

Study on Combination Displacement Mechanism of Super Heavy Oil Reservoir

【作者】 郭龙

【导师】 姚军;

【作者基本信息】 中国石油大学 , 油气田开发工程, 2008, 博士

【摘要】 对于原油粘度大于100000mPa.s的特超稠油油藏,由于其粘度过高,国内外尚没有成熟的开采技术,其驱替方法的攻关实验及理论研究更是鲜有报道,然而随着国内石油能源形势的日益严峻以及特超稠油类型油藏的不断被发现,对这类油藏进行驱替机理研究,进而探索其合理的开采方法显得日益重要。本论文以稠油热采油藏工程理论为基础,通过建立相关的物理模型,采用室内实验的方法,特超稠油开采的相关驱替机理进行了研究。首先,针对特超稠油油藏特殊流体物性,进行了流变特性及热采驱替机理研究;第二,通过截取不同碳链,不同碳分子组合、不同官能团与其它添加剂复配形成复合油溶性降粘剂,并研究了这种降粘剂对特超稠油的降粘作用及机理,油溶性降粘剂分子借助强氢键能作用进入胶质和沥青质片状分子之间,拆散平面重叠堆积而成的分子聚集体,从而有效降低稠油体系的粘度;第三,研究了CO2对特超稠油开采的作用机理,研究表明CO2在特超稠油中不发生混相,其降粘机理主要是溶解降粘;第四,重点研究了油溶性复合降粘剂(Dissolver)、二氧化碳(Carbon dioxide)和蒸汽(Steam)三者结合,对特超稠油进行复合驱替的机理。油溶性复合降粘剂和CO2的先期注入,使降粘剂的溶解、稀释、分散作用与CO2的溶解、降粘、破乳作用相辅相成,大幅降低超稠油粘度,降低注汽启动压力2~3MPa,降低注汽过程中的注汽压力1.5MPa以上。采用油溶性复合降粘剂、二氧化碳和蒸汽对特超稠油进行复合驱替可提高驱替效率10%以上。研究成果在现场进行试验并成功取得突破,这种方法与水平井工艺相结合,创新形成了开采特超稠油的特有技术—HDCS强化采油技术,是一种采用油溶性复合降粘剂及CO2辅助水平井蒸汽吞吐的特超稠油开采技术;最后以室内实验成果为指导,建立数值模拟模型,对该技术相关的开发技术政策进行了优化。该技术在胜利油区矿场试验取得成功,已动用地质储量392万吨,建成产能10万吨。该成果的对胜利油区近7000万吨的特超稠油油藏陆续投入开发创造了条件

【Abstract】 In terms of extra-heavy crude with viscosity above 100000mPa.s, no mature producing technology has been developed home and abroad. As the foreground of petroleum industry becomes severe and more and more extra-heavy crude reservoirs have been discovered, study of displacement mechanism for such kind of reservoirs are in urgent need in order to find reasonable producing technology. In this paper, based on thermal production engineering theories of heavy crude, related physical model has been constructed and displacement mechanism for extra-heavy oil reservoirs has been researched after laboratory experiments. Firstly, rheological behavior and displacement mechanism for thermal production has been studied based on special petrophysical properties of extra-heavy crude; Secondly, oil-soluble complexing dissolver has been combined with hydrocarbon chains, which have certain number of C, functional groups and additives and its visbreaking mechanism has been addressed—penetrating between colloid molecules and bitumen molecules by strong hydrogen bond energy and breaking up the molecules aggregate; Thirdly, the action mechanism of CO2 on super heavy oil reservoir has been studied—reducing viscosity through solving due to no miscible phase will be formed; Forthly,combination displacement mechanism by oil-soluble complexing dissolver, Carbon dioxide and Steam has been studied stressly. The injection of oil-soluble complexing dissolver and Carbon dioxide can reduce viscosity greatly through solving, dilution and disgregation by oil-soluble complexing dissolver and solving, visbreaking and deemulsification by Carbon dioxide. The actuating pressure can be knocked down by 2~3MPa and the steam injecting pressure can be knocked down by more than 1.5MPa. The combination displacement by oil-soluble complexing dissolver, Carbon dioxide and Steam is 10 percent more than that of conventional steam displacement. Combined these research achievements above with horizontal well technology, New EOR technique of HDCS has been developed, simulated and optimized—a way of exploiting ultra-heavy oil in horizontal well by injecting oil-soluble dissolver, CO2 and steam. HDCS technique has been applied successfully in Shengli oilfield and OOIP of 3,920,000 ton has been put into production with deliverability of 100,000 ton by this technique. It also brings promising for extra-heavy crude reservoirs of 70,000,000 tons in Shengli.


