

Research on Mechanism of Roadway Surrounding Rock Insability and Rockburst

【作者】 秦昊

【导师】 茅献彪;

【作者基本信息】 中国矿业大学 , 固体力学, 2008, 博士

【摘要】 冲击矿压是煤矿开采等深部地下工程中的重大动力灾害之一,也是岩石力学界广泛关注的热点问题。随着煤矿开采不断向深部延伸,冲击矿压事故的频度及其危害性愈发严重,已成为我国矿山亟待解决的重大技术难题。本论文围绕煤矿巷道冲击矿压的发生机理及防治技术,综合应用物理模拟试验、理论分析和数值模拟等方法与手段对煤矿巷道围岩的失稳机制及冲击矿压发生机理进行了系统研究,取得了如下主要创新成果:(1)基于巷道围岩变形及破坏特征,建立了巷道煤帮层裂板结构的力学模型;应用弹性稳定理论、非线性突变理论等研究了煤帮层裂结构的稳定性特征及突变失稳机制,得到了煤壁层裂结构的形成及屈曲失稳的规律,给出了失稳最小临界载荷的估算公式及巷道埋深、岩性及巷道的几何尺寸对临界载荷的影响关系。(2)研究了动力扰动对巷道层裂结构稳定性影响,建立了巷帮层裂板结构稳定性分析的动力学控制方程,给出了层裂板结构的动力不稳定区域特征,得到了扰动频率、扰动载荷幅值等对动力不稳定区域的影响规律,揭示了巷道围岩冲击矿压的诱发机理。(3)应用数值模拟方法及相关软件FLAC3D,系统研究了巷道围岩的稳定性特征。给出了巷道围岩应力、变形、塑性破坏区域分布等随巷道埋深、围岩岩性、交岔巷道夹角、动力扰动等因素的变化规律。(4)基于数值分析结果,提出了巷道围岩能量积聚区的概念及确定方法。揭示了巷道围岩的能量积聚特征:能量积聚区的能量密度空间分布特征;平均能量分布密度、能量积聚区关于巷道边界的距离等量的变化规律。引入了平均能量密度因子k ,建立了冲击矿压危险性的平均能量密度因子判据。(5)自行设计研制了用于模拟煤壁层裂屈曲失稳试验的加载装置,配合美国MTS815.02电液伺服岩石力学试验系统,成功地测定了巷道煤壁层裂结构的形成及失稳破坏规律,初步揭示了巷帮岩体内裂隙发育、扩展、层裂板结构形成的力学机理。研究成果可为煤矿冲击矿压机理、预测预报方法及防治技术研究提供重要的理论依据。

【Abstract】 The rockburst is one of the great dynamic disasters in the coal mining as well as deep underground engineering and also is the hot issue with widely attention in rock mechanics field. The frequency and harmfulness of rockburst become more serious with the depth of mine expanding, which needed to be solved as an important technology problem for domestic mining. With comprehensive application of physics-based simulation as well as theoretical analysis and numerical simulation, the systematic research of the mechanism of coal roadways surrounding rock instability and rockburst has been performed which concerned with the mechanism of coal roadways rockburst as well as its prevention and treatment. The main innovation achievements are as follows:(1) The roadways coal wall crack-layer plate mechanical model have been established which based on the characters of roadways surrounding deformation and failure. The stability features and catastrophe instability mechanism of coal wall crack-layer plate have been studied with elastic stability and nonlinear catastrophe theories. The Formation of coal wall crack-layer plate and its buckling instability rules have gained as well as the maximum instability critical load estimating formula and its influence relation with the roadways depth as well as rock properties and the geometry size of roadway.(2) In the study on influence of dynamic disturbances for the crack-layer plate structure stability, the roadsides crack-layer plate structure stability dynamic controlling equation have been obtained as well as its dynamic instability zone features. It reveals the rockburst inducement mechanism in the roadways surrounding rock with the influence rules of disturbance frequency and loading amplitude for the dynamic instability zone.(3) The systematic research on roadway surrounding rock stability features have been established with numerical simulation methods and relative software FLAC3D, it reveals the rules of stress as well as deformation and the plastic zone distribution changed with the roadway depth, rock properties, cross roadways included angles and dynamic disturbance.(4) The roadway surrounding rock energy accumulation zone concept and its determination method have been put forwards based on the results of numerical analysis. It reveals the energy accumulation features, energy density spatial distribution in the energy accumulation zone and the change law of average energy density and the distance distribution between energy accumulation zones and roadsides. The average energy density factor criterion for the rockbusrt has been established with introduction of the average energy density factork .(5) The roadway coal wall crack-layer plate structure formulation and instability failure rules have been successfully obtained with self-designed loading instrument and American electro-hydraulic serve controlled rock mechanics testing system for the coal wall crack-layer plate structure instability experiment simulation. The experiment reveals the crack development, propagation and the formulation mechanical mechanism.The study findings would provide important theoretical foundation for the mechanism of rockbusrt, forecasting methods and the control technology research.


