

Research on the Key Technologies of WSN-based Underground Monitoring Network Platform in Coal Mine

【作者】 刘晓文

【导师】 于洪珍;

【作者基本信息】 中国矿业大学 , 电力电子与电力传动, 2009, 博士

【摘要】 对煤矿企业进行信息化、数字化改造,能有效提高煤矿企业安全生产率。在信息化建设过程中,底层监控网络如何构架以及如何实现统一的通信平台,成为煤矿信息化发展中急需解决的问题。本文对利用无线传感网络技术构建统一的煤矿井下底层监控通信平台进行了探索,并对其中的关键技术进行了研究。论文首先介绍了当前煤矿信息化建设现状,对统一通信平台在煤矿信息化建设中的地位进行说明;在分析了现有底层监控系统的不足的基础上,提出了基于无线传感网络技术的统一的煤矿综合网络监控系统通信平台的结构,并对其应用模式、特点、优点、工作场景以及平台上可能传输的数据进行了讨论。所提的通信平台框架有可能工作在以工作面为典型代表的有限异质可变空间的空间,同时该空间的无线传输特性还未有研究人员深入研究,因此,本文对采煤工作面无线传输特性进行了研究。论文在分析液压支柱对电磁波影响的基础上,建立异质可变空间无线电波传输定律,建立了通信模型,并对模型进行了仿真和分析。为后续研究与仿真奠定基础。根据所提出的通信平台框架中平台工作的场景分析,MAC协议应具有低能耗、简单性特点。本文提出煤矿井下MAC协议应能在随机竞争模式和RTS/CTS模式切换的协议思想。论文推导了作为切换门限的碰撞概率的计算公式,设计实现了自适应切换MAC算法并进行仿真,仿真结果证明算法可行。根据通信平台框架中平台工作的场景分析,井下无线传感器网络是一种带状分布、信息流量统计不均衡的网络,主信息流呈一头小一头大的棒椎式结构。因此以数据为中心的路由协议是满足煤矿井下路由协议基本要求。在对现有路由协议的表现进行仿真分析的基础上,本文提出了利用建立路由等级梯度方便路由建立与维护、根据角度限制移动Sink节点的思想,提出了基于路径梯度的定向扩散的改进型GEAR路由协议,从而使得该路由协议在井下工作时能进一步降低能耗。根据所提出的通信平台框架中平台所传输的数据分析,通信数据中可能会有视频声音等信号,可能产生拥塞现象。本文提出一种基于BP算法整定的PID控制算法,通过推导及仿真试验,所设计的算法在稳定性、鲁棒性和自适应性等性能,均优于PID以及单神经元自适应PID算法。最后,本文对所做的工作进行了总结,并对可能的研究方向进行了展望。

【Abstract】 It is helpful for the security productivity to establish the information and digital coal mine. In the process of coal mine information construction, it is required to establish a unified network platform as the information communication infrastructure. The thesis explored the uniform underground monitoring system based on Wireless Sensor Networks(WSN) .At first, the thesis introduced the status of coal mine information construction, analyzed the underground monitering system alive. Then it proposed the structure of the uniform communication platform, and talked the application models, featuers, good points, work scenes of the platform.Secondly, the thesis researched the characteristics of wireless transmission on work surface. From analzing the influence of hydraulic prop to the electromagnetic wave transmission, it introduced the camp theorem, constructed the wireless channel model, and did some analysises and simulation for the model.Thirdly, the thesis proposed MAC layer protocol which can switch between free competition model and RTS/CTS model combined with work models of wireless communication. It also derived the computing formula of loss rate as switch threshold, and designed the MAC algorithm.It concluded that data-centric routing protocol fits the coal mine through the analysis of uniform communication platform. The thesis proposed the improved GEAR routing protocol based on the directional spread of the path gradient.The communication platform may generate congestion for the multimedia signals. The thesis proposed to use PID control strategy based on BP in active queue management, and simulated the algorithm. It concluded that it is better than PID algorithm and adptive PID algorithm based on single neuron in stability, robustness and self-adaptivity.Finally, the thesis work was summarized, and some possible research directions in future were proposed.


