facility integration, information integration and resources integration are discussed. Robust Optimization method is used to establish a reverse logistics route and facility integration profit model under uncertain states aiming at the circumastance that used production recovery logisics and goods return logistics happen in the same time; environment influence factors are integrated to above model to carry out“cost-environment”multi-object decision-making; integration methods under other circumstances are also analyzed; then, information processes, information integration entities, and information management system function module are researched; finally, reverse logistics’resources characters are studied used resource economy theory, a conceptual model integrating interior and exterior resources is established. The research on integration method is helpful for integrating enterprises’value chain system, and can be used to optimize reverse logistics value chain.ADSL recovery logistics incident is taken as a case study to validate the theory and methods provided in this paper. First, Heilongjiang Communication Company ADSL recovery project background is introduced, its reverse logistics value chain and value-added distribution curve are described; then, 3 kinds of optimization strategies are discussed; finally, the specific optimization methods related to Heilongjiang Communication Company ADSL repair center actual situation are deeply researched.


